Women’s Business

I think I must have been here on this earth before. Probably lots of times. But I take great comfort in feeding my friends and family, making my house a home, ensuring that I have food in the cupboards, clean clothes in the drawers. I like to chop wood for my fire and stack it just so, bath the kids and dress them in the nighties in front of it. And I like it like that. It makes me happy. And it’s a little old fashioned.

You can imagine my delight then, when I became an official Committee Member for our local School of Arts that was built all the way back in 1883, right back in my comforting pioneering zone. Last week they held their local Bridge Day where 80 odd old ducks descended upon the hall with their card tables for some morning tea, steaming cups of tea, tiny finger sandwiches and a cheeky glass of wine for lunch and plenty of card playing in between.

I was up at the School at 8am ready to make sandwiches. And did we ever. A chicken, celery, mayo and pine nut number, an egg and lettuce and a cream cheese/tomato concoction. I was partnered up with a Judy {who was partial to a ciggie bless her world} and a Robyn and we stood and nattered, made sandwiches, talked about our village and had many a laugh in between. We cut the crusts with an electric carving knife, we placed them on plates just so and we served our visitors tea and cakes with the roses picked from these women’s garden’s.

There is something about learning from older people that makes me happy. The older I get, the more I appreciate it. Listening to stories, learning, laughing and sharing. All our stories and lives, no matter how different, are all the same when it comes down to it – looking after our families, raising children, growing a garden, supporting our friends and community and enjoying living in this beautiful town.

If you had told me 18 months ago that this would be my life I would have spat out my skin takeaway latte in your face. My city terrace living ways suited me just fine. Well I thought so at least. It wasn’t until we arrived here, to this town, that I knew that we were really home. Belonging to a place. Our place.

I feel honoured to be a part of this. Putting my story into the floorboards. My cackling laughter and rude jokes into the walls. Having my family share and enjoy this town in this time. While we might not be welcoming soldiers back from a war, but raising money to keep the doors open on this Pearl of history, I get to be a part of it, a part of it’s story, and it makes me feel very privileged to be doing so. And eating unlimited egg sandwiches along the way certainly helps matters…


  1. love, love this Beth.

  2. This is beautiful. This is all we are really, just people taking care of each other, supporting your town and your family. I love it.

    You are a true giver Beth.

  3. i really love this post beth, and just what need this morning. natalie

  4. Yes, after all isn’t this what life is about? Giving,sharing, supporting and loving others. I love your post, it makes me feel good inside. x

  5. We live near a smallish country town and there is something extra about being included and immersed in a small community. I feel like all the layers of my life are interweaved somehow with the live of other people of this town. There is much satisfaction to be found in contributing.

    The stories of the older generation of women are told with warmth and humour. Sometimes I am touched by the sadness they have endured and their resilience.

    I am glad you have found a place Beth.

  6. Oh I love love this so much. Just beautiful. There’s something about standing with women – especially older women, who know how the world works – that is just so powerful.

    Beautiful pics too. XX

  7. This is such a lovely post Beth.

    I am desperately trying to find my little spot in the world, no such luck yet:(
    Bravo to you for having the balls to move and start a family life elsewhere!! πŸ˜€
    You make me want to consider a country sort of life….

  8. It sounds like the perfect place to be πŸ™‚

  9. This is truly beautiful Beth. Gives me a warm fuzzy feeling. Cxo

  10. So glad you’ve found your spot in the world. It’s beautiful and half the battle won. xx

  11. What a beautiful place to be – physically and emotionally.

  12. Well written .. and couldn’t agree more (-:

  13. Beautifully written.

    So many of the reasons why I love my Nanna so much.

    I just love women. I love how we’re wired. & I love how powerful we can be πŸ™‚

    So glad you’ve found your place to belong to xx

  14. Gorgeous, gorgeous post.

  15. This is so beautiful lady, the words, the pics, everything. It suits you so well… and it would seem you suit it down to the ground also :o) xo

  16. Fabulous.

    I think taking care of your family is one of if not the best thing you can do.

    The thought of returning to the Coalface in January and leaving this SAHM gig makes my blood run COLD.

    Might need some cheescake to lower my heart rate.

    I personally love the comapany of the mature aged- they are funnier and have tonnes more amusing anecdotes.

  17. Beth, that is just beautiful! Actually two older ladies joined me at my table this morning, (as I was quickly inhaling my morning coffee), they were life long friends, and I ended up chatting to them for a while. I didn’t intend to. But, as I walked away I thought how much I had enjoyed their company, and how much I learned within that short space of time. I will be looking out for them again tomorrow morning…

  18. That connection and connectedness is what makes the world spin. Without that, why are we here? So happy you’ve found your home. What a lovely place.

    How good is the electric knife to get the edges perfect?! Took me years to make the switch!

  19. My auntie (a cane farmer’s wife in a small North QLD town) once told me that as I grew older I would tire of the city and want to return to the town I grew up in. She said “it’s an important life that contributes to the patina of a community”. x

  20. I so miss my Grandparents…. My sister and I talk about it often. When I was at home last I found a box of my grandmothers. She had kept every letter we had ever wrote her. Amazing to find pieces of paper folder from when you were 10 and 11 or even 3 and four.

    Great post… Community is everything…

  21. Gorgeous, Beth, just gorgeous. xx

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