30 minutes in my head

I’m not myself at the moment internet. I’m no good when Rob is away at the best of times, but throw in the fact that there is NO way to contact him until he gets home and my active imagination gets away from me. Last night I was awake from about 1.50am to 3.50am tossing and turning and thinking about ALL THIS STUFF THAT WON’T HAPPEN (at least I hope not). The morning hasn’t been much better…I’m just not myself. A teary, anxious version of myself.

I decided to go for a walk after a busy morning running around and then in the garden. The dog was going crazy, and funnily enough SO WAS I! Got outside.

Saw my wreath and totally highfived myself for making something from NOTHING. Look at it in situ!


Then totally high fives Graeme the hedge man who has spent the last 2 days sorting out our hedges. I mean there can be a certain satisfaction from doing a job yourself, but then there can be a whole other level of satisfaction seeing someone else happily do it without you nagging, taking away all the greens and even doing a tip run for you. Thanks Graeme, you are a legend.


Walked down the road and admired the roses growing EVERYWHERE. Lamented that I don’t have more roses myself.


Walked down the road and around the bend, admiring the stone wall at the end of the street.


Frank was happy. I was getting happier.


While Frank kept stopping for a wee and smelling wee, I stopped for roses. LOOK AT THEM.


Pinched myself that I live somewhere so pretty.


Frank was TOTALLY over the roses by this stage. I kept wondering how dark it would have to be to come and raid some of these wild, rambling roses literally hanging over fences.


Got home and saw that there was some mail. Huh. I never really get mail for me. Besides, you know, bills.


And what do you know? The lovely Louisa sent me a package which could have been the universe sending me a package. A reminder that without an even keel, I won’t stay afloat. And even though Rob usually makes up that keel, I need to pull my shit together and get on with it. Everything will be alright, and if it’s not, there isn’t much I can do about it.


Thanks universe. And especially thank you Louisa.

Did the universe send you a message today?
Did you get out for a walk?
Seen some pretty roses?


  1. I got a spray tan so I smell like anything but roses right now. Pooks … all will be ok. Sending you a big hug xx

  2. It’s that kinda day huh? Tired & feeling a bit blah here too. I swear its building due to the full moon later in the week. Those gardens are gorgeous. What a lovely place to live! I love when the universe delivers. For me it was a cut & colour & the bonus of hubby coming home early (rarely happens) to run two of our four kids to sport. Yay! That’s 40 minutes I don’t have to spend in the car with a 5 & 7 year old at each other! Seriously loving your wreath. Homemade is the best!

  3. I think that gorgeous walk would have done more for your head than you realise. We all feel poo sometimes, especially when we don’t feel in control of a situation. But think about all the good things, the little things help me when I’m down. xxx

  4. Emily Furlong says

    The universe sent me a message that I’m not alone in my feelings of being lost without my husband. My husband is in Belgium and has been for a month, due home this Friday. I commented on your Facebook post this morning. What I didn’t mention was the overwhelming and crippling anxiety I experience at night thanks to some shit stains that call themselves humans attacking my husband and I earlier this year, completely unprovoked in the parking lot of a Night Owl. I have been using the gym and focusing on good food to get me through as my trauma therapist has not had space for me. Normally I’m a strong independent woman who faces the world with determination and confidence. This last month I have been a shadow of myself. But exercise truly has been my savour. I’m so glad your walk today allowed you to centre, ground and find your peace. I shall celebrate with you on Friday xxxx

  5. Your day sounds similar to mine. I’m all out of whack, for whatever reason, Monday probably. The weekend brings my keel home and about the place, he gets EVERYTHING done that seems to take me all week, it’s like he wipes the slate clean over a Saturday/Sunday, God love him. And of course the baby is some sort of ANGEL on the weekends when Dad’s home. So Monday morning had me in a funk too with husbo back at work and just the baby and I here…so we went for a walk too! Walking in the Spring air is most definitely head clearing soul cleansing stuff. We marveled at the loveliness of our home too, and some lovely SES men who were trimming trees on our road stopped to chat and then delivered a truck load of mulch to our back gate! Much better. Thanks Universe.

  6. Darling, you need to do that walk everyday. It is so important to get out in the sunshine and breathe. It is my tonic. Well, that and anti-anxiety… but that is beside the point. I love that Louisa sent you that. Take it as the sign that it is xxx

  7. Go Louisa! Perfect timing. Don’t you love it when others are listening on your behalf?

    And your hedge man gets a high five from me too – nice trimmage.

    Thanks to Frank for getting Mama Beth out of the house, into the sun and into plotting a late night rose theft.

    Don’t lay in bed with a head full of worries, read or something to distract yourself.


  8. You live in the prettiest place I have ever seen! My god!!!! I am insanely jealous.

    I get out of sorts all the time. I write messages to myself on my light board to help me pull it together. Otherwise I just eat cake.


  9. thank you universe for making my delayed parcel arrive just at the right time. The universe is amazing, delivering just what we need, when we need it. I’m so pleased it arrived just when you needed some extra luff and kindness. I had one {only one} night on my own last night, and felt like my arm was cut off. Gosh I miss him so when he is gone. I just woke from a nap, I didn’t get much sleep last night either. The house just doesn’t feel right without him here. Much love for you Beth, hook into that KinKit remedy. <3

  10. Oh I know that feeling all too well. It sucks. I’m glad you got yourself, as it does help.
    I find that a really good laugh is a good tonic too. Pop in or call someone who you know will give you a belly laugh, that always helps for me. If you can’t do that, it’s not quite as good, but find look up someone who makes you laugh on YouTube.

    I do love it when they universe sends a message. xx

  11. Those Kinkit Girls are the bees knees.. LOVE them and their remedies x

  12. I had one kid vomiting all night and all day, another with conjunctivitis, and a third complaining of an itchy bottom, which makes me think I need to pull out the combantrim and give everyone a good dose, and then wash all our linen. It is definitely a message, but not the type I was hoping for đŸ™‚

  13. I didn’t get out walking but I did see you, actually the dog go by from the other side of a MASSIVE hedge we were cutting, it is still not finished, we have alot of trimming to do still, we just need to find the time to get back there sometime this week. I really really need a beer right now though.

  14. Love that wreath so much! You really do live in paradise.

  15. Lisa Mckenzie says

    Big hugs to you Beth everything will be ok you know Xx

  16. My Husband doesn’t go away often however when he does I’m out of sorts big time! In 23 years of marriage, it has only been a few times thank goodness. Although when we did the tree change, we were apart for months except for every other weekend. I cried a lot.

    We have just moved our son to Sydney to live with his Grandparents as he started an apprenticeship today and I feel I am in mourning. Haven’t quite decided which emotion to feel yet. We have prepared our children (our son Lucas being the youngest 18 years) for life and here it is, it has happened. OMG!! I should be excited. My Husband and I can be big people again. My Husband can have his nude room. In fact he can have a nude house….no more children at home. Empty nesters…..aaaagh!!! I have been a parent for over 20 years and I whilst I am still a parent, I feel lost. The dog feels lost. What to do? Get over myself and enjoy….maybe next week.

    BTW a walk outside or time in the garden is such good therapy. I subscribe often xo

  17. You really do live in a beautiful part of the world.

    I walked to work today. And since it has been so hot, I left really early to beat the heat…it was so still and peaceful. I really appreciated it this morning as I know my life won’t be so still and peaceful for a while!

  18. With you Beth. Feeling crapollo at the moment. Love that walk though. Went for a nice one by the beach in Syd with Minnie today though. đŸ™‚

  19. I’m terrible when Hubby isn’t around, terrible I tell you! I don’t sleep and then am a cranky, blubbering mess! Walking in the sunshine is always a good idea, especially in your gorgeous neighborhood. Your wreath is amaze balls!

  20. Apparently there have been 2 nights of full moon and 2 more to go. Everyone seems to be feeling this way right now – me included. Sending you a boob squishing hug. x

  21. I hope you’re feeling a lot less Blah, and that your lovely gift did the pick-up trick. Mind you the prettiness of where you live and all those roses would be a great lift – gosh where do you live? I love it. Not that I want to go back to England, but the photos remind me a bit of England. Perhaps it’s the roses and the greenery. In WA it’s not really as lush.

  22. I want to move to your neighbourhood Beth, just not sure I can deal with the frost! It really is pretty. I just want to see pretty. Not traffic and oodles of concrete.

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