BabyMac is 10 years old


Rob’s Mum gave a beautiful speech recently at his 40th where she used the nursery rhyme Row your boat to describe his journey from her baby, to this now (fabulous & old ha) man. I loved the simplicity of it, rowing your boat gently down the stream…and that life is but a dream. I’ve been doing a lot of listening to more Play School nursery rhymes of late as my little friend is only happy on the car when they are playing. And I’ve been doing a lot of thinking to, about this little blog and the fact that tomorrow it will be 10 years old.

10! Older than any of my girls. Definitely another member of the family. This “thing” that has been a part of my daily life for such a long time now. I’m feeling a little emo about it all, so bear with me friends.

Blogging is most definitely a one woman sport. It can be exhausting, it can be overwhelming, it can be easy and fun, it can be lonely, much like a one woman task like rowing your boat. When I set my little boat out on the 29th July 2006 with this post (that incidentally Rob wrote and he set the blog up for me too), I never really knew where the boat was going, or where it was taking me to, or how long the trip would be. There was no Facebook, no smart phones or social media (Facebook came about in Australia not long after) and the few American blogs that I followed made sense that a blog would be the perfect way to keep in touch with friends and family about our pregnancy and our first baby.

Daisy was born, I was back at work, more babies were born and that little row boat started to pick up some speed. A few people (other than family members started to read) the Australian blog scene started to pick up and suddenly there were a few more of us out there, down the stream.

And then it got busier and nosier and the waters choppier. More risks, more complications, more things to think about, more opinions, more everything, blogging was here and happening and I was proud to be a part of a busy harbour while still being able to stay afloat (although at times my boat was well and truly leaky and I was OVER it).

It’s still loud and busy and noisy out there, more and more blogs popping up, faster boats, fancier versions with 5 ways to do this and that, slick productions with all the bells and whistles. There’s agencies and professionalism and a whole lot of STUFF to think about, to stand out, to be relevant.

Mostly for me, I’ve kept my head down and rowed. Gently down that stream. Man what a ride it’s been.

There’s so much this blog has given me.

People. So many wonderful people that I have been able to meet and speak to and connect with. It’s been the most extraordinary and privileged gift for me to have people open their hearts and share their stories with me. I’ve made lifelong friends. The connection to PEOPLE is the number one thing that blogging has given me.

It’s made me a better version of me. It’s true! It’s been therapy for me. The writing and sharing of “stuff” has made me a reflective and more understanding of what makes me tick. The way I react to situations, or people. It makes me stop and think about things I do, and reflect and move forward in positive ways.

It’s made me be a better Mum. I think I’d be a shit Mum if I wasn’t able to share with other people. If we were to meet at the park, or in the playground I would be the one that overshares and complains loudest about lack of sleep or sex or something. It’s just who I am. Mothering for me is hard at times, I’m not patient, I overreact, I think the worst…without sharing this stuff and realising that I’m not the only crazy one out there that thinks or does these things, well I’d be lost.

It’s made me appreciate the small things in life. The act of taking a photo, or writing a simple story, or whacking a photos up on Insta makes me stop. It makes me look around. And it makes me appreciate everything I have. And I know I have a lot.

It’s changed my life. In so many ways. It made me think I could change our whole lives and live in a tiny town in the country. It’s made me have another baby when I thought I couldn’t do it. It’s made me realise, you’ve made me realise that I can do those things. We all can do those things.

It’s taken me to places I never thought I would go. To New York with my friends for the most amazing couple of weeks. To be able to make a living from the blog has meant I can help save money and go to places like Croatia, or Italy. To be able to share those experiences with you guys, to see you guys going on adventures too? Man, it’s the actual best. To be able to help a Mum in the middle of the night escape to a warm summery night in Rome while she’s breastfeeding in the middle of winter back here, or to make someone book a trip when they got to work because WHY not? Or just to help someone’s commute to or from work a little more exciting, that’s pretty cool.

I wouldn’t have been able to do any of this though without the unwavering support from Rob aka the world’s most patient man. He’s let me talk about our sex life, share our lives and stories, let me take photos of our meals before eating them, let me blog while we are on holidays, taken videos of me pretending to be on Masterchef, share the private stories of our births. He just gets it. And he’ll never probably know just how important his views and opinions on stuff to do with my blog are. He minds the girls while I have nights away, holidays away. Thank you Rob, so much.

And thanks to you guys. For reading and for following along, whether it’s been for a week, a few years or the whole 10 years. Some of you crazy people have gone back and read the whole bloody thing!

2,612 posts
6,573,988 page views

So much stuff. Thank you for listening. Thank you for supporting me. Cheering me on. Laughing at me, with me. For challenging me. For just getting me and all my strange ways. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

So that’s it from me, still going, still rowing my little blog down that stream. I don’t know where I’m going, or when I’ll get there, or if I’ll ever get there. There will be choppy waters ahead, calm ones in between. I’ll be stopping and reflecting, stopping to look at something simple, thinking, over thinking and always over sharing. Thank you for letting me stop and see just how far I’ve come, it’s a really nice view from here.

But I won’t sit for long, head down, on I go…

Illustration by Aurelien Debat


  1. One of the first blogs I read & still one of my favourites. Thank YOU Beth. It’s a delight to be part of your world cx

  2. Thank you Beth for sharing with us. For letting us know someone else has the same problems day to day while most people go about their business pretending they have got it all together. Your blog has changed my life. It’s made it a little bit lighter and made me believe we can move to a small town and start again and make our lives better! Go you good thing! Celebrate! Thank you x

  3. Congratulations Beth on such a milestone. I have enjoyed reading your blog and stalking your Instagram for near on four years now, and find you so inspirational. Have a fabulous time at your luncheon xx

  4. Victoria says

    Absolutely love your blog. That’s all!
    Congratulations on 10 years.

  5. Oh Beth.

    I’m on the verge of tears. Happy, squished me in the heart tears. They’re falling now.

    Blogging is such an awesome vessel isn’t it?

    The row boat is a perfect metaphor. It’s simple, it takes strength and dedication and human power and some of the time, you can’t even see where your boat is going. You just keep rowing.

    I love your boat, I see it filled with Mrs Munro’s baskets brimming over with your daily life, photos and treasures and recipes, and jars of lemon curd, and prize ribbons from the local show.

    Most of all, there is the heartbeat of BabyMac, your simple, deep gratitude for the life you’ve been brave enough to forge. You and Rob made this, together. Just like you made Harps, and Daisy and Maggie, and brought Frank in too … I just get so much JOY from your boat rowing.

    Row, row, row your boat Beth.

    Congratulations lady.

  6. Thank you for fitting us all in your row boat Beth. It’s quite a thing you have done. I have loved reading along for the last six years-may there be many more. Row on lady. X

  7. I love jumping on your row boat and going for a ride with you Beth! It’s always a fabulous time!!

  8. Jill Unsworth says

    What an amazing achievement! I know I’ll be travelling with you for as long as you keep rowing. Congratulations !

  9. Happy 10th Birthday dear Beth..& Rob!! Now I know why the blog is called Baby-Mac. Your story is all it is and why I love reading and ‘being’ part of your community. I’ve loved meeting you and I am always encouraged by your sweet thoughtfulness.
    Have a wonderful celebration this weekend my love! Big smooshes!
    Denyse xx

  10. Yours was the first ever blog I found & even though I didn’t have kids or anything (I was only 18, on summer holidays waiting to start my first real world job and stumbled across it on google!) I felt like I could relate to you, felt like I could have several drinks with you and get loud and sweary & laugh with you! 10 years on and I’m still no where near having kids (yet) but I love what you write, how you write it and the fact you just keep it real. Life is shit sometimes & you aren’t afraid to say it, but you also point out the good & great. Thank you for sharing everything you do Beth, I hope when it comes time for me to pop kids out I can roll it like you do. Here’s to another 10 years xo

  11. Amanda G. says

    Your boat has been one of my best friends for a number of years now, without it in my daily life, I cannot imagine.
    Thank you for 10 years of you. your first baby. I can honestly, hand on my heart say, I have laughed, cried, questioned and marvelled at all of it.
    Congratulations! What a feat of commitment! What a milestone! I will continue to be a passenger in your boat for as long as you row.

  12. Congrats and well done on 10 years of blogging. Ive tried expanding my horizons on my blog reads but as you say theres too much noise. So I stick with you , Nikki and Mrs Woog. Ive just had an awesome holiday in Europe with the family , largely based on your blog. How awesome is Lucca and seeing more of Croatia is on my future list too. Sometimes I do think bloody hell Beth those girls are of yours are angels, wait til they are teen girls ( like mine) and wine and reading blogs are your only relief.
    Anyhoo have a fantastic lunch!

  13. Congratulations on 10 years. Seeing your story on The Project saw me set my row boat out on my adventure. Thanks!

  14. And I’m so happy you did, you do and you will continue to do what you do. I am one of the crazies who found you about 5 years ago and went back and read from the beginning. Yours is the only blog post I AWLAYS read no matter how over flowing my inbox is. It’s like a chat with a friend and I love it. Thank you for being our Baby Mac. Happy happy anniversary.

  15. Congratulations on 10 years! I didn’t even know blogs were a thing until a close friend of mine took a redundancy a few years ago and started her own blog. Your blog was one she had listed as one of her favourites.
    Have a great celebration on the weekend! I wanna be there 🙁
    Mrs D x

  16. 10 years these days is like a lifetime!
    I’ve thoroughly enjoyed rowing that stream with you Beth.
    Thanks for your insight to life and beyond.
    Enjoy your 10 year soirée……..well deserved, cheers!!

  17. Debs Sutton says

    This post made me all teary! Seeing your post pop up on my laptop always thrills me. I have laughed out loud, cried,raged,cheered you & your family on from the sidelines, held my breath whilst waiting for, what was to be Maggie and travelled around the world with you within the comfort of my own home!!! I salute you Beth rowing your boat, may you always find a safe harbour. Happy birthday my lovely.xxxxx

  18. Thanks Beth for being part of my every day and bringing me daily joy. Congratulations on sticking with it for 10 years. An amazing achievement

  19. Happy 10 years to you my beautiful friend. Thank the Intenet gods – and Rob – for you starting to write your blog. I jumped on board about 7 years ago and immediately felt connected to you and your story. That’s you gift – you embrace others with your words and photos. I feel incredibly privileged that this blogging caper has brought us and our families together. Can’t wait to celebrate with you tomorrow. ❤️

  20. Lisa Aherne says

    Congratulations! I love your blog, all of it, down times and happy times, the girls, Rob, the recipes, successes and not so successful ventures. Keep it going. I would badly miss having you in my day. ??✔️✔️

  21. Congratulations for making 10 years! Quite an achievement. Well done and thank you. I love the way you write and what you write about. You help me in ways you never even know. Keep up what you do and I will be here tagging along on your journey. x

  22. Jan Fawke says

    It’s crazy, but I feel I know you.. thanks for sharing!

  23. Congratulations on 10 years Beth! I can’t remember how I stumbled upon BabyMac but I remember EXACTLY what post it was. It involved a photo of a deliriously happy Rob holding your new born daughter, with you in the background being stitched up by the Dr. I literally could not stop laughing. The honesty. Always the honesty. You may feel grateful that we read your blog but I think we should be grateful that blogging brought BabyMac into our lives. xx

  24. Jenny Waterhouse says

    Thank you Beth! From one who never comments but is always here reading. J

  25. Congratulations Beth! Your blog is part of my day and I cannot thank you enough. Even your recipes are part of our family menu! Your photo’s are truly spectacular. You are one very talented lady. ( That Masterchef video is hilarious). I do hope you have a fantastic lunch tomorrow, and please keep rowing that boat for many years to come. Happy Birthday BabyMac!

  26. What an achievement. 10 years is huge, Beth. Congratulations on creating something so interactive, engaging and relevant. You need to CELEBRATE!!! Well done x

  27. Catherine J Archer says

    Well done Beth!

  28. Congratulations Beth. What a milestone! I stumbled upon your blog only about three years ago. In that time I don’t think I’ve missed a post. I just love it. Can’t tell you why. It’s just a part of my day to check in with you and a couple of others I like to read for a giggle, to shed a tear or be inspired. How can I put it….it just makes me feel good. That simple! Enjoy your celebrations. I look forward to reading all about it. 🙂 xx

  29. Wow, congrats on 10 yrs, what a special milestone!!
    I’ve only just started a book blog and am thrilled with my progress so far. You’re an inspiration!!

  30. Happy Anniversary Beth!

    I discovered your blog last year when we decided to move from Sydney to the Sothern Highlands. Your blog has been like friend during this transition period with lots of great tips and info about our lovely local surroundings. But also just a great read that I always enjoy and makes me laugh out loud! Please never stop over sharing 🙂

  31. POP! Pass the bubbles my clever, funny, funky sister. And here’s to ten more xxx

  32. A decade of awesomeness, you really are one of the pioneers of personal blogging in Australia. Happy anniversary, here’s to 10 more years of honesty, laughs and freaking great writing! Enjoy your day tomorrow 🙂 xx

  33. Heidi Walker says

    Well done Beth! So many times I read your blog and thing ‘me too’ or ‘same same’. Your blog is a little ray of sunshine in my day and I can think of all the difficult times of life when I read it and it perked me up including when I was breastfeeding all night, sitting in hospital with my husband, tired and cranky from witching hour and of course PMS, PMT, PMeverything, ha ha. You do such a great job, I think your readers can really relate to you, your humour, your life and your honesty. Keep up the great work!!!!! I’ll have a champagne for you tonight, woot woot. x

  34. Congratulations and have a wonderful party tomorrow. Have been with you almost from the very beginning. This blog is so popular because of what you put into it. Thank you.

  35. Congratulations on 10yrs Beth! That is a super achievement! I do love reading your blogs every day. I am glad there are things in your life that you find to write about.

  36. Congratulations on 10 years Beth. A massive achievement. Your blog has evolved over time and has shown the ups and downs of life through your unwavering commitment to keeping it real. Cheers, to more and more years to come.

  37. Still one of my favourite blogs of all time. It’s been such an honour to follow along (god knows you’ve kept me sane in moments along my parenting journey!).

    I love all that you do. Keep doing your thing lady. You’ve a bloody legend. xxxx

  38. Congratulations! I used to love reading lots of blogs when I was home with my babies, but life is so busy now that yours is the only one I still check in on. Every day. Well done ?

  39. Congratulations, I am one of those who rarely comment, but your blog is my first thing in the morning read and it never fails to make me smile or cry! Love it, keep up the good work. Thank you xx

  40. I am really looking forward to tomorrow Beth! 4.5 hr drive for me! My niece from Sydney is joining me. I’ll be up and hitting the road when the sparrows are farting (lovely Australianism there).
    I guess attending the luncheon is my way of thanking you, for the sharing, laughs, recipes, ideas and I don’t know, its just the happiness that exudes from your blog.
    I am lucky in many ways too, but I also have lots of challenges in life, and I can honestly say that your blog helps me get through them. I love your posts, I love your readers comments. Yours is the blog I check daily.
    So congrats, and I hope the luncheon is a great event for you xx

  41. Oh Beth, I’ve been reading your blog for years now – I just don’t know how many – maybe 5 or 6, but I think I’ve only commented once or twice as I’m very lazy! I love love love your blog! I love how real & honest you are & I love all your beautiful flowers & home decor & your garden! I’ve also loved watching you go through motherhood for the third time. I’ve got 3 boys – 13,10 & almost 9 & I relate to so much. I’m also the oldest of 4 kids & I have a brother 2 years younger than me, another brother 8 years younger than me & my sister is 10 years younger. Watching Daisy & Harper with Maggie brings back so many memories for me of when my youngest brother & sister were born. We also cook heaps of your recipes! Anyway, just wanted to say congratulations on 10 years of blogging & thank you for everything you’ve shared with all of us over the years. Keep on writing & hope you have a lovely time tomorrow xx

  42. Beautiful words. Congratulations, Beth! I am new to your blog – just over a year – but your words have helped me stay sane during a very choppy infertility boat ride and I can’t thank you enough! Sending you the very best wishes for a wonderful 10-year celebration and more very best wishes for the blogging years to come.

  43. Congratulations on 10.

    I have always loved seeing your garden posts so please remember that in the future.

    Thank you!

  44. Happy 10th Blog-Birthday Beth! Yours was the first I read about 3 years ago and the only one I still read regularly in a busy life with three little ones. Thanks for sharing (or as you say, over sharing!) your life with us strangers/reader/friends. What a wonderful achievement.

  45. A Year In My Garden says

    Congratulations Beth! A true achievement. ???

  46. Beth!
    This post has me feeling all the feelings! you should feel so proud of what you have achieved but I think you might need a bigger boat though with all the followers you have wishing you well and coming along for the ride! congrats and here’s to many more — ps… hope you feel better soon! x

  47. Yep Beth, I was one of the crazy ones that went RIGHT BACK to the beginning and read your blog, a few years ago now. Thank you for sharing, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the ride. Here’s to another 10 years in the row boat xx

  48. Fantastic analogy, Beth… blogging and life… just keep rowing… it’s a big achievement to have blogged for so long, to have build this supportive community. Hooray for you and all the readers too!

  49. Have been reading your blog almost every day for five years! You’ve got such a distinctive voice and somehow just seem to “get”- even in the smallest ways – what other women find interesting. Here’s to another ten years! Am excited to see where you go on your boat 🙂

  50. I hope you keep rowing forever, Beth. One of the first blogs I ever read and one of the first bloggers I ever connected with. It’s been a lovely, lovely day out on the water so far. Well done to you. x

  51. Happy blog birthday!
    Love your photos and your words!

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