Here is a link to the episode which can be watched online. It’s in Segment 3 of the show, about 3 minutes in. Enjoy!
Tonight I’m going to be on the television show “The Project” that airs on Channel 10 at 6pm. The story is about the rise of Mummy Bloggers in Australia and how the scene has played out in US over the past 5 years or so. There are actually US bloggers that make millions of dollars a year from their endorsements and tonight’s story on the show (as I am lead to believe) is looking at that success and asking if we might have some of the “Millionaire Mummy Blogger” action on our own shores. We are just at the start of this rise here in Australia, brands are starting to listen and want in on the action. I was lucky enough to be signed by the first blogging agent in Australia Lorraine Murphy when she launched The Remarkables Group last month. I am still pinching myself that I was included in her initial line up – I am by no stretch of the imagination one of the biggest bloggers in this country. My numbers and stats are what they are (and are a damn sight bigger than they were when just my Mum and sisters read it 6 years ago), my blog is what it is, and I am holding my head up high and proud that it is worthy of comment in the conversation in a traditional media vehicle such a commercial television. How did that happen?
I spoke to the show about my blog, about how I write about my life in the country, the move from inner city living to a slow, wonderful pace. About my kids, my marriage, my stupid but fabulous garbage bin, my house, food I eat, wine I guzzle. It’s not rocket science, and it’s not every one’s cup of tea, but it’s something. Each day I am reminded that it’s something by the countless emails and comments and conversations that start from my words that I write down. It’s no different to the conversations that have happened over the back fence or the playground or Schoolyard for years. No different from women sitting around a village, preparing food for their families or down by a river washing clothes. It’s just done in a different medium – the sharing, the asking, the questioning, the laughing. Connection. That’s what blogging is to me. Whether we realise it or not, we influence people and I know that I do so on my blog. I tell you what gin I like to drink, what brand of tea I like, what artists work I like to put on my walls. I do it because I like to share, and because people want to know. Taking the next step and working with brands and being paid to do it? Well, it’s no different to me. The stuff I would talk about would only ever be things I would recommend to you if we were chatting in real life. I’m not going to write about something, just because I might get paid to do so. It’s just not how I roll, and it’s not how this blog rolls either. You know before most of were “Mummies” we used to be “executives” and “managers” and “artists” and “professionals”. Fancy that?! To me it’s smart. It’s business. And I’m excited and thrilled that I am now in a position to do so.
I don’t know what parts of the story will be shown tonight. I don’t know what the response will be from other bloggers, from the general public. I am working on toughening up my skin, letting things roll off my back and resting assured that in a few days time it will all blow over. I’m sure people will have views about me, my house, how I look, what I write about. Everything. Cause it’s easy to from the safety of your lounge room isn’t it? From behind twitter? Or a comment? I know because I am guilty of it as well. It’s just human nature – cut the bastard down! And it’s OK, I’ve signed up for that and I’m as ready as I’m ever going to be.
I’ll just keep reading the support that I continue to get day in, day out. Things like: “Never underestimate the power of your written words; Beth. Thank you for writing in such an eloquent way, the words that I cannot seem to get down at the moment.” And I’ll just keep on writing, blogging, photographing, sharing, keep doing my own thing and keep counting my lucky stars that I have so many awesome people wishing me all the best. Thank you.
Now, someone pass me the popcorn, I think this is going to be interesting to watch…oh, and if anyone needs me this afternoon, I’ll be busy in my counting house, counting all my money. Snort.
I love ya guts and as I’ve already established you as my benefactor I’m just sitting back watching you soar. You booked my ticket to BlogHer too, right?
What’s the sponsored post ratio on that one?! x
Oh lovely! Can’t wait to see you tonight. You are right. It’s all about connection and I’m so glad you, and others like you are at it everyday.
You know, every day I visit your blog. Sometimes I am grumpy that you take until the afternoon to post (I mean, I ‘need’ my babymac in the morning god damn it). I don’t always comment (you must know that from your stats yes??) but figure I don’t really need too. I reckon your would rant, rave, ramble and tell really funny stories about life in general without anyone commenting. I reckon you are that sort of chick.
Now I get to see you on the idiot box too. A-mazing. Congrats and well done. In all our eyes, you are THE top blogger (even if you didn’t get the car and the sponsored trip away). You are the bees knees, the cows knees and every-other-bloody-knees out there. whoop whoop (-:
Thanks Linda! Appreciate your kind words x
Sadly, I am bracing for any abuse you might get. I don’t know why, but it seems blogger bashing is becoming quite the sport.
I saw you in the promo last night and was so excited for you.
If all goes well I hope to see it tonight and fingers, toes and eyes crossed you don’t get the experience that some other remarkable bloggers have had of late.
Thanks Clairey, I put on my big girl pants today! x
Saw the advertisment for it last night and cant wait – I love my daily fix of Beth Xx
I’ll be tuning in Beth and fingers crossed will be shown with the passion it so deserves.
Damn its days like these I wish we had a tv. Good on you Beth. I’ll see if it’s online anywhere.
I’ll whack up a link when it’s done Hazel!
Fingers Crossed they produce a good, honest, story that portrays you in the correct way that so many of your readers see you in, talented, eloquent and real.
Well done Love you’re work Beth,have tried some of your recipes and considering I could not have been any less interested in cooking if I tried I’ve done alright love the way u just put things together or whack it in the oven it’s fun not to formal keep up the good work and anyone that knows me knows your on the project tonight goodluck keep up the awesome work
Go Beth xx
Ahhh lady, I am so very proud of you. You totally deserve the positive recognition for this wonderful space you’ve created. And I can’t think of a better advocate for all the bloggers out there, who do what they do, day in, day out. Such an exciting scene to be a part of and I do think companies should be taking more notice of what Mum’s and Dad’s and everyday people have to say. I’ll be front row watching the story tonight. Well done! xoxo
You are right it’s about connection with other women and sharing. But growing that tough skin is hard and such a shame we have to do it. Good luck xToni
i’m so excited for you beth! you know I adore your honesty – for everything! – that’s why your space is my #1. DVR is set! x
Nervous and excited for you.
I can’t get the association between you and a quesadilla out of my head…that’s how (via your recipe) I found and really started to enjoy you!
have fun x
I am THRILLED with the connection. No finer food to be associated with. Maybe pork belly.
Can’t wait to see you. Think you are fabulous and you and your cohorts are doing such a wonderful job paving the way! x
Oh, setting a reminder now! Crazy hour, post ballet, I will forgot unless I hear that alarm. But will try to watch, I’m sure you’ll be great. x
Good work Beth! I’ve set the recorder as I’m likely to forget! I saw the promo last night and told hubby he should watch it – he might learn something. He’s response was “what are you going to be on it”. Haha don’t think so. But one awesome blogger is!,
Love reading your blog – even listened to your podcast the other day too.
Very exiting things happening for you today, bet you can’t sit still with the anticipation,
keep up the good work!
How exciting! look forward to seeing it.
I look forward to watching tonight. Blogging is an amazing medium to get the written word and for us to let our views and opinated voices soar. Whether others like it or not his is your blog and you can blog and talk about whatever you please. Love your blog and will continue to read often. Congratulations on all that you are achieving hopefully I will start to reap the benefits on my blog too. X
You know we’re watching and rooting for you – but not literally. ugh. Doing it for Beth!!
You superstar on the rise you!
Lotsa love,
Gab xx
PS: Love that shot of you. GLORIOUS!!!
1. Nice Chair
2. Very ‘citing re telly spot
3. I don’t watch the project but I will tonight to see you in the Flesh
4. How do you feel emotionally about the term “Mummy Blogger”?
5. I have huge blog traffic but no money from it. Rats. Never mind
6. Plant a quince tree immediately.
That is all. x
Emotionally it makes me want to poke my eyes out. FF you are one of my favourite bloggers who I fully endorse AND I will do that quince tree. Promise.
Beth, I’m so pleased I don’t have any kids sports on in town tonight, so I can watch the show! I’m so excited for you, and you should be proud of what you have achieved x
I read your blog, its part of the weave of my daily life – I like it for the topics, but even more because I see someone who has found a groove with something she loves – it comes out in your writing. You celebrate life, acknowledge that it’s messy and you get amongst it. So you should take it as far as you can – good for you!
I will be watching. And cheering you on. And when you have a bad day from now on , just remember that your words really do make a difference. Thanks Beth xx
Can’t wait to see you tonight! Marita x
Go get em tiger. I think it’s awesome.
Beth, brilliant and eloquent. Thank you for owning your voice. Helps me to own mine.
You will ‘wow’ them tonight , Beth.
My family are still bewildered by ‘people’ giving me free stuff for what they see is nothing.
It is so much more than that as you eloquently write , it’s about the connections.
You’re a fabulous writer Beth! Keep it up BabyMac!
As a random guy, fellow blogger who came across your blog today through my twitter feed congrats on the spot!
I saw the ad on Ch10 last night and wondered who it would be.
I’m sure you will be ace! Enjoy the 15 minutes.
Hey thank you random Steve Fogg – appreciate it!
Looking forward to watching you tonight phone will be off ,everyone told to shut up cos you are on! Yes you are fricken brilliant i may not comment on here lots but i do read your post cos it keeps me sane :-p *snort*
Go girl xxx
Would love to watch it but we dont have TV in our motorhome! Will it get featured online?
Can’t wait! Will be chucking twindadoes in the bath at that exact time to keep them quiet for more than two seconds.
So excited for you!!! Can’t wait to watch it 🙂
boom chika wow wow. Im with FF, dont normally watch, but will tonight to figure out the logistics of such a marvelous hair do.
T xx
Hi Beth, I have been reading your blog since 2008/9ish & used to have a blog which you follow(ed)! I think you’re amazing and what you say is so true: blogging is about connection. I kind of forgot during 2010/11 but having just had my second child and being housebound a lot, I have remembered the power of a sympathetic ear on the other end of the computer. I don’t watch The Project (or TV at all – always too busy wrestling 2 children to bed) but I will try to tonight 🙂
I have to confess to being a bit of a ‘lurker’ on your blog, I read and enjoy but have never commented on posts, really not sure why but had to comment this time. Can’t wait to watch the project tonight, congrats I am sure it will be a great segment.
Well done Beth. It is refreshing to see that you have the perfect balance on what you are doing. You are in control and you are not changing. Just embracing the journey. There is a lot of *stuff* being said at the moment, but it is just stuff. It too will pass. I guess everyone has their own opinion and that is okay, but it is not okay when it turns into blogger bashing or anyone bashing. Our standards need refocusing to what is right and what is wrong. I am always of the opinion that if you don’t like, that’s fine, don’t watch/read/comment. Good luck Beth and try to enjoy the ride x
Sooooo excited for you – please put the interview on Facebook so fans from Africa can watch it 😉
This will be fabulous. If there is ONE show on in Australia that would have a clue about blogging & mummies, it’s The Project. Pretty confident you’ll represent us well in the genuine way we blog. Enjoy, love Posie
I’ve been waiting all week for this episode! Monika.
you were awesome and I am so happy to have found your blog… now I will spend the rest of tonight reading it! 🙂
You all looked wonderful and you spoke from the blog heart Ms
Good luck chickie,
I’ll be watching it in an hour and a bit
Enjoyed seeing the show and came to find you. I’m a Texas girl living in Brisbane for just three more weeks (tear, tear) before heading home. I use our blog to write about our adventures here. It’s so easy to communicated with people back home in mass. Blogging back home is huge and I will be interested to see where it goes. I wish you the best and plan to catch up on your happenings from now on.
I just loved watching you up there tonight. Way to go lady! Your living your dreams xx
Hi Beth, I read your blog each day but haven’t commented before. Saw you tonight, you looked great, so glad that it portrayed you the way you seem to be on the blog. Keep up the great writing, I especially love your discussions on the REALLY important things…like how we hang out the washing!!! Genius
congratulations on your segment on the project. love your photos too.
You were bloody great. A Mummy and a Blogger that I look up to. You are right though – this is all about connection and community. I know I would have been lost without my ‘access to the outside world’ last year when I was home with a newborn. Keep doing what you’re doing. You are fabulous! C xo
Hi Beth. I have only recently discovered the wonderful world of blogs and blogging. I found yours through the story about The Remarkables. Anyone who puts as much time and energy into blogging as you do deserves to be rewarded for that effort. I saw you on The Project tonight and I just wanted to say keep up the fantastic work. It is wonderful when you can do something you love and if you are able to make some money from it I say good for you!
Beth, you do influence people, I now have ‘mood lighting’ in my kitchen each night after I’m done washing up!! Who knew? I’m fairly new to your blog but look forward to my daily dose of Babymac and you’re so right about the connection, especially for us mums at home who miss the ‘water cooler’ chat at the office and no longer get to catch up with their girlfriends as often as they’d like. Saw you on the box tonight, it was great. Love your beautiful home, your hair, your attitude! Keep up the great work x
I missed it live…went out to see What to Expect When You’re Expecting…but just caught it on Channel 10 online…you nailed it!
Beth, a great post and you were spot on. Best part of blogging is the sense of community!
Keep up the great work. Naomi
You were great on The Project, watched it online
Hi Beth,
I recently discovered you through Twitter and became an instant fan after downloading tonight’s interview. To quote Mother Down Under – ‘you nailed it!’ Congratulations. You don’t need to toughen up, you just need to keep doing what you are. Sharing. I imagine, if the 62 preceding comments are any indication, any critic will certainly receive a high five to the back of the head and promptly told where to go.
Keep hitting those keys and I hope you enjoyed the popcorn.
ow ow is there a linky to the show? So I can see?
I think your home and you are just ducky, thank you very much!
Nice job Beth!… Just look how far you’ve come. So proud, I am 😉
You did great. Although I think they made out abit that we are all raking in the cash! And you know my fave bit?Hearing your voice! So sweet and.lovely. well done love!
high five beth x
I love your blog too Beth and thought The Project delivered a good story. The advertising dude ( think his name is Todd) gave the story true credibility too! Keep up the good work Im also a daily reader, but not a daily commenter. LOVE your recipes and these have been passed around the family good simple yummy food! I also love that you guys had the courage to make the move south. Weve toyed with it for many years…
Good for you Beth! From one blogger to another, it can be a lonely business sitting here in the quiet of your own thoughts hoping beyond hope that someone will read what you write. We do it because we love to do it, but let’s face it love doesn’t pay the bills and so long as we’re true to our brand and our readers like you say, why not get paid for it? Good luck and keep on doing what you’re doing. Jay xox
You did a marvellous job representing quality bloggers. Good one, Beth.
It was really great, you did the blogging world good with your natural lovely voice, yay, love Posie
I just watched the segment and I thought it was great Beth! Were you happy with how the show represented you and blogging in general?
You were fab and now I’ve discovered The Project too…a case of cross promotion
You were great, especially that last bit where you proudly said you loved it…good job Beth!
I only managed to watch it last night online. Bloody well done! Loved it. And i loved how at the end that guy closed it really well with his comment.
I adore you, you know that. But dude! You just did like a celeb RT the nice stuff people said about them thing in your post! SNORT. Haha. There is loads of nice stuff, wonderful stuff, admiring and envious stuff to say about you. So do what you want. But for some reason this made me laugh.
I’m sorry, actually, that you have had to toughen your skin. I liked it just the way it was. I know I’ve only met you once but gee whiz lady, you became an instant favourite of mine. To hear they are breaking you, even in this small way, pisses me off.
Now, about these millions…
Beth, I’ve only just discovered you & think you’re fabulous. Loved the interview. It was real, natural and inspiring. Thank you. Amy