The very last thing on my list of things to do was to write a smug blog post about how I’m ready to head off. So this is it.
Bags have been packed (well half packed with SO much room for extra stuff) not to mention the whole other bag I can buy over there if needs be. Travel cards purchased and loaded, camera charged, plane outfit chosen, laptop packed and my passport checked a gazillion times. What’s with that?
You guys. I’m going. To New York.
I keep pinching myself. The last time I went overseas by myself I was 20 years old. Shit, 15 YEARS AGO. A chubby, mousy haired girl with bushy eyebrows and NO fashion sense. I’ll never forget crying on that plane on my way over to London filled with excitement, and fear and anticipation. I was just figuring out the kind of person I wanted to be, where I wanted to go with my life and I’ll never forget how that trip opened my eyes to the world, to art and culture, (to ciggies!) and to amazing prospect of just about anything I wanted. On the way home I cried for different reasons – it was just 2 months later but I felt like an entirely different person (and I looked it – thinner, an eyebrow ring, some fashion sense). I didn’t want to go home. I was going back to a steady boyfriend, and ‘normal’ life and study and I knew that life would be back to pretty much of the same. And it was – I stayed with that boyfriend for years and years and always reverted back to comfortable and easy rather than pushing myself, challenging myself. Somewhere along the way that young, gutsy & fiesty traveller eyebrowed girl showed up again and she has been sticking her head up much more often over the past 8 years.
This time around I will be crying with relief when I get on that plane. 2 weeks. To MYSELF. I feel so lucky and grateful to my beautiful husband and family who have allowed me this time. To my amazing father in law who just went ahead upgraded me to Business Class because he likes me (SCH-WING!) to all the Grandma’s who are going to help out along the way, to my blogging buddies who I will get to share this time with. I am going to soak up every. SINGLE. MINUTE of this time. I am going to walk, and explore and eat and drink and blog each step along the way. I can’t wait to see just what woman (because I am most certainly not a girl no more) is going to come back with me on the plane on the way home. I have a feeling I’m going to like her.
See you guys in AMERICA.
Or on Facebook or Twitter until then. You just know I will be instgramming the shit out of a whole lot of stuff.
Safe Travels!!
Have a wonderful adventure xxxx
Is its it possible to be so excited and yet so jealous of a stranger? Hell yeah…
Enjoy the shit out of every second – for yourself and all of us living vicariously through you!
My thoughts exactly. Well said Jane, go well Beth.
Bec x
TWO WEEKS OF UN-INTERUPTED SLEEP! Have fun gorgeous girl.
You know as I get older I get so cranky with my 20 year old self for not taking the proverbial bull by the horns and doing all the things I should have done. I stayed in relationships too long, waiting for others and focussed on jobs that i LOATHED. Have a great time being yourself. Im slightly envious.
See you in New York Business Class Betty x
Have a brilliant trip! I am smiling for you xxx
Bliss out and enJOY the CAPITAL of the world! Take in that feeling when you first glance at the Manhattan skyline from the aircraft….oh, and even better in Business Class!! Enjoy the PEACE and quiet up there as well hehe! Enjoy all the nooks and cranny’s around that magnificent city….enjoy two weeks as YOU (not mama, wifey etc) How VERY exciting!
Have a BRILLIANT time Beth! Xx
Man you are one lucky woman. You go & have the very best time!! I shall be here awaiting all the post, Instagram pics & Facebook updates so I can live it through you. Have a slice if pepperoni pizza for me ok? xx
Lucky you! Have a fab trip. cannot wait to hear all about it. x
Sounds amazing! Enjoy! Mx
You’re going to have the time of your life (but you knew that anyway, didn’t you?) Have a blast – those Americans love us Aussies, they can’t get enough of our accent!
Safe travels, darl xx
Yep. Sounds amazing, enjoy every second!
Safe travels. Have a blast (how could you not?). Silly question, but you’ve got your online visa thingy organised, yes? Go forth and have fun then π
Hope you have a blast.
Oh my, golly Beth what a great experience and what a wonderful partner and hubby you have not to mention a great father in law who has bumped you up to Business. Enjoy this time sooo much. Have a ball!
I will keep up with your shenanigans via instagram and Facebook and hope to see what you get up to via your blog too. Have fun for all of us 30 something women….Have fun for me, I am stuck in the upper hunter (albeit with a hot fire), still in my pjs with boxes and boxes full of everything from our life and ex home in Sydney’s eastern suburbs to sort out before we leave on a jet plane to start our new life in South America. Have a great trip! chau xx
Awesome! Have an amazing time, can’t wait to read about it. Annie x
you know you always dazzle me with your words .. your stories .. your fun.
I am of course dazzled by your trip to New York .. I mean, who wouldn’t be dazzled by that right?
BUT .. i am completely bamboodazzled (yes, that IS a word) by being upgraded to business class. That alone is worthy of at least a weeks worth of blog posts!!!
Have a fantastic away-from-kids time away. I am absolutely thrilled for you. (-:
What a top father in law!!! Enjoy all that NYC has to offer!
Have the best time. I don’t really need to say that as I know you will. xx
Enjoy – Cant wait to hear all about it
Safe Travels xx
Have a gorgeous time, stay safe and soak up every minute! xx
Business class is the business.
Have fun!
Oh Lordy, how excitement! And despite the fact you will be in the coolest of cool places on earth, I am most jealous of the thought of 2 weeks of UNINTERRUPTED SLEEP! Enjoy it all x
Have a wonderful, wonderful time.
Business class No Fricken Way!!!!!!!!!!!
Jealous? Yes, yes I am!
ENJOY!!!! Live it up!
Shut up! Business class!?! Your trip is off to an amazing start!
Safe travels!
I am so ridiculously jealous, of course.
Have a super amazing time. Look forward to reading all about it!
x laura
The father in law rocks.
Have fun, Bon voyage.
Greatest city on earth New York, walk, eat and breathe.
Yee HAH! Rock on lady, so happy for you… and the teensiest bit jealous, but in a good way.
Can’t wait to read all about it xoxo
Have a fantastic time. I can’t wait to hear about it all. Rachel x
Jealous much? Nah – I get to stay in Sydney and blog about s#@t my kids say.
Business class have Internet right? Shall be expecting something from inflight Thankyou very muchly
So happy for you right now
I think a woman will come back who knows exactly what she wants to achieve from this blogging caper π
We’re all here cheerleading on the sidelines Beth!
You’re a star. And a true gem within the blogosphere xx