They’re back Brenda

I don’t know if you guys are aware (most likely you are because you have lives and are across all kinds of matters other than nappies and tantrums etc). But Brenda will be thrilled because….they are back.


Chokers. 90’s chokers are a thing again.

I know.


Those Kardashians have been sporting them for some time now, but they are reaching further still.

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I’m not entirely sure I am ready to go back to ye olde choker. I mean, weren’t we just there?


Whilst they aren’t quite the stretchy ones that we used to wear around our necks (kind of looked like tattoos almost) I still think I will give them a miss. There is a whole throw back to 90’s grunge fashion, which is just as well because I usually miss all of the new things that happen in our little village but it did get me thinking about some of the 90’s fashion trends I was partial too.

Exhibit A


A PUFFY PIRATE SHIRT, TARTAN SKIRT and WHITE STOCKINGS sported at my cousin’s wedding in 1992. Man I thought I looked that good. Let’s hope  was pulling my tights up rather than having a scratch which all looks a little unfortunate really.

Exhibit B


I was channeling Julia Roberts in the final scene of Pretty Woman here with my high waisted 501’s (belted of course” simple white t shirt and blazer with beads at my cousin’s 21st. I never did have long hair…even back then.

There were sunflowers on pretty much everything I could get (hats etc), overalls, velvet anything (preferably crushed), Grandpa neck collar lines, a little cheese cloth perhaps? I wonder do we really need to go back there?

Are you going to re-embrace the choker?
What would you not like to see come back from the 90’s?
Partial to a pirate shirt back then too?


  1. Too funny Beth! I LOVE that blouse. it would totally not look out of place today! Body suits were all the rage for me and my sisters growing up. You know the long sleeve, done up at the crotch varietal? Much like a baby onesie? Baggy bootleg jeans (Origins, preferably) and I could never afford but always wanted Barker’s trackies (though this might have just been a NZ thing.) & of course the Adidas blue and white striped slipper things (forgotten the name?) I have to say, I am very partial to 90’s fashion and have always loved crochet anything!

  2. Good grief no. Mostly because anything near my neck makes me feel like I’m being throttled. But also because I’m not prepared to go back there. I remember sporting a pair of cut off green jeans, belted, over blue tights, with blundstones to uni. Not sure what was on the top half, but I think I’ve already said enough.

  3. Rowena/VintageNobility says

    Bella bought a 3 pack of those tattoo chocked things (like I wore in the 90’s!) from the reject shop awhile ago – I’ve resisted vacuuming them up; they continue to exist in the bathroom drawer; but now that Rubes is crawling and pulling herself up into standing position to fiddle with anything she can reach for and stuff in her mouth – I think next time I do spy them lying underneath the bathroom cabinet…I will feed my currently overstuffed Dyson!
    Unless it’s a ‘timeless’ piece purchased in the 90’s then I think the 90’s look really should stay back there in the 90’s! We have evolved Beth!
    Mind you Miss Bella was sitting up front in the car the other day, singing along to a new version of Salt n Peppers “Let’s Talk about Sex baybeeee” – I then explained after we sang along; with a bit of mum steeringwheel dance moves – that the original (better) version was released when I was around her age! Everything comes round maybe search out a pirate shirt! 😉
    xxx Row

    • mrshanksy says

      Haha – I was just having this convo with a guy at work – how the kids think this is a totally new song and were surprised/shocked that I knew the words and was dancing along! Loved myself sick the 1st time and maybe even a bit more this time – who doesn’t love a bit of Mum dancing in the car??

    • And fast car…what they can’t even write new songs anymore?!

  4. Oh the sunflowers! And a few celestial moons in the mix! Don’t think I’m ready for a 90’s rerun yet!

    • A celestial moon! Yes! I do believe my brother wore a celestial moon patterned waistcoat to his formal – had forgotten about that!

  5. I love a choker! and to be honest have never really given them up.
    I walked into General Pants late last year & had to take a photo to send to my mates as it was like a time warp! designer flanno shirts, chokers, doc martens as far as the eye could see… now if we could encourage the shaving of beards in favour of boys with long hair this oldie will really be re-living her youth!

  6. I have been out and about shopping with my 16 year old looking for a formal dress and accessories and you are correct…. The choker is back and back in a big way! My daughter turned her nose up at the idea but many of her friends will be wearing them to said formal!

  7. I used to LOVE my black velvet choker with a fake jewel in the middle, I must try and find some photographic evidence!

  8. Too funny Beth…oh how I loved Brenda back in the day x

  9. I never owned a pair – but remember tencel jeans?

    One of my crimes was a patchwork shirt. And I still own for nostalgia and because the whole outfit was so expensive – a brown crushed velvet empire dress with coordinating embroider red and gold waistcoat, knee high lace up brown leather boots, and a rouched style brown velvet hat. (I wore a lot of hats in the 90’s – particularly partial to my black felt beret) I wore the complete outfit once to my nephews christening – he’s now in his own early 20’s fashion forward world.

    Thanks for the fashion memories.

  10. Tencel jeans!
    Mad Love with Drew Barrymore was on Foxtel the other night and when I first watched that I crushed on her dress that looks like a nighty with its chiffony overlay and chunky docs. Now I just think girlfriend needed a better bra…

  11. Shazziebazzie says

    Sitting at school gate pissing myself laughing at this post. I say no to chokers!

  12. I think we must have been sharing the same wardrobe Beth. My other favourites outfit was a pair of floppy purple shorts over tights topped off with a black polo skivvy and brown doc marten suede shoes. I think I just worked out why I didn’t have a boyfriend during that time.

  13. Katie Elliott says

    Please dear lord no! I am having so many fashion flashbacks!! I lived in cut off army pants over black/purple tights with a Nirvana/ Soundgarden/ Pearl Jam tshirt overlayed with a flannie and Doc Martens or converse hi tops. Crushed velvet chokers were so awesome but please no. Just no. It is bad enough having lived through fluro appreciation twice. Ugh.

  14. I remember my mum saying this to me when I was a kid, that all fashion comes back and I was like “Whatever mum”.

    So far I have seen the 80’s and 90’s come back. By the time I am 50 the ’00s will be back. God isn’t that depressing!

  15. I’m stuck at home recovering from knee surgery – week 6 now and have to say your blog brightens my day!
    I did a double take at the tartan skirt as I had the exact same outfit except skirt was blue. We also lived for our 501s! ps I think you looked like Drew B too!
    Jury is out on the choker…loved them but think now it might get on my last nerve.
    Also love that people loved Brenda! Loved her.
    Ps making graby tonight for roast chicken…cannot wait xoxoxo

  16. I am a 90’s girl, everything about it makes me happy but I will not be donning a chocker ( not sure I did back then either). Early 90’s I was all about Stussy pants, bodysuits & sheet blouses. From about 94 onwards I was a grunge/alternative/hippy chick- long floral dresses with boots, cargo shorts & singlets ( from supre of course) & of course anything secondhand that looked like my grandmother might wear. Everything was worn with doc martens or platform sneakers complete with bindi on my forehead & hair crystals. JESUS CHRIST!!! I’d l

  17. My sister wore a choker to her year 10 formal and I was soooo jealous. It was green velvet. To match said dress.

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