Life keeps getting in my way

The weekend went by just as quickly as it came around last week. The days seems to keep starting, then before I know what’s happened and I think it’s time to pack down on the couch and relax, it’s time to get up and do the School pick up, then it’s something after School. February is over next week for God’s sake. Plans are being made for Easter.

Sunday afternoon the cold that I had passed onto Harper from being so run down and exhausted had a turn for the worse as she struggled to breathe. She coughed (and did the old cough/vomit 3 times) and coughed and no matter what she did, she could not catch her breath. Having suffered as an asthmatic my whole life I knew the feeling well, and despite there being the biggest storm we have had in quite some time on at the time, I bundled her up and we headed off to Emergency. Even in our small country town all the crazies had descended on ER on Sunday night in the middle of the storm so we sat and waited our turn and eventually were placed in a bed for a few hours before being admitted for the night. The poor wee thing had to have ventolin every 20 minutes for a few hours, then every 2 hours. It was not fun having to wake an exhausted toddler from her sleep to hold her down while she had oxygen and ventolin pumped into her. I got 2, maybe 3 hours sleep tops on Sunday night.

Yesterday she was slightly better, but crazier than ever from the steroids that she had been given and did I mention exhausted? We rested, slept a little, watched DVD’s and had more drugs pumped into her. We were eventually given leave when she only needed to have the ventolin every 3 hours.

The minute we got home her grey complexion got brighter. She exploded with joy when she saw her big sister and immediately gave Daisy the Red Cross teddy she was given in hospital. We all crashed into bed (even me at 7.30pm) and after a few scheduled wakes in the night for more ventolin, we all had over 11 hours of restful sleep last night. Dear GOD we needed it. Today life goes on, Daisy will go to School, Rob will head to Sydney for work, and I will try and get that little lady rested and well enough for her surgery next week when things will all go downhill. Again.


  1. ahhh, to you all,. love and sleep. at least the weather is crapola, so you can stay rugged up inside. xxxxx

  2. Here’s to a slow week for you and a quick full recovery for Harper. She sounds like she has been so brave. xo

  3. Take care of that little lady and yourself. You know what? I reckon the surgery won’t be tougher than that, it’ll be easier. You’re almost there. xxx

  4. Im feelin you, I had asthma as a child and can remember Mum sitting with me with the electric frypan making steam for me to breathe to try and stop the coughing…Ventolin is a wonderful drug…steriods good too but yeah the crazy from them…hard!! Glad you got some sleep xx

  5. I agree, sending love and sleep. Hopefully after her surgery all the crapiness will be behind you and a wonderful year awaits x

  6. Oh the poor little thing! Fingers crossed for a quick recovery for Harper, and lots of sleep for everyone! xx

  7. I’m sure sleep depravity will soon be a viable defence for a range of offences,but you lady, have handled yours with such patience and grace. Surely such endurance must be rewarded with a happy, healthy family post Harper’s surgery.

    Sending warm & fuzzy hugs and sleepy vibes your way.

    Gabs xo

  8. Oh Beth what a terrible time. Poor little miss! I just wanna give her a big cuddle. Please try and rest and look after yourself… ready for the op… sending love across the globe.. smooch! lou x

  9. I feel for you…have been there too and it is such an emotionally and physically exhausting place to be…glad she is on the mend and perhaps you can both get some sleep in the next few days…hang in there!
    Sending big hugs to you all…i remember what ventolin did to my now teen…gosh she was bouncing off the walls….but others it makes sleepy…hope you get that!!!

  10. I feel for you all and hope so much that things pick up and become better and brighter.Big comforting hugs x

  11. Dude, that is ROUGH. May the force be with you all in the coming weeks. I hope the surgery goes well, and that quality sleep soon descends upon the house of MacDonald.

  12. Poor little thing. And you. Hope she gets better soon and you all manage to get some more sleep.

  13. Oh hugs for you both xx

  14. Gosh, you poor things – Harper and Beth both. Hope she’s on the mend.

  15. I know that feeling as you sit in hospital with your little one watching them so exhausted. I hope it’s given you the time to catch your breath and ensure you’re back to your best.

  16. Oh Harper’s poor little head.
    Not to mention yours.

    These horrendous nights and hospital hells are the making of us Mummas.
    (Not the coffee dates and Oprah sittings – as some people think.)

    You, my friend, are made of tough stuff.
    Good, good stuff.

    Wishing you a (semi, at least) restful week.

  17. man, she’s cute.

  18. Poor little Harper, I hope she is feeling better. Your post made me shed a tear when I read how happy Harper was to see her big sister. Poor little one. Thankfully she has her sis to make her smile during these sick times.
    Take care and rest well.

  19. Poor munchkin. Thoughts are with you & your family, and happy vibes for a speedy recovery. xx

  20. Oh poor darling! Jeez mothering is hard xxx

  21. I remember hearing or reading somewhere years ago that ya kids keep you young – it’s BS – every accident, illness, drama & trauma ages you prematurely. I’m in my 50th year & most days I look & feel close to 100!

  22. I hate hearing about kids in hospital. Awful. Glad she’s home.
    I have heard that adnoids ops are pretty good – sick for a few days but SO much better after that. Good luck. xx

  23. Oh B, that’s horrible. What an exhausting event for you both.

    Try and get lots of rest this week.

  24. Hoping that you all recover and get some S L E E P

  25. My goodness, your post tugs at my heart strings. I to have a little girl ( now 8 ) who suffers with her breathing. Your experience is just too similar to what we go through. But you know, sisterly love ….my goodness, those girls will always be there for one another, always. Hope you can get some good sleep in before next week.
    nattie x

  26. It just breaks my heart Beth, she is such a gorgeous little girl and there is nothing worse than seeing them sick and helpless like that. Just shitty times all round really. I’m glad you’re all home now and hope things pick up quickly xo

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