Things I like {The 20th January 2015 edition}

We are home! And while driving in the driveway I was greeted with some dead pot plants and shit everywhere from Christmas morning and an instant headache, I have slowly got back into the swing of things and unpacked and tidied up and been shopping. 2015, I am almost ready for you! Kind of. Not really.


: There is NOTHING better than your own bed. Especially when there is no sand in it! And it’s been cool (down to 10 or 11 at night) and drizzly, misty and did I mention cool? Sleeping like a champion, which is just as well seeing as I only have a few more months of that left.


: I have unpacked all the new goodies that we were lucky enough to get over Christmas. Which actually just happened to be all books! So many books! I need to get a new book case or something because we have a spill situation in the lounge room.

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: I managed to pull a few flowers out of the garden but it’s been wet and miserable outside so that’s as far as I have gotten. It desperately needs my attention…our veggie patch needs a match set to it so we can just start again. WEEDS!

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: Always lovely to go through mail and sort out the bad (bills) from the good (Nat Geo subscription for Daisy and a new sign for me sent from these fab people at Down that Little Lane).

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: I even have a clean desk! You should have seen the before shot! NOT PRETTY.


: The very last of my holiday chill was popped when I walked into Woolies yesterday afternoon with the 5 year old. She came along because there was nothing to do at home and demanded that she drive the trolley the whole time. It took 3 times longer than it should have and wasn’t annoying at all! At least the shelves are filled with food. That should last at least 45 minutes the rate of which my school holidaying children eat.


: And at LEAST everything smells good. I got two new candles over Christmas and how good looking is this Johnathan Adler Grapefruit candle that my sister in law gave me? So good looking is what!


What are YOU liking this Tuesday?
The endless drizzle and whinging from your kids? No?!


  1. Ugh, your lovely home (neat! clean!) is hurting my eyes. We’re in the midst of renovating our bedroom – plaster dust, paint, power tools, bed on the lounge room floor…a baby in there somewhere, along with all the baby crap. Blergh! Seriously contemplating how on earth we are going to fit into this teeny cottage with a crawling baby (nooooooo!!!) or heaven forbid another child?! At least I am getting some sleep, champion baby girl is sleeping 12 hours overnight, I just KNOW this bambino of yours is going to do the same (eventually).
    Kitchen Garden Companion is my bible. I’m eyeing off that Arthur Boyd book of yours there…and that candle you posted on IG the other day. Think this musty old farmhouse needs a freshen up, not even fresh paint smell has me convinced of cleanliness. Old house always just smells OLD.

  2. Love love love books for christmas, the best gift ever. My kids have their own little bookshelves in their rooms which means more room for our books on the big bookshelf! Wish it was that cool at night here, I always sleep shithouse in summer even with the air con on. I walk around looking like I partied hard all week, which is very far from the truth. And that yellow candle? I want one!

  3. Your home is so lovely Beth. And your own bed is absolutely the BEST!!
    Books for Christmas are sensational. I’ll happily take any design tomes or memoirs you don’t have room for off your hands. I got five cookbooks for Christmas – happy dance.
    Tuesday afternoon in Melb – overcast but warming up – I’ve just put laundry on the line and my lawn needs mowing STAT!
    Think I’ll try and do a contra deal with dad – clipped lawns in exchange for a freshly baked carrot & date loaf.
    I start a Work for the Dole program tomorrow – hold me!

  4. Lisa Mckenzie says

    Looks amazing Beth I am loving the yellow chrysanthemums I bought for my dog vase the heat killed the last lot in a few days!

  5. New York beth say no more !!! It is better than I thought …

  6. Oh, I hear you about the trolley thing. Today when my Little Mister (3) wasn’t insisting on ‘steering/pushing’ it, he was in it, with all the weight distribution completely off making it SO HARD to push. In other news, my core strength is now probably amazing haha.

    Today I am loving the fact that even though my to-do list is massive at the moment, I do feel productive, which is reassuring.

  7. Just had a quick dive into the back to school book list and figured out how much clear contact I have to buy. And two new iPad headsets. It’s never ending! HOT here.

  8. I hate coming home from holidays…I think I am part gypsy…. I could live out of that suitcase forever!
    We came home last week from three weeks on the coast to an outbreak of fleas in the house, a fridge that didn’t work (thankfully it was emptied before we left!) and then the lawnmower packed it in when hubby tried to reduce the three weeks of growth plus I had 7 peoples worth of beach towels and cossies to wash and it rained for the first few days!
    In the end I bought a bunch of packaged food and shoved it in the table, filled the esky with ice and grabbed some milk, butter and juice and then I took a deep breathe and lit a new candle that I had received for Chirsmtas…home sweet home!
    I love the glimpses of your house…it is gorgeous!

  9. you’ve done well beth! … looks great!
    now what’s for dinner hun?
    whoops! … chill and breathe! … it’s salad straight out of the fridge!
    good for them too! lol m:)X
    ps been doing a spot of gardening and the aggies are gorgeous still! <3 flowers!

  10. katie clews says

    Hey Beth, can you do a Vlog one day on how you make your bed??? It always looks so perfect, I’d love to see how you do it (as I’m sure loads of other peeps would too πŸ™‚ ) x

  11. I drool every time I see pics of your home. Beautiful Beth x

  12. Just laughing at Harper pushing the trolley! Emily does the same thing and I always get those looks of sympathy from the other shoppers who clearly have had kids and know what I’m going through.
    That Paul Wilson Cookbook has been on my wish list for a while. Do please give us an update on what it’s like πŸ˜‰

  13. I just love your style Beth and your house is gorgeous. You comment back to Emma Steendam just cracked me up πŸ™‚

  14. I am liking Big Hero 6 after an emergency cinema trip today (to soothe a very disappointed little one when other plans were cancelled).
    Oh and my desk which is also nice and clean and has some new living plants on it, fingers crossed I don’t kill these ones!

  15. Ahhh nothing like books for pressies!! What a lovely home to come home to, it’s always nice to sleep in your own bed after being away…then reality hits and you miss the smell of the beach and the sound of the waves, it’s back to the same of routine and it’s like you never left at all…but I digress…..

  16. Why can’t I post a photo? Beth, you have inspired me and I have brightened up the linen and soft furnishings in my room. Now I’m onto redoing the guest room. I have the new linen and I’m thinking I might paint the boring pine furniture. Also, any tips on styling bed sides for a guest room would be much appreciated!

    • Oh I’m sorry about that…you used to be able to in DISQUS but not this system sorry! Paint away…I need to do the same in our room!

  17. 2 of my 3 kids are away at sleepovers – gotta love that! No one is fighting, or whining right now!!!!!!! I’m loving that our 3 year old is finally pulling all nighters in his own bed {not every night, but most!} – wow – it’s been amazing to go to sleep and NOT wake again until the next morning – it’s been a long time coming, as the previous kid was worse! LOVING IT! {probably just jinxed myself by mentioning it hey?!!}
    Your home is soooo spotless Beth. I feel claustrophobic right now with our piles of clutter & shit everywhere. {as I write this, I have a pile of paperwork in front of me, 3 ipads charging next to me, 2 new books scattered across the table and some ‘crafty’ creation our 6 year old created days ago which I haven’t had the heart to throw out yet!}
    I desperately need a spring clean when the kids get back to school!

  18. Just liking sitting here in the silence of 11:27pm feeding 4-week-old bub no3, and especially reading baby-mac. Jealous of those cool nights I hear about, green gardens I see and gorgeous linen you capture so often. Wishing I had time for books.

  19. Seeing the Enid Blyton books on the shelf reminded me of my favorite “the Hollow Tree House”. I read it 45+ years ago! Remember walking to the library every Saturday morning to see where I was on the waiting list!! Loved all of her books:)

  20. Lot’s of lovely things to come home to Beth – your own bed – nothing better, I love candles – just light- it will lift your spirits, books of all kinds – have you read Crosstitch yet I didn’t see a review on your blog? The eating and shopping is never ending but you have so many ideas which I appreciate and try alot of them – thanks.

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