Fathers Day

Sometimes words don’t say enough. They don’t convey the true feeling, the smell, the taste, the love or beauty of a moment or a day. So, today, I’ll just let the pictures do the work…


  1. LOVE that pic of Rob at the end! Looks like a superb day,.. love your life x

  2. Yum! Is that fetta in the salad? Lovely day πŸ™‚

  3. Love it…

    Sarah from Canberra

  4. Looks beautiful. Puts my effort to shame. But why the “M” cup? I thought your husband’s name was Rob?

  5. OH my gooness, the foood! Looks. Amazing!!!!

    xo em

  6. Looks brilliant! Please write a cookbook x

  7. Still want your bin. Oh and I will take that cake as well x

  8. Life’s good xx

  9. A visual feast!!

  10. bloody fabbo !

  11. Fabulous!!

  12. Love your photos. Looks like a glorious day with family and amazing food.

  13. Drooling….well done Beth againnnnnnnnnnn..and Margot my guess is they live close to the M-3 Highway or Rob (think I read) loves scrabble, where the M is worth 3,,,cheers!

  14. Looks like yet another weekend filled with beautiful food. I love the seasoning on that pumpkin – might have to try that idea over the next few days. Great photos, Beth! xxx

  15. Cake recipe please Bev. x

  16. Great pics. Love the coffee art!

  17. Ugh no wonder were all fat you and the food pictures make me hungry every time! x

  18. lovely! You at your very best. Glad you had a nice weekend after everything.

  19. Looks like you guys had an awesome day. And I’m loving the Chuck Taylors – we’re big fans of those around here πŸ™‚

  20. Yep, those pics say it all!

  21. Julie – (ex Burrawang…now Syd)
    Wow….great job in making Rob’s day so awesome. I think I need to go back to “how to spoil hubs on father’s day school”! Great job Beth. Love your blog…it’s always good for a read. Don’t let a few negative people get to you, you are doing the most worthwhile job in the world – mothering!
    (I’m not “that” anon, I just don’t have a blog yet)

  22. What great photos – they seem to really capture the sense of the day. Love your blog. Cheers, Sue

  23. Those photos all made me smile! It looks like Rob had a great relaxing day!

  24. No words were required!

    What a beautiful day.

    The last pic sums it all up perfectly πŸ™‚

    P.S pumpkin is literally my fave veg, and that looks beautiful!

  25. Looks like you all jumped straight out of a magazine..a picture perfect day..and a very cool dad!

  26. Wow it all looks so beautiful. That cake is simply stunning! Rob looks very content in the last pic!

  27. gorgeous! man those pics just want to make me move down there! you are killing me with these gorgeous pics and I know they are only going to get better when the weather gets warmer!!!!!!!!!!

    looks like rob had a great day! unlike retro daddy who wanted to go to chatswood chase to buy things for himself, the kids ended up having huge tantrums and he spent $95 in the toy section of DJ’s and he got nothing:( next year I’ll organise what we are doing!

  28. Looks like a most perfect day. And that cake! Delish!! xx

  29. i want this lunch now!!!!

  30. Beautiful… looks like a super day πŸ™‚ Rob ( I feel like I’m being a bit familiar calling him by his first name) looks very relaxed and content in that last photo, his lovely wife obviously gave him a great day. Being a good home maker ,wife and mother is a lost art and not everyone can do it- you look like you’re doing a great job of it and your girls will remember that.

  31. Yuuuuuuummmm!!!!
    Gorgeous photos as always. Love Harper’s face in the first one… so much love. xxx

  32. Looks amazing Beth, your photos are absolutely beautiful. Can I have a piece of that cake now please? xx

  33. Looks like you guys had a great day xo love the baked spuds!!

  34. Delicious, everything.

  35. What a beautiful day, the pictures say it all. Although i would love to know what the cucumber type salad is? xx

  36. GORGEOUS! I really love your photos, they capture your day beautifully. What camera are you using?

  37. I love the photos and the pressies and the food.
    But how did Hubby react to receive his father’s day presents in pink cupcake wrapping paper ? Wow I love the idea of all star converse shoes and Jamie Oliver’s 30 min meal book for presents. Lucky Hubby.

  38. All looks rather perfect xx

  39. The ordinary acts we practice everyday at home
    are of more importance
    to the soul
    than their simplicity may suggest.

    (thomas moore.)

    your wonderful talent to prepare fresh food is so lovely, I so wish I had that ability.

  40. Rob is rocking those connies! Looks like you spoilt him, sunshine and all!

    What’s the secret to such great spuds Bev?

    Hey, that bin is the bomb.
    Just saying.

  41. Please can I come and have a holiday at your house!!

  42. what a beautiful story in pictures πŸ™‚ x

  43. Looks like a lovely day!
    Cake and potatos look super yummy!! Recipes please

  44. can I be you, just for one day?


  45. just delightful.

  46. Your bubbie is a spunk!

  47. I love when your pictures do the work lady… they do such a great job of it! Just beautiful. All of it. Top shot of the man of honour at the end :o) xo

  48. Converse & MacDonald tartan, what a match made in heaven!! I looked forever for Jamie’s cook book, my husband gave it to me for Mother’s Day or Easter – he found it in Brisbane DJs, better yet, buy 3 books & get 30% off so he got me a craft book & fancy cook book too. Happy Father’s Day in your household. Love Posie

  49. Yep, you didn’t have to say much. The photos did say it all.

    How is it you (or Rob) aren’t the size of a house with all that food you cook?


  50. Aghhh more yumming food (and man!)… ooops sorry is that your hubby, darn! What lovely presents you all gave him, love that card, it says it all. xxLou xx

  51. I have loved reading your blog, especially since your move to the country. Your home is gorgeous (god I used to laugh at my mother as she described all houses that way) but I love the light and your 50’s, mid-century pieces. You inspire me with your attitude to having guests over. You make it looked so relaxed! Lastly how good is that pepper grinder? I have exactly the same one, I guilt tripped my parents into buying it for me one year when they forgot my birthday! It could be used as a lethal weapon though, being so heavy.

  52. Sorry that sounded as if I won’t be reading your blog in the future. I meant that I have loved reading your blog this last week since I found it, and will now follow you in real time, as it were.

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