Things I like {The 18th February 2014 edition}

1. Blue skies. After endless days of mist and drizzle and some rain the sun has come out and it feels wonderful.

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2. The Topper. I mean DER. The topper, one week in, has been a game changer…no doubts about it. I’ve had countless emails talking of their newfound love for the topper, their topper stories. I am 100% embracing and endorsing the topper. TOPPER!


3. Washing. Things were dire people, dire (as people on Facebook were subjected to this morning with my over sharing) but we are BACK. 4 loads done. Washing baskets emptied and of course by this evening all folded and put away because any job worth doing is worth doing WELL.

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4. Superior Hedges. Graeme our hedge man came last week and has done an outstanding job. Nothing better than a sharp hedge.

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5. Broody chooks out and about. We have a broody chook. I have no ideas on how to stop her sitting all day and doing nothing other than going out and removing her physically. Will it end? Will the laying get better? In any case, I like seeing her out and about. Sort your shit our Strawberry.


6. Roses in bloom. Because: roses in bloom

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7. Packages to pick up from the Post office. Although the lady this morning told me I was terrible not collecting BIRTHDAY PACKAGES until today! Family who have sent them, I finally got there and Daisy will have them this arvo. Apologies, I am a slack (busy) Mum.


8. A late flourish of hydrangeas. Because: Hydrangeas in bloom.

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9. Happy plants. Plenty of fruit on one of my cumquats at the moment.


What’s on YOUR list today?
Getting some washing done?
Any suggestions for broody chooks or cumquats?


  1. GourmetGirlfriend says

    send the cumquats to me & I’ll make you some GG Marmalade.
    it will be about 3 weeks for the broodiness to subside- the normal gestation period of an egg to hatch. She should return to normal after that.
    my washing pile is way worse than yours and NO I haven’t done any today.
    i have eleventy million other things to do first……….
    wish one of them was having a cuppa with you 🙂

    • BabyMacBlogBeth says

      I was thinking of you when I was hanging our 1 million pairs of knickers on the line. Weird? Maybe! Wish we could have a cuppa too xxx

  2. Alli @ ducks on the dam says

    Ahhhh washing. I would do that if I could. Which would be if the fixit man had called to say that the thingummy jig for the broken door had come in and he was able to come and put it on my washing machine. Which has been out of action for two weeks. And I am sick of the laundromat already.
    Sunny and blue skies. Again. Hoping that some of the forecast rain actually happens.

  3. Send your broody chook down to us! Cumquats send those down too…Brandied cumquats mmmmm

  4. MotherDownUnder says

    If you want another chicken the best way to cure a broody chicken is to give her an egg that is about to hatch…she will think the baby is hers and will be so happy that all of her efforts have paid off!
    And I am sick of blue skies…or I suppose I am really sick of the scorching sun…I would love a few days of soft rain!
    I am on top of my washing too! Love that feeling!

    • BabyMacBlogBeth says

      It’s been pretty hot for you guys hasn’t it? Looks like we are back to nights of 10 degrees later in the week…fire might get a run!

  5. Gibbergunyah says

    My new washing machine arrived at 5.30pm last night after TEN DAYS of no washing machine. Not good with cloth nappies on the go. The guy who installed the new machine was from out your way and a RFS member so a good job was done. You can imagine the amount of washing I got through today. Now to fold it all and feel all straightened out and back to normal.

    • BabyMacBlogBeth says

      Oh my WORD. Happy washing indeed! Yesterday was a superior washing day i think I got through 6 loads…6 all folded and put away. Even I was over it by the end of the day…and that’s saying something.

  6. We made use of our broody chook and hatched 9/10 eggs from her. We have 4 hens left out of the lot and we think the hens are laying eggs under the tomato bushes. Quite an investment. The other broody one, we ended up taking her for a little holiday to the chook pen at Cam’s aunts place and that shook the broodiness right out of her. Maybe strawberry can have a little holiday in another pen for a bit. Got any neighbours with chooks??

  7. Janice McKeaig says

    Remove chook to a wire bottom cage immediately. The longer you leave it the harder it will be to stop! You don’t want her to have a comfy nest, so no “topper” for her right now!

  8. Lisa Mckenzie says

    I know nothing a about chooks very sorry but I love the things you are
    loving especially the flowers and parcels for Daisy and so glad you don’t have to wear robs boxers anymore ,though they probably are pretty comfy xx

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