This book is on our coffee table post bed time reading. And you know what? It was written by Claire who also writes a blog, and who reads this one. She went and WROTE A BOOK. A kids book! A very good kids book too! You can buy it here. You should. Anyone that goes and does something like deserves all the attention they can get. Well done Claire!
Have you driven down the M5 lately? I’ve been doing more trips up and down lately and I cannot believe the amount of rubbish on the side of the road. Do people just chuck shit out their window as they drive? WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE? And what ever happened to ads about littering? Perhaps it’s about time we brought them back? I do miss a good jingle. That said, country TV is still holding onto the jingle with their commercials. It’s rife on WIN.
Last week I bought some jeans from the mighty U S of A. You guys…can you BELIEVE it is almost a year since I left for America? A year. Man, I just read back on some of those posts, they were something weren’t they? What a time. Anyway, the jeans. THEY WERE A MOTHERFUCKING SIZE 8. I need to move to the states. This size 14 lady would appreciate the boost in confidence. And the cheap make up. Actually the cheap everything. And the fountain coke. And skinny straws. And burgers. And hot dogs. I just miss it. I’ll be back there, and next time I will be with the man I love. I can’t wait.
Harper has been sick this week. Thought it was foot, hand and mouth disease, but appears to be chicken pox. I’m still not convinced and think it could be something else. It’s just too rashy. And all over. In any case, it sucks. What’s WITH the name of these Preschool conditions? It’s like a zoo in there. A zoo with paint and play doh and craft I don’t have to participate in. Maybe I’ll take the zoo…
One of my favourite shops EVER discovered in Melbourne earlier this year (back story here) Scarlet Jones, now has an online store here.
Did you see the new logo up there? Hot isn’t it? Lauren did it. She’s done other hot stuff too. Look!
What jingle do you recall from your childhood?
Anyone going to NY soon? Jelly!
Got any sick toddler at home? Me too!
We get Wagga TV here. The ads are the worst, (goING to THE henTY field DAY…) but the local news is worse. One day the news was there is a new coffee van in Wagga. Great I agree but not sure that it was broadcast worthy!
Ours is exactly the same!
Ummmm I love the Henty Field Days ad. A few of us at work are from around the Albury/Wang area amd we all start singing it in September.
Bringing tractors and trailers and seeders and bailers and four wheel drives and ploughs
It is definitely iconic in the area… going to the Henty field day, there’s lots of great people there!
I love that ad! 4 years at uni in wagga it’s still stuck in my head even after 13 years!
classic! hahaha
Loving the new logo SICK!
We are planning to head back to NY next year, while I’m on maternity leave. Can.Not.Wait. Hook me up with a list of anything you want xx
Maternity leave! NY! So much to like about that sentence!
Blerghhhh Chicken Pox, my eldest daughter had it twice really bad when she was little. Hand foot and mouth I think was even worse, my daughter bought it home from daycare and then the hubby and I ended up in emergency a day after each other. A horrible disease for adults, I don’t think the 3 year old even flinched with it.
Oh and jingles……do you need a haaaaaand do you need a haaaaand be the first to say do you need a hand. i don’t even remember what that jingle was from. Sounds like a public service announcement of some kind.
We went to another Dr today and confirmed it IS hand, foot and mouth. She is completely unconcerned about the whole thing and I am TERRIFIED I am going to get it!
Yep – sick toddler here too. Yet another ear infection. Yet another course of antibiotics. Is it Spring yet? Claire xo
It’s never ending isn’t it? Hope yours and well again soon x
“Come on Aussie come on” sticks in my mind.
My kids sing “dogs go whacko for schmackos”
OVER the coughs and general winter germs.
It could just be a viral rash, my kids have had that before, looks like something more serious but turned out to be a mystery virus.
I still remember so many ads from the 80’s….surely my brain has use for something else…like all the modern history that seems to have disappeared!
If you are using chamonmile lotion for the itchy pox it can be a bit distracting and fun if you use a paint brush to paint it on. Chicken pox have a distinctive blister that distinguishes them from other rashes.
I am feeling your pain, my three yr old boy has just broken two bones in his foot and is in a half plaster with NO WEIGHT BEARING for an entire week until further xrays are done.
It’s day 1. I may be going insane already.
Oh good luck! Good idea on the pox painting…we confirmed that it’s NOT the pox today. I knew it…the DR had NO idea. We are dealing with hand, foot and mouth instead. DELIGHTFUL.
I love your new logo.
I tried on SIZE 4 pants at at the Gap. Outrageous. I ended up buying a size 6 but still…I could squeeze myself into a size 4. I pretended not to notice that they also had size 00 on the rack. I can’t even talk about the cheapness…I am still adjusting back to the price of life here…I nearly died the other day when the coffee shop wanted $18.00 for three coffees and a muffin.
It’s just CRUEL. All of it. But especially the cost of food and everything here. What’s the point of even making a size 00?!!
Miss 7 had chicken pox when she was 12 months of age. Their appearance were blisters filled with a pus and very red, she was covered, all through her hair, torso and bottom. Not too many on her legs or arms. It took about 3 days for them to completely appear in full force after finding 2 on her back. It’s not nice, but all you can do is keep them busy and not have bath water too hot. I found going for a drive for an hour helped kill time and she would nod off, which was a bonus. Good luck!
Thanks Vicki!
Beth, what was the verdict on H’s spots?
The second Dr we saw said they were definitely hand, foot and mouth. All cleared up now and it appeared to be a very mild case…thank goodness!
I just LURVE your miscellaneous posts. Is it wrong that I get a little excited when I see them in my feed?
Naaah…I love to write them!
And now I’m excited that you replied!
I feel sorry for you having a sick bubba at home ,get a second opinion Hand foot and mouth is rife atm.I like this post random musings I would love to write a childrens book how cool! I remember jingles from being a child but I am too old for you to know them and yes I agree about peeps being messy they just don’t care at all ,I think they should bring back the ads on tv.Go you skinny Minnie in your USOF A jeans I love buying US jeans they make you feel so thin.
They sure do!
A reader from up ‘north’ checking in….
Having been to your lovely country…twice….the big differences I noticed was the lack of fast food and no half and half cream at Starbucks! I was a little fluffier a few years ago and wore a size 16 Au and a 14 here. I didn’t miss the fast food as I was stuffing my face with all the different pies and Lammington’s, something we don’t have in the US. As my friend told me, “They’re a secret we’re keeping from the rest of you.” HA! I did think it was more expensive to eat and buy things, but your taxes are included in the price. Regarding the trash….we have the same problem in our city. (I’m on the west coast.) What is wrong with people? My next door neighbor’s grandkids are constantly leaving candy wrappers and soda cans on their lawn and in the gutter….makes my husband CRAZY. And GRAFFITI! We spend 1.5 million a year on removal. (Five full time crews with trucks that work year round on removing it.) Imagine if we could spend that on playgrounds or parks or books!
As for NYC….it’s a food mecca….you can get anything you want to eat 24 hours a day AND have it delivered! Don’t even get me started on the shopping…
Pies & lamingtons…YUM!
Oh…and those size 00 peeps….those skinny bitches don’t eat.
Hello, just wanted to say I had noticed the new logo and really love it, popping over to visit Lauren, very lovely.
Oh thank you Seana…loving it! And all of Lauren’s stuff really!