Lovely lilac

Lilac is one of the loveliest flowering shrubs going around. The scent is beautiful, the colour amazing. It’s associated with Easter as it flowers in the Northern hemisphere around that time but down here, it’s October. They actually come from the olive tree family – did you know that? I didn’t! My friend Nat gave me a bunch from her garden at School pick up today and look what’s now sitting on my table?

I’m in heaven.

L4 L7 L6 L5 L3


  1. Rebecca Mossuto says

    Loving the heart shaped leaves too!

  2. pixelhazard says

    I love having fresh flowers in the house. They just make things better

    X. Pixelhazard | Bright Green Laces |

  3. So lovely! I’m sad because there just aren’t jacarandas and those beautiful purple flowing plants down here in Canberra, like in Sydney…I think I’ll have to make a visit home to my parents this weekend to witness the wonderful purple carpet that our front lawn becomes after the jacaranda comes into blume.

    • BabyMacBlogBeth says

      We don’t have jacaranda’s here either – I do miss them!

      • Gibbergunyah says

        The house I grew up in in Sydney has five jacarandas in the yard. I miss them. I know of only two jacarandas in the Highlands, both in very sheltered spots. I have been known to drive past them specially…

  4. I stole a bunch from Cam’s grandmother just yesterday. She has a massive white tree. Its divine. Its also suckered everywhere underneath the tree so guess who gets a few freebies soon? Yep me!

  5. Lisa Mckenzie says

    I have never seen “real” Lilac it looks beautiful and your friend was lovely to give you some I bet it smells amazing too,I love flowers inside,they make me happy,Thanks Beth x

  6. MotherDownUnder says

    It sounds funny but lilacs are one of the things I miss most about home…they grew like weeds where I grew up…completely took over backyards…and made for heavenly smelling forts and pretend caves!

  7. Anoosh Alexander says

    Lilac is my daughter’s name!

  8. Emma Steendam says

    Wow, how beautiful! I totally need a friend with a lilac bush. I associate lilac as something very American, as they all rave about them? My garden guru mum or nan funnily enough never grew one so they’re a bit missing from my floral mind-encyclopedia. My sister and brother-in-law didn’t have a name for their third daughter when she was born, looked out the window of their Brisbane hospital room and saw the flowering jacarandas….and named her Violet. BUT, Lilac was a close second 😉
    P.S. Loving the drawers (?) they’re on, beautiful combo of the lilacs and the wood. Yummy.

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