Miscellaneous 83

You guys, Mothers Day is fast approaching. And I have the perfect pressie for you (to give or receive).

You may have heard of Two Good Co a non-profit charity and social enterprise company who make good food and do good things. They make salads (made by some pretty great chefs) and for each one that they sell to you, they donate one to someone in need (domestic violence shelters, people sleeping rough). And for Mothers Day they have an amazing initiative.

You can buy a pack to be sent to a Women’s shelter, or get one for you and one for them. Here’s a little about it: “Over the last year we have delivered over 6000 meals to domestic violence shelters and soup kitchens.

We’re now up for something bigger.  Earlier this year we met Lisa McAdams.

Lisa told us this

“The day I arrived at the refuge I was handed some basics, shampoo, conditioner, soap. I was grateful to receive them as I had arrived without my own toiletries. The thing that touched my heart about it was they were wrapped in cellophane with a pretty purple bow. This small act of kindness was so pivotal in my healing.”

Inspired by Lisa Story we are doing this.

All we are asking you to do is buy a care pack for yourself or your mum.

And together with Domestic Violence NSW we will deliver the same pack to a woman in a shelter this mothers day.

Each care pack contains.

1 x 250ml Shampoo with Black Pepper, Chamomile and Sage.
1 x 250ml Conditioner with Lavender, Chamomile and Sage.
1 x 250ml Body and Face Moisturiser with Bergamot and Vetiver.
1 x 250ml Hand and Body Cleanser with Orange Peel, Cedarwood and Sage.

All products are free of Paraben. Only natural essential oils used.”

You can go online and buy one now…such a great initiative…the perfect pressie I reckon! And a wonderful thing for women to receive when they often arrive at shelters with nothing.


Speaking of great pressies, did you guys see what I was lucky enough to be sent this week from Rhi at Tailor Bird Designs? It’s a wedding anniversary tree! With 11 leaves for our 11 years married as well as our 3 little birds and a pack filled with leaves for the years to come. So beautiful! Just had to share it as I think it’s an amazing wedding present for someone…handmade and thoughtful. Check out her Etsy store here.


You might remember she did some amazing pictures from the girls a few years back too? The accountants series? They have pride of place on our walls here! People are so clever.

Speaking of clever, did you see my friends Mr & Mrs Munro in this month’s Handmade Issue of Country Style? Look! I’m so proud of them and all they have achieved over the past few years. Not only are they great friends of ours I am inspired by their creativity and can’t wait to see their new adventure at their new farm unfold. I see many a time spent around a bonfire in their paddock.


Tell you what else is a bit pretty at the moment…the bunches of hydrangeas I nicked from my mate’s garden earlier in the week. Between those and the fresh bunches I had dotted around from the weekend…there’s colour and prettiness everywhere!

IMG_6703 IMG_6706 IMG_6701

The height of this lamp had been bugging me for a while as it was so low…added some Penguin classics underneath and voila! Higher lamp that is now highly vignette-able. Tick! Clearly it doesn’t take much to make me happy!


These new shoes that arrived in my house this week from Witchery are also certainly helping. Leopard print. Sneaker. I am happy as a pig in mud. Not gifted. Or sponsored. Just fab. You too can add to cart right here #enabler


Oh and back to magazines that are sitting next to my couch at the moment…hello GIN & TONIC TART. Are you even allowed to do that Delicious? Apparently so!


Now I have been working on a little idea…that’s been bubbling away in the back of my mind and that I decided yesterday is just going to have to be a thing. Because: it just has to. At the end of July it’s been 10 YEARS since I started this blog. TEN! I was talking to my agent Lorraine about it and was all yeah it’s coming up, whatevs and she was all like “It’s a big deal Beth, make a deal about it” and I thought why not! It is a big deal. So I’m working on a little something. Like this…


A local lunch down here, one long lunch, one long table filled with a few of you guys (whoever it is who wants to come). Make a weekend of it with some girlfriends, book a cottage in the village and spend an afternoon in my hood eating and drinking….with me! At this stage it will likely be the last weekend in July but I’ll confirm as soon as I work it all out.

Who’s in? I’d love to see you there! Watch this space…

And lastly, the “pink cream” arrived from a chemist in Tamworth that someone suggested I get on board with. Can report that it is indeed, excellent. Whilst the nappy rash dramas have died down she has been getting a pretty rotten teething rash too (isn’t growing a business?!) and it’s been great. Will let you know how it goes with the best flare up, because we know there will be another. And then something else.


Isn’t it a great Mothers Day initiative? Let’s help them reach their goal and get as many of these packs sent out as we can.
Anyone keen on celebrating my 10 year bloggiversary with a prosecco in a garden down here?
What magazines are on your reading pile?


  1. How exciting!
    I’ll bring the prosecco Beth!

    A xx

  2. How did the cream go on your finger? I have the same problem and haven’t been able to wear my weeding rings for weeks.

  3. That sounds wonderful Beth!
    I wonder if I can get away from the house build and kids and make it over from Tassie?!!! Couple of set backs lately. Need something to look forward to.
    Ps: my current house is scattered with my Aura purchases and cushions – many thanks again for the voucher 🙂

  4. Debs Sutton says

    Bugger it Beth, if it was later in the year I’d fly to you but not in Oz until later???!!! But I’ll raise a glass or three whenever it is from here in the UK and celebrate with you all. Xx

  5. Don’t tell my kids, but I reckon those accountants are my favourite kids drawings EVER!! Thanks so much for the shout out Beth, and really hope your anniversary tree grows big and beautifully. I’m sure it will.
    Wish I could join you in July but alas we’re in Belgium til November (then we’re moving home!! Hooray!) X Rhi

  6. Great idea!

  7. Jan Fawke says

    I’d love to do that!! I visit Burrawang often and have taken to looking out for you….(hope that’s not too creepy)

  8. I want in on that lunch and the crisp air of the Southern Highlands!

  9. Debbie Pearce says

    As a local Highlander I definitely want to be part of it – and it’s the perfect excuse to host a girls weekend.

  10. What a great idea!!!

  11. Lorraine Murphy says

    You’re doing it – YAY!!!

  12. How oh HOW can I make the Long Lunch with Beth happen! That would be fabulously fun!

  13. Long lunch – on the calender!

  14. Yes – I would love to take part in the long lunch to celebrate your 10 years of blogging – that is BIG! Although I would have to skip the glass of bubbles, I am sure that I could wrangle a kid free day to come down and enjoy all that the Southern Highlands has to offer {before number three keeps me at home forever 😉 }.

  15. Oh a long lunch sounds fantastic!! Maybe a weekend away is in order! How many high chairs can you fit at one table haha

  16. Katie Elliott says

    I think it is going to have to be a bloody big table Beth!! I want in! Aaaannnd I think about 200 others will too. Congrats!

  17. Sam Leader says

    I would love to come to lunch, please!

  18. love miscellaneous all good ideas thanks beth!
    your flowers are gorgeous!
    hope that cream worked wonders for you!
    omg i’m drooling at the squid over on insta!
    it’s my favourite food!
    hope you enjoyed it! love m:)X

  19. Oh would so love to come, bit of a long way to come from UK! If it had been October I could have done it as we are coming to Australia then, can’t wait. x

  20. Yes – of course you should definitely celebrate 10 years of blogging with a long lunch, yes indeed!!!! I even just looked up at my planner to see if there was anyway I could stalk my way down there… OMG it would be SO.MUCH.FUN!!!!!!!!!! Best start walking now.

  21. So many great things in the post – thank you.
    A huge Congratulations to on your upcoming MASSIVE achievement of 10, TEN! years. It is a BIG BIG deal – enjoy the celebration! In true Beth / Baby a Mac style it will be fabulous!

  22. Long lunch, you, bubbles, Bowral, I’m in!

  23. I think you’re going to have to hire out the whole pub. I am so in.

  24. Prosecco with Beth down the highway in July? Count me in!

  25. Oh a long lunch sounds fab!
    Long is my favourite way to lunch!
    But I will be in NYC in July and August…hopefully having long lunches in the city!

    Congrats on (almost) ten years of blogging!
    That definitely is a BIG deal!

  26. Jill Unsworth says

    Oh please pick me! I’ll bring a bottle of bubbles ? 10 years? Wow!
    Of course you should celebrate, you’ve made gorgeous human beings in that time! Also, any excuse for the possibility to have a little squeeze of the gorgeous Maggie ☺️

  27. It’s been a while since I’ve visited your blog (or any blog). I return today to read about the pink cream! Of all things (oh, and a lovely lunch). It is amazing stuff. Good ole Mr Bourke.

  28. Thanks for letting me know about the two good care packs! Just sent it to the captain with a Mother’s Day request. I have all that I want and ever need, so why not pay that forward in a small way – show someone else a little love and care?

  29. I’m in!

  30. Melissa Ramsden (Liss) says

    Ohhhh I would so love to come to this!!! You’ve been my favourite blog for years. Let me know when to book my prosseco and Sunday roast flights up from melbs 😉

  31. Lisa Mckenzie says

    Love this post Beth I will get on that care package giftbasaf I will give it to my daughter for her impending birth in July as this will be my second motherless Mothers Daynim not a big fan anymore ?
    I would love to meet you but that is the month my daughter will probably give birth so I can’t commit to anything.
    Your flowers are beautiful I ove your anniversary tree what a great idea ??

  32. Beth! You realise I will most likely have a 1-2 week old newborn in July?! Gah! ?

  33. I love that you get behind such great causes, unfortunately stories of women in shelters with nothing in not uncommon.

    Teething is a terrible thing, I wish it was something we could skip over, my son is teething to feels like he’s been teething for months.

  34. Hi Beth, I haven’t commented for a while, too much going on down here in the deeper south, I’ve been reading but not had much to say :-0
    But anyways I would love to celebrate your ten year anniversary with proseco in a garden. Keep us posted!

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