Friday thoughts

Goodness ME it’s been a busy week. The weeks are just flying by and the moment which is great and exhausting at the same time. It’s Monday and then the next thing I know it’s Friday afternoon in JUNE. I’d quite like to slow things down for a bit, next thing I know it will be Christmas.

The week has been very preoccupied with local things – the Ball is on next weekend and we are in full prep mode for that. It’s all coming together well and I can’t wait to share the end result with you all once it’s all done. There’s something about an event that I love to prep for – all the anticipation and creativity and evolves as it takes shape…I should have been an event planner or something. I’ve also been very bust working on an application for a grant for our local Hall. It’s been time consuming and quite annoying with application forms and attachments and diagrams and staples…reminded me of my old life in financial planning…I do NOT miss that!

Daisy has turned a corner with School thanks to the amazing efforts from Rob. He has taken her each morning for the past 2 weeks and she has not shed one tear as a result. He has even managed to drop her off and escape before Assembly starts…something I would NEVER have been able to do. I might start to take her again next week and see how we go, we might just be there! That is, until the term ends, we get holidays and the whole things starts over again.

This morning I was up and at it early for a quick trip to Sydney and back again. The traffic was a breeze so I got to Surry Hills nice and early which meant time in a cafe…alone…in Sydney. Wow. I poured over that menu…looked at the eggs Benedict and bacon and all the goodness in between and went with the MOFO Quinoa PORRIDGE. I must be growing up or something right?  The best bit was the stewed rhubarb and when it was finished and done. You can take the bacon out of the girl but you can NEVER TAKE THE BACON AWAY FROM THE GIRL. Or something.

Look! It’s me! In the city! WITHOUT BACON IN MY BELLY. See? I’m not happy. Imagine if that was New York? All I’m saying is that if I am lucky enough to win that Kidspot trip to BlogHer my heartburn better be sorted out. Imma NOT eating porridge in America.

My sister in law sent me this today. My (9yro) nephew wrote this. No words needed. None at all. He’s got a point…how long can we look at each other? Down the barrel of a gun? Funniest thing I’ve seen in a long time!

This weekend we have a date with our garden. And hedges. And lawns. We have no visitors. No lunches or dinners to attend or host. Just us, our home and some spare time. I’m beside myself with excitement. What are you up to? Whatever it is, I hope it’s marvellous.

And filled with bacon.


  1. I so so so love a weekend with no plans! Being in a town-close-to-snow-mountain, our winter starts full on next weekend so it’s nice to be cruisy now. Miss 9 is fresh home from school camp (and remarkably calm), miss 7 is pretty tired, MOTH is back home after 4 work days away and I’m just happy to have us all back under one roof.

  2. YES there WILL be bacon…and running…to run OFF the bacon! Let me know if you fancy a run sometime!!

  3. Happy Friday to you … I must say I was a bit taken with the quinoa porridge and rhubarb! We could do bacon on the side in NY?!

  4. Sunday will be our family/garden day & I’m so excited too- just the 5 of us after a busy few weeks. Sometimes you just have to take the time as a family to enjoy each other. Enjoy!

  5. love Gardening. Plus cannot eat while doing it. Nothing is better for the Soul. Luff rhubarb 11/10 x

  6. That porridge looks divine. Happy Gardening (can you come do ours too?).

  7. Quinoa is the devil’s work. But good on you.
    I’d love a date with my garden but its pissing down here so I suspect its a date with the home office filing… BOO!

  8. Just promise yourself to bypass the GORD inducing pizza in NY! You would so rock Soho and Greenwich!
    We’ll be in the garden this weekend as well. Fencing to keep the rabbits out, lawns and moving dirt. So much therapy!
    Happy marvelous weekend to you too! x

  9. Your nephew rocks, but a preacher he ain’t. HILARIOUS! start packing, as if you arent going to win. When will we (sorry i mean you)know?

  10. Flickster says

    Just cooking bacon while I opened up this blog from you! Its delicious! We are going to a ‘Crockpot lunch” tomorrow, a few of us of us brings a crockpot of food an we all dig in and share! I can wait so retro!

  11. Quinoa porridge is very grown up! I am a bacon and eggs girls on those rare opportunities.
    Enjoy your weekend at home.

  12. Can’t do porridge, grosses me out from childhood days of being made to eat it before I left the table, yucko!
    I love that your nephew chose You’re The Voice as his ‘prayer/song’, bloody hilarious xo

  13. ROFL, the Voice! Jack must be whispering softly to him… x

  14. mmmmmmm bacon!

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