We’re home. Which is always good, but certainly colder. And with a washing situation. And empty cupboards. Nothing takes away a holiday buzz like a supermarket shop does it? We had a great time. I tuned out almost completely online, and it was bliss. I hung out with the kids. With Rob. With the in-laws. I READ. I slept. I ate and drank too much. It was just what I needed. In numbers, it looked a little like this:
Number of sick kids: 2
Number of times I cursed the fact the girls get sick EVERY holidays: 345
Number of times I was kicked in bed by the 3 year old: 3456
Number of times I was nagged for sex: 76 (I know! He was busy with work stuff & obviously distracted)
Number of fish caught: 1 (by Rob)
Number of turtles caught: 1 (by Rob)
Number of T-shirts worn: 2!
Movies watched: 2
Sleep ins had: 3
Books read: 1
And while I have come home to arctic conditions, and a mountain of laundry, I also came home to a VERY happy veggie garden given the 300ml’s of rain we had the week before, and carrots! WE GREW CARROTS. And a shit load of rocket. I see pesto making in my not too distant future.
What chu guys been doing?
Did you sob through the ENTIRE film of the Descendants, or was that just me?
Watching the rugby tonight? I have NO CHOICE. None.
I’m sure I’ll be watching the rugby too tonight…! Glad you had a good break Beth. x
Thanks Jody ๐
My husband is English. Enough said.
I have no choice about the rugby either.
Good luck!
Wallabies Game – YES! And with our boys…which always makes me laugh…their passion for the “Wobbly’s” makes my weekend.
Welcome back! Did you enjoy the book? It’s on my to-read list.
Yes! It was great. Worth a look ๐
Sob and then sob some more.
Good book?
Very good book. Epic kind of family story over a few generations. Had it all and kept the pages turning…worth a look!
I have read so many books this holiday!
I forgot how much I loved a good book!
SAME! Tell me which ones I need to read x
I read White Dog Fell From The Sky which was excellent but devastatingly sad…I cried.
And then to pick my spirits up I read The Boleyn Inheritance which was light and full of Tudor gossip and intrigue…I love historical fiction.
And the rest of the books I read are birthing books because I am starting a Hypnobirthing business!
That’s a good book, I hope you liked it. Those are also great carrots. School hols don’t start in NZ until the end of next week. Since my kids have all been full of colds/coughs this last week I’m awaiting a household full of health come the holidays. What do you think my chances are? Realistically, I’m predicting a new virulent hybrid strain of nastiness that’ll see us all watching DVD’s in our pajamas. Bring it on!
Plus I have just laid in a good supply of books… ๐
I really liked the book, pulled from in laws book shelf. Was so good to get into a story and want to read, rather than go online. I need to do that more. Here’s fingers crossed for healthy holidays!
1. school’s finished. horrrrrrrrrrrrrray.
2. Parents have returned from 4 months in South Africa tonight in time for…..
3. Leave for Thailand in exactly 3 days and 24 minutes without children.
4. Need to start packing for said trip like now.
I was wondering if your trip was here yet…have the BEST time!!
Welcome home. Effing cold in the Gong too. Must get reading again. Get cracking on that washing and post us some pics of it flapping in the winter sun!
Ha! I love that you have requested that….happy to oblige.
Totally sobbed! We’re home but still in holiday mode. Bought a spa tub today and plan to never leave it.
Well why would? Enjoy!
Looks like a lovely break,and to come home to carrots out of the garden yay! They will go lovely with a roast chook me thinks enjoy,I hope your little one gets better soon and the washing gets done and you get the cupboards filled.
They were delish!
I sobbed through the entire movie. Except for all the times I wondered why they changed Joanie’s name (have you read the book?) And did you enjoy The Island? My mum loved it, although it must be noted that she read it IN CRETE with THE ISLAND winking at her from the horizon.
Amazing that your Mum was there! SO glad that you cried the entire way, I was terrible…the most I have ever cried in a film. Ugly, sobbing tears.
Well done on the carrots! I am a terrible carrot grower, and they are notoriously tricky depending on your soil. Haven’t planted any in our sand here yet but am hoping that they like it.
Thank you! Who knew? I am a good carrot grower! CHECK!