All is quiet

On New years Day. And the day after. Finally summer is here. I could get used to this.


  1. What a GORGEOUS place to live!! That is my dream home, sprawling gardens and plenty of space to run and be free. Enjoy yourselves! πŸ™‚

  2. The cheeky Jack Russell always seem to sneak in the photos! Glad you have some sun down your way at last.

  3. I can sense the tranquility from here… Just beautiful. xx ps. How grown up are your girls getting?! πŸ™‚

  4. Precious, precious times. πŸ˜‰

  5. Yay for summer! And yay for holidays x

  6. Oh how glorious, thought of you while cruising through Buladelah (can i spell it yet??) & wished it was my destination. The sculptures are amazing too, plus photo bombing puppy, love Posie

  7. Hi I have just added you to my list of Daily Reads on my blog. I look forward to reading your blog.
    My link is if you may be interested.
    Happy New Year!!

  8. I know! Summer has taken its sweet time this year, hasn’t it! Finally arrived up here in Queensland too.

    I love the photos of your girls wiht their (great?) Nan – their faces just say “yeah, I know I’m loved/adored by this woman”.

    Gorgeous pics – happy days – enjoy your summer!

  9. i want your life… but with more sleep πŸ˜‰


  10. Finally! But soon enough we’ll wish it gone. Girls look to be having fun. I looove those sculptures! Very creative!

  11. Ah looks like the perfect place to relax and unwind. You photos are beautiful. Enjoy.

    x jody

  12. Love these photos, the girls look so sweet and Daisy looks about 25 in that pic with grandma… my she looks grown up.

  13. I love Daisy’s top with is it Great Gran? I would wear it myself!
    Wonderful 3-D like photos as always; beautiful. I like quiet.

  14. I have been thinking about pork crackling since I saw your pic yesterday…recipe?

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