H-to-the-Appy 5 year Blogiversary!

That’s right! Today! I am! Going to use as many! Exclamation! Points! As! I! Can!

And do you know why? Well, it’s 5 years today since I wrote {well Rob actually wrote it} our first ever blog post on BabyMac. Not bad hey? I have to be some kind of blogging pioneer woman on the Australian Blogging scene don’t I? I’m calling it. Just don’t make a point of saying “You only have how many followers after how many years? Pfft.” Whatevs! 5 years MOFO’s!

In order to celebrate this milestone I got to thinking about all the things I love to do. All the things I write about on here. All the things I share with you, and that I know you love to read about. Well, at least I think that’s why you come in here every other day? I came up with…

: Entertaining people – drinking good booze and eating good food
: Sitting on my couch watching DVD’s
: Going to the movies
: Making my home pretty
: Reading magazines and sourcing inspirations
: Playing with my kids
: Sitting on my couch watching Foxtel

Yes, that about sums up what makes this gal happy most days. So what was I going to do about it? Well, I thought I would just go and email companies and see if they wanted to join in. And you know what? They did! Slowly but surely, they are ‘getting’ what bloggers do and what they have to offer to an engaged audience. And the best bit was that there were no fancy PR companies involved. No parlarva (yes that’s a word). No saturation. No competing with other bloggers. Win! WIN! Win! win! So, dear BabyMac readers who ROCK my world each and every day with your comments, and emails and real, proper friendships I have a pretty sweet giveaway with a little from each of the things that I love to do. So you can do them too!

I like drinking booze yes? Damn straight. So Dan Murphys have come to party with 2(!) $50 vouchers for you. That’s right $100 to blow at Dan Murphys. On them. Now, I would prefer if you spend it on a reeeeally good bottle of French champagne or a bottle of Hendricks Gin – but if you want to blow it all on a couple of cases of Vodka Cruisers who am I to stop you? Also, if per chance you don’t drink at all, it looks like they can be used at other stores like Big W and Woolies and stuff.

I like to watch DVD’s and I also like to put my children in front of DVD’s so I can go on twitter and read blogs and stuff. Lucky for you Twentieth Century Fox have stepped in with 4 DVD’s for your and your children’s viewing pleasure. We have:

1 x 127 Hours (included Blu-Ray + DVD + Digital Copy)
1 x Black Swan (included Blu-Ray + DVD + Digital Copy)
1 x Diary of a Wimpy Kid (included Blu-Ray + DVD + Digital Copy)
1 x Alvin and the Chipmunks 1 & 2 (included Blu-Ray + DVD + Digital Copy)

Ever since I have had kids I have taken to going to the movies by myself. It’s the quiet I think, and the dark, and the popcorn and chocolate. And the no talking, answering questions, wiping bums or picking stuff off the floor. Ahhhh. Movies. Wanna go see some movies? Well OK then! Twentieth Century Fox have ALSO given me a few free passes to see some new flicks coming out shortly.

Admit two to see Rise of the Planet Apes opens August 4
Admit two to see Glee the 3D movie concert opens August 11

Besides my obsession with lamps, art, rugs and all things house related I also have an unhealthy obsession for scatter cushions. I love how you can change them up for different seasons, and they totally change a look. Who knew a humble cushion could do so much?! I have  only recently discovered the handy work of Shannon aka Auntie Cookie and I have spent many an hour trawling through her Etsy Store working out what can go where in my lovely home and just how many I can sneak in before Rob starts asking questions. The fabulouso Jane Hall aka Salvation Jane has used her stuff throughout her home and also in a recent makeover she did for Chrissie Swan that was on the Circle. So, I decided just to bite the bullet and send her an email asking if she had a little something for little ol’ me. And you know what? She did have a little something. Something FABULOUS.

Just my favourite cushion that’s what! For you! That’s right you will get the beautiful Home Sweet Home cushion as well. Worth $50. Shut. Up.

Are you still with me? Can you still breathe? It’s OK. I know. It’s freaking fabulous. I feel like Oprah! Or Ellen! Or someone who gives stuff away that is awesome because they can.

You know what else I like? I like my kids. I like playing with my kids and I like even better when my kids play with stuff that doesn’t involve me playing with them. I also like the girls that run Gallop Lifestyle a fabulous online store that keeps brown paper packages tied up with string arriving at my doorstep. What would combine both these things?

A Maiike soft toy from Gallop Lifestyle would do the trick don’t you think? Worth $50 these little beautiful handmade critters are the brainchild of textile artist Aly Peel. In the spirit of sustainable production Aly gleans old jumpers, cleans them, felts them, cuts out squares and turns them into new soft toys! Each one is unique. Each one is fabulous and one will be yours. This little one below in fact! You can also be smug and drop into conversations things like “Oh yes, I only get my children play with sustainable toys. Don’t you? Oh…” And not be lying. Awesome.

I thought I better front up and put something into the mix too just so you don’t think I am a complete tight arse. Well, actually, I emailed Country Style and they didn’t get back to me, but who cares! I can give it to you can’t I? OF COURSE I CAN! So. What do I have? STYLE. Right? Debatable. And where do I live? IN THE COUNTRY that’s where! I want you to escape every month to the country when you receive a years subscription to Country Style. Worth $70 of my hard earned cash too. Well Rob’s actually seeing as he is the only one bringing in the bacon at the mo. Let’s thank him later shall we?

And lastly, while I am sitting on the couch reading a magazine, or drinking booze there’s one thing my kids excel at. And that’s watching Foxtel. IQ’d shows back to back to back and any of the kids channels. I will admit to using Foxtel to raise my children on particularly trying days, hey who am I kidding? EVERY DAY! But you know what’s annoying? When you have to stop what you are reading on twitter and go and change the channel for them. NO MORE! Behold! The mini mote!

Who knew? I didn’t! It makes bad parenting even easier! WIN! They say: With safety in mind, Minimote offers an easy way to control what channels your children can watch when it’s TV time (don’t they realise it’s always TV time?!). Kids can jump between 8 pre-programmed FOXTEL kids channels meaning you know what they are watching. I say it’s a chance for them to change their own channels without disturbing Mummy! Well played Foxtel, well played. Worth $30 I have one for you! If you don’t have Foxtel then you can just look at it and wish you did. It’s totally worth it just for all that extra time on twitter and reading blogs.

So. Friends. There you have it. BabyMac’s 5 year blogiversary giveaway BONANZA! That’s right you get each and every thing you just saw. Just for you. Cause I care. Let’s have a look shall we?

: 2 x $50 Dan Murphy gift cards
: 4 DVD’s
: 2 movie passes for 2 people each
: Fabulous Aunty Cookie Home Sweet Home Cushion
: Maiike Soft Toy {sustainable nonetheless}
: 1 years subscription to Country Style Magazine
: 1 Foxtel Mini Mote

Worth a total of over $500!

One entry per person. Extra entry for retweeting. Open to Australian readers only. Open for one week – giveaway ends Midnight Friday 5th August with winner announced via blog post on Saturday 6th August.

How good is that? Pretty good I reckon. So. What you gotta do to get your hands on all this goodness? Not much. Just a comment will do. I’m pretty easy to please. Sure, you can say how much you love me but the winner will be picked randomly so it won’t really matter. For peeps that just read me via Facebook you can leave a comment on my page there and that will be counted too. One entry per person (although if you retweet about it you get an extra entry too). I can only send this package full of goodness to my readers in Australia which counts out a few of you…SORRY overseas readers! I will close off entries at midnight on Friday 5th August and announce the winner on Saturday 6th August sometime in the morning.

So. Off you go. Write a comment and good luck!

But, before I go though, I will say a few things because I always have the last word. I can’t tell you all how much joy this silly little blog brings me. Each and every day I have a place to come to share my joys, my frustrations, my confusions and my happiness with people who listen and get me and even seem to like me. Thank you. So much. For all your comments, and emails and tweets and friendships that I have with you all. It means the world to me. More than you would ever know. It makes my time here less lonely. It makes the raising of my children all the more enjoyable, my marriage stronger. Honestly. Who knew a blog could do that? Amazing.

Here’s to another 5 years! Now go on, comment away!


  1. Hey Beth! The chances of winning this AWEsome prize seem pretty slim being the #1 comment, but what evs! Congratulations on 5 spectacular years – your blog is always a must-read for me and I find you nothing but hilarious and charming (and very, very honest!) You are a star 🙂


  2. Wow, 5 years! I don’t think I even knew what a blog was back then. Or maybe I did? I don’t know, all too hard to think about t this ungodly hour.

    Anyway, congrats on the anniversary, keep up the good work.



  3. From a newbie blogger and follower, to a seasoned blog traveller, congratulations! Love the pics I’ve seen of your place. Looking forward to hearing more about your adventures.

  4. It’s about the cushion!!! LOVE’n the cushion! good work lady,..you are super awesome,. and I ADORE your blog (and your taste!!) xxx

  5. cookcleanstudy says

    Congratulations Beth and thanks for giving us all a little bit of joy each day. I haven’t let you know yet but thanks for the easy bernaise sauce recipe. It has brightened up many meals in our house from a roast beef to good old rissoles.

  6. I think I’ve just found my doppelgänger – platinum hair, loves booze food kids sitting on the couch and Country Style magazine .. I just need to work on styling my home 😉

  7. Hi Beth,
    Congratulations! I love reading your blog and check in every morning! Heres to another wonderful 5 yrs:-)
    Mandy x

  8. Congrats on reaching this milestone … that’s huge! Going to the movies by yourself rocks. I too am a fan and way overdue a solo visit again. I think it’s the being left alone part that I love most.

    xx P23

  9. Happy 5th birthday! And those prizes look amazing… well done you. x

  10. Have loved virtually following your adventures and the big tree change. If I’m honest, I’m a little in awe of you (and your homestead), you gutsy gal!

  11. Congratulations!! Love reading your blog … and that cushion – it must be love!

  12. Anonymous says

    Congratulations! 5 years is huge! I am relatively new to your blog, but can already say that I love it – am looking forward to browsing your archives for more honest, funny and inspiring posts!


    (Oh, and I live overseas, so please don’t count me in!)

  13. congratulations to one of the Best Bloggers evah! xxxx

  14. Oh my gosh. This is more exciting than the Opera Christmas giveaway, because there’s actually a chance I could win something. Freaken awesome!

    I’ve been with you since near the beginning of your second pregnancy, and it’s been amazing to watch you evolve even in those few short years. Without a doubt, one of my favorite blogs- the one I always open when there’s something new on my news feed. Have this secret dream of us meeting and you inviting me back to your fantastic house and us being best friends- but of course, in a non-creepy stalkerish way (and don’t worry, I’m pretty sure I live in a different state so the chances of that are slim! :P)

    Now I’ve rambled on (I only had a couple of hours sleep last night!), I’m just going to leave you with a big


  15. Wow Beth,5 years!!!! Congratulations on being our” go-to place” each and every day…..your daily stories have the power to make me laugh often, cry sometimes, and mostly just stand back admiringly at the life you have made for yourself and your beautiful family.
    This blog has given you the voice you have longed to have.

  16. CONGRATULATIONS Beth on 5 years! I do love reading your blog! I am gaining confidence in making the odd comment now and then so in order to move away from my secret stalking and in honour of your 5 birthday I have created a Google account / identity thingy. Think the name is still a work in progress.

    Okay, now off to continue to learn all the words to Splash (Daisy got you watching this classic yet?) this is our new 24hour fav 🙂 Enjoy your special day!

    Katie, Newtown (aka Chooky)

    p.s. your date loaf is on our to do list today

  17. Congrats on 5 years blogging! I get great amusement from your blog on a daily basis, it keeps me sane! 🙂

  18. Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you…..
    Enjoy cake today x

  19. Five years is amazing! You are indeed a pioneer.
    Congratulations lovely lady. You’re wiser, funnier and have better hair than Oprah and Ellen put together. xx

  20. Happy Birthday! You know how much I love your blog… a giveaway is just the icing on the already fondanted cake. (yes that is a word!)

  21. PS – I would so buy a bottle of Hendricks and keep it stashed away for the end of year. Is it odd that I’m already dreaming about it??

  22. Go Beth! 5 years is amazing. I have only just started blogging this year, but I understand where you’re coming from with the happiness it brings! Your blog often makes me laugh out loud and I thank you for that. Great giveaway, thanks for the opportunity. cheers Wendy

  23. Congrats on the milestone! Going to the movies on my own is one of my fave things to do, you’re a woman after my own heart.

  24. Happy Bloggy Birthday to one of my favourite bloggers in the whole wide world!!! You should be so totally proud of yourself for all you’ve achieved and I hope you’re guzzling the champagne as we speak!! You rock. x x x

  25. 5 years!! Well that is worth celebrating! Congrats to you Beth!
    And seriously move over Oprah; there is a new giveaway queen in town!! WooHooooo!!!!!!!!!
    Say it with me people….We are going to ORRSTRAIILIAAAAA….
    Sorry! Got a little carried away!

  26. Happy 5th blogiversary! Thanks so much for the sunshine you bring into our lives each day. Mamma, you are awesome!!!!!!!!!!!
    Big LOVE to you on this fine day xxxxx

  27. My love affair with your blog began when I had the best laugh I’ve had in a long time with your shiny va-jay-jay post. Following this, I proceeded to read your ‘about me’ page (always a must for me when I find a new blog). And then I poured through your archives. And I was hooked!

    Now, I do a little internal happy dance when you post.

    So what brings the readers to your blog? It’s your honesty, humour, how you beautify your home & inspire others to do the same, how readers instantly feel welcomed upon seeing the most cosy photos of the roaring fire in your lounge room, & your ability to laugh at funny mummy moments.

    A new reader. But a hooked reader.

    Thank you 🙂

  28. MY DIE!! Are you for reals? This has to be the most generous giveaway – do please count me in, I can’t decide if I am most excited about black swan on bluray or the promise of a bottle Hendricks Gin – a girl finds this decision tough, you know. (my die indeed).
    Congratulations on 5 awesome years – look how far you’ve come…and how lovely your new hair looks!

  29. Happy anniversary!

    I have only recently discovered your blog and I’M HOOKED! You’re a very funny lady and I’m totally envious of your bravery to move to the country, not to mention your amazing house. Go you!

    Have a great day.

  30. Congrats … 5 years, wow … has the internet been round that long?

  31. MAAAAATE! I’ve only been reading(stalking) you a couple months thanks to my dear sis Edenland, and YOU KNOW I love your work! Congrats on the 5 years man. I love reading your blog, I FUCKEN love looking at pics of your gorgeous house (it’s about your gorgeous house!); I love reading about your frustrations as a Mum and sharing in those frustrations (how liberating is it to know you are SO not the only one who struggles in that area uh!); I love how brave you guys were to make sucha big move to the country and I love how you still LOVE it there; (we did the same thing 3 years ago but only made it to the Shire!); I love your work Babymac, (you KNOW I would buy a bottle of French Champagne with the Dan!; I freaken LOVE that you posted your episiotomy on the web but most of all Babymac…..I fucken love Daphne xx

  32. Hi Beth..I’m a relative newbie at Baby Mac..but am enjoying your company. Congratulations on 5 big years..that is one epic journey in blogland!

  33. Congrats lovely lady. I don’t expect you to put me in the draw, seeing as we donated a price 🙂 But I wanted to say congrats on 5 years, I look forward to reading more. Annie xx

  34. Just reread your first blog. How nice to have the memories and photo’s in one place.
    I enjoy reading your blog everyday. It’s funny, entertaining and real.
    Don’t go changing.
    Rachael x

  35. Congrats on 5 years of blogging thats a friggen awesome effort! I must say I wasn’t a blog reader before I found yours, but thanks to you my kids are now super neglected while I sit and read my daily blogs! I love your brutally honest post’s. Myself, partner and two kids recently made the move to the south coast far far away from our friends and family and I love how I can relate to your posts and feel like I have a friend.. in a weird way!More like you have a new stalker. LOL but thank you for bringing your fresh honest posts to us each and every week your a bloody champ! Kristen.

  36. Congratulations Beth! 5 years!

    You know, it’s fantastic that your blog has done so many wonderful things for you and your family, but please know that your blog has saved me and mine …

    Everyday I come here and know, really know that I am not alone, that there is a whole blogoshere full of mums, just like me, going through the highs, lows, and everything in between of parenthood, partnership, juggling work, family, dreams and demons and it helps … to feel connected … so thank YOU!

    Catherine x

  37. Yay to reaching 5 years – what a milestone! How great it must be to be able to look back on all those posts and see what you got up to! Fan-bloody-tastic giveaway!!!!!

  38. Thank you, I was having a very down day and you just made me smile….The magic of blogging!!

  39. hi Beth that is really fantastic -5 years!!. Pioneer is indeed the word which comes to mind.

    Mind you I am so old that when I first started as a lawyer our computers were Wang with black screens and green writing and there was only internal email and we thought that was pretty amazing.

    We were probably more productive then too.

    Well done. I thought you were going to split that giveaway up.

    I have won three in the last year so promise me that if I win you will put the number back in and give it to someone else?


  40. Congratulations!!!

  41. Congratulations! Love it! And love that cushion too. Here’s to at least another 5 years! X

  42. Congratulations on 5 years! What an awesome give away! Yay! 🙂

  43. Happy 5 year Blogiversary! I’m only new to your blog, but i always enjoy reading it. Well done!!!!!

  44. Congratulations on 5 yrs blogging. You are officially a blog rocking blogstar!! Goooooo youuuuuuuu!! Double high five, sixteen high kicks and an extra special twirl ending with the splits and spirit fingers! I love reading your blog, thank you xx

  45. Oh and I RT so you could give me shit xx

  46. Congratulation on 5 years! I started reading your blog a few months ago after seeing your name on a Retromummy post. I check each day to see what you will write about, and leave with a smile on my face and the thought that “thank God I’m not the only one that thought that about my kids”!! Keep it up, wish I had even half of your bravery and talent.

  47. Holey Moley! What a great prize. 5 years is impressive!

  48. Congratulations on blogging for 5 years! What a fabulous giveaway too – just wish I could enter 🙂

    Good luck to everyone!


  49. congratulations on 5 years of blogging…a stellar effort! love reading what you have to say and you have put together a truly fantastic giveaway (and I love the way you have put it together!) Tatum xx

  50. and I tweeted too 🙂

  51. Well done beth! 5 years woohoo!!! you are too cool for school, love your blog, love your life, love your house, love your words, just love it all! Keep it up and look forward to the next 5 years!

  52. Anonymous says

    Well done! on five years! Thank you! for sharing!

    I hope I win!

    Sarah from Canberra!

  53. I NEED to win, celebrating 6th wedding anniversary so champagne would go down a treat!!!!

  54. CONGRATS on your 5 yr blogversary

  55. Wow, five years is awesome!! Congrats 🙂

  56. happy bloggy birthday !! yay for dan murphys vouchers which I definately would not be spending at big w !!

  57. Co gratulations on your 5years! I always look forward to your blog updates!!

  58. oh baby how id love to win!
    buuuut id also like to say how much i love to read your blog, especially seeing as i have 1 year old twins with sleep issues. You make me feel better about those 2am screaming matches my husband and I have!

  59. Wow, what a sensational prize that would be – you have gone above and beyond! But more importantly, well done on reaching 5 years of (fantastic) blogging. You ARE a pioneer.

  60. Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you! A new(ish) reader but totally and utterly addicted. And how fabulous would a glass (read: bottle) of Vueve, Country Style and a DVD be whilst the children safely watch pre-programmed channels…HELLO! Happy Friday x

  61. Baby chhheeeeezzeeesss 5 years Happy Happy Days blogger queen you rock your creativeness, your humour,your photographs keep it coming to brighten up our days … and those prizes Dan Murphy=Prosecco =Simmy xoxo
    P.S I am in the process of breeding two fine young boys that one day may be looking for two fine young ladies (does bribes work !!)

  62. Oh Man, This is way better than Oprahs favourite things or Ellens 30 days of giveaways. Congrats on 5 years, great blog and super funny.

  63. Hi Betty,

    Congratulations from your big sister here in Melbourne. I am so grateful that you have found a place, a community that makes you happy, gives you strength and helps you make it through each day. Who would of thought that having kids would change our worlds so much. Thank you for being you and having the guts to put it all out there and having a go….that is something I do admire. Love always, Sarah xo

  64. My fave cushion and Aust Country Style – shut up!!!!
    5 years – I’m very impressed – and glad I found you

  65. Congratulations on 5 years! That is a big achievement, particularly since you write every day. I really enjoy your blog, it’s the first blog I read each morning because 1. I love the beautiful photos 2. you’re funny and 3. you’re always doing something interesting. I think this post will outdo your “Craft Blogger” post in number of hits! What a great giveaway!

  66. congrats on the big anniversary – looking forwards to (at least) 5 more years of goodness!

  67. Well done on 5 years of blogging. I am quite new to the game but look forward to my 5 year anniversary.

  68. Anonymous says

    Hi Beth,
    Congratulations I really enjoy reading your blog
    Regards Donna

  69. Holy crapballs, that is one big giveaway. Congratulations on five years of blogging. FIVE years?! You are such a trendsetter. All us other bloggers look like total rookies compared to you xxx


    I would so pour myself a bowl full of something bubbly and put Lacey in front of Black Swan. I mean the chipmunks.

    Oh bless you Beth. This is a brilliant giveaway. Good on you! And congratulations to FIVE years. I take my hat of to you. xx

  71. Beth I absolutely love your Blog and feel like sometimes its me writing the entries. Ive gone from being a magazine addict to a blog addict. Bit cheaper on the family funds!!!! Id love to enter your competition!

  72. Oh, Beth. You little ripper! Five years of blogging makes you one of the pioneers in this country. Bravo, my friend. Yours is always one of my first daily reads. I love you, your honesty, your rawness and the way you keep it real. Mothering is hard work and it’s comforting to know that others also find it ‘challenging’.

    And what a motza of a giveaway! Just astounding. Go you. J x

  73. Oooh 5 years well done!

    Also, I have just realised you are using a template that I made (my old site was yummylolly.com these days it’s bloggercandy.com and suckmylolly.com). How many URLs can I cram into this comment? Sorry, so feeling like a spammer.

    Congrats on 5 years!
    What an awesome prize pack!

  74. Hi, have just started reading your blog, what great timing!!!
    Thanks for the giveaway.

  75. OMG, I’m giddy from reading all that!!! Amazing!

    Congrats on making it 5 years…and looking forward to reading the next 5 too.

    RT here: http://twitter.com/#!/BrassIMPocket

  76. I only found your blog last week ,and I love it!.Only about four and a half years left of catching up to do.Count me in with your awesome giveaway. Mx

  77. Well back in those days they weren’t even called ‘followers’ so who cares how many you have? Anyway, I like the things you like and I would like to win! Congrats. 🙂

  78. Also tweeted. 🙂

  79. You know I love you, I’ve expressed that before and now it seems as though I’ve got a bit of competition, dammit.

    Fittingly extraordinary giveaway for an extraordinary blogger and woman. Congratulations! xx

  80. Congratulations. You really need to turn this into a book – it would sell millions, really! Your girls are going to love it when they are older, and when they have babies.

  81. Georgina Clark says

    What a great blog today! Not because of all the great give-aways (although very nice!), but you made me laugh out loud – which I haven’t done reading a blog in a while.

    To be fair though, you had me at Hendricks! Love, love, love the stuff, but it is under ‘luxury items’ on the purchase list, since we are on 1 income. So, the Dan Murphys voucher would come in handy. And, if you pick me to win the Dan Murphys voucher I’ll share with you my fav Hendricks cocktail recipe. Oh heck, you can have it anyway….

    Hendricks Cucumber Collins Cocktail

    50ml Hendricks gin
    20ml elderflower cordial
    10ml fresh lemon juice
    Handful diced cucumber
    Soda water

    Muddle (mush) ingredients, except soda, together in a shaker. Strain into collins glass filled with ice. Top up with soda. Garnish with a long strip of cucumber.

    Congrats on the 5 years!

  82. Congrats on 5 years of sharing your life with whoever wants to read about it!!!! thanks for the giveaway – booze, movies, cushions – I think we could be best friends!!!! Well Done, looking foreward to your future blogs!! Frances

  83. Love your blog- great giveaway

  84. Congrats on your fifth birthday, fireworks display in my head just for you! I am genuinely amazed that you haven’t found a way to keep all the goodies for yourself! Very unselfish and cool of you! Carax

  85. Happy number FIVE!!! Totally awesome giveaway for a totally awesome blog!!
    Thanks for keeping it real 🙂

  86. Happy 5th Blogging Birthday Beth. Love reading your blog. I wonder if Mr ‘I hate lamps’ Anonymous will comment today…?! Hmmmmm

  87. Five years is awesome! Happy Bloggiversery!

    I am just at the start o my blogging journey, but I love it.

    Look forward to connecting with you in the future


  88. You’re awesome, it’s awesome, blogging is awesome and James Franco is awesome.

    Love your work. And your new hair. Just love. No words. (LOL). x

  89. Awesome giveaway! What are you giving yourself to celebrate this milestone? I’m a relatively new reader but loving your blog already!

  90. I used The Twitter just for you. It will form one of my 5 tweets for the week. x

  91. Wow that’s some giveaway you’ve got going. Congrats on making 5 years. I’ve only been reading for a few months and am glad you came back to us after your break a while back.

  92. you rock my world miss beth. I just love love love your blog. like, its bordering on kinda creepy and obsessive. just quietly.



    here’s to another 5 more years and then some.

  93. living the good life says

    Congrats! I found your blog through a “share” and stayed because its fabulous. THEN I found out we have a mutual friend (JF) and so I love you and it even more! Well done. You give inspiration to many

  94. Beth! … how pro-active of you to come up with all this goodness… I’m impressed. I’ll be even more impressed with a country style subscription ~ so come on random universe, deliver.

    and of course, congrats on 5 years! keep it comin’

  95. Australian readers only. That’s how it always is. Good luck Aussies. Congrats to you, BabyMac, on 5 years, that’s monumental. I’m impressed! I haven’t stuck with any of my blogs that long. I have random ones here and there, but I’ve only had blogger for (almost) a year.

    Again, congrats, keep up the good work 🙂

    * Perpetually Me *

  96. What a giveaway! And what an achievement reaching 5 years of blogging, that’s amazing! x

  97. Awesome giveaway. A ripper. Congrats on 5 years

  98. Amazing blog, amazing giveaway, amazing family, amazing home, amazing style…..ok just all simply amazing….Thank you for sharing your life with us all and please keep on blogging. Cheers

  99. No I want to be 100! But only because I love you and we totes walked the red carpet together. And I think you rock. And we can drink the booze together if I win…

  100. Congratulations on 5yrs of blogging! I’ve only found your blog not long ago but its great. Looking forward to many more years (and Foxtel keeping my kids happy whilst I sit and read blogs and tweet.. like right now..oops!)

  101. Damn! I think I’m the 101th(?). Never mind, still want to tell you how I love your blog and that ALL those prizes just make me want to drool on my lap(top). Didn’t even stop to read the 99 as I usually do and realise another hour has passed before I’ve commented and I’ve forgotten what I was going to say …. what was that again?

  102. is it tragic that my mouth started watering at the sight of a Dan Murphys voucher? is it more tragic that I pictured myself on my couch with a bottle of cuvee brut watching alvin and the chipmunks, with not a child in sight?? Yikes. I need to get back to my kitchen. congrats lassy, love your work.

  103. Congrats on your big milestone! Pioneer woman for sure.

  104. Lovely blog, sweet family, gorgeous home, wonderful prizes and any prize would make my week after having two kids with colds and now two grumpy parents ( I am one of them) with horrible colds and flu and a partner who says he can’t taste a thing due to this horrid flu that is going around Sydney like a big bagel! Anyway congrats, on 5 years I love how you write honest and cute. Take care!

  105. Love your blog, read it everyday. With two kids under 4 too it helps restore my sanity and makes me realize I’m not the only one that finds this parenting thing difficult.

  106. Love your blog, read it everyday. With two kids under 4 too it helps restore my sanity and makes me realize I’m not the only one that finds this parenting thing difficult.

  107. Wow that is the hugest giveaway I have seen…Congrats on 5 years of blogging…I have only been reading for a short while but find myself sniggering to myself while reading along….Here’s to 5 more years of things to blog about.
    Thanks for your generosity.

  108. Happy Bloggy Birthday to you.

    What a great giveaway.

    Bit disappointed that EPO and Fish Oil was not on your prize list ;-p

    Keep keepin on with your wonderful blogginess.

  109. Love Love Love your blog & your house. *envy*

  110. Facebooked! 😀

  111. So let me get this straight.

    ONE person is going to win all that shiz?? I am in, mofo.

    Love you, love this, love your blog, love your Real, love your hair, your avatar, your style, your foodie ways, your razor-sharp wit.

    Truth is, I’m a tad jealous. Shhh.


  112. So let me get this straight.

    ONE person is going to win all that shiz?? I am in, mofo.

    Love you, love this, love your blog, love your Real, love your hair, your avatar, your style, your foodie ways, your razor-sharp wit.

    Truth is, I’m a tad jealous. Shhh.


  113. Lady, this is BRILLIANT! Always loved this space, always will. And I am just itching to hear about the draw… not the winners… the actual DRAW! Daisy will be beside herself with excitement when she pulls out all those prize winning names from all these comments. She’ll be “oh my stars-ing” all over the shop ;o)
    Well done my friend, your blog is anything but silly, it’s a life style for so many xoxo

  114. Except reading the conditions again, she’ll only be pulling out ONE name from ALL these names. Geezus lady, I think I need to lie down after reading this post!

  115. I love your blog! Happy anniversary! And what a cool giveaway! I almost feel greedy wishing for your wonderful pack!

  116. Congratulations! Love your work xxx

  117. Amazing Beth! Congrats on this 5 year milestone! I’ve been reading your blog for a few months now, and simply LOVE it 🙂 Here’s to the next 5 years of blogging goodness!
    Elise 🙂 xx

  118. Awesome effort on your 5 years of therapy – blog style.
    New to blogging and you, but agree with your last comment.
    It brings such joy and makes life a whole lot less lonely.
    Thanks for the giveaway.
    I’m at houseofprowse

  119. Littlelatts says

    Here’s cheers to another 5 years!!

  120. Congratulations Beth, by far and away my favourite daily blog! I love reading your posts as a ‘break’ whilst i’m at work and feel like it’s a glimse of real family life that i still have to look forward to!


    And yes, you and I – Blogging Pioneers I tell you. We’re like Little House on the Prairie with technology! And electricity. And running water. So I guess we’re not really like them at all.

    I am very annoyed we only found each other a measly FOUR months ago while we’ve each been blogging for SO LONG. RIDUNCULOUS.

    I luff you. That is all.

  122. Happy Blogversary to you! Your blog is the first in my faves list and I pop in everyday. I love it!

  123. If only I had known what a blog was five years ago I would of been reading years ago!! Congrats on the anniversary and I look forward to reading for another five x

  124. Congrats!!

    love reading it, thanks !!!!

  125. I’m new to your blog, but think you are funny

  126. Happy Bloggy Birthday.

    I like a drink too, promise to spend it on the classy stuff.

  127. congratulations on 5years blogging Beth! I throughly enjoy reading your entries!

  128. I make time to read your blog everyday, love it! Congratulations on 5 years, looking forward to the next five years!

  129. I love your blog Beth… think I discovered you when you were grateful for gin and tonic? You’re a must read, every time.
    I am entering as a fair dinkum Aussie with a proper Australian postal address, though I am momentarily not there myself. Is that OK? My family are my wonderful mail-forwarders, {for which I fork out mega bucks.. or maybe I will share a Dan Murphy voucher with my lil’ sis}
    Congrats on 5 years, you’re a star! xxx

  130. YIPPEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!

    FIVE years Beth – that’s truly fantastic and I’m so pleased that you {and Rob} have opened your home of warmth and fun to all of us.

    Congratulations lovely you.

    Biggest of happy hugs!

    xx Felicity

  131. What is this Australian readers only bullshit?!!! I want that pillow! Plus, I love you!

  132. Super duper fantastic, happy bloggie anniversary to you & your whole tribe, this is one amazing giveaway, yahoosies, loved reading, have a blast, love Posie

  133. Happy Anniversary!!! Here’s to at least 50 more!

  134. Huge congrats on the 5 years lady! – Wow, I guess that means our babies will be 5 soon too!!!

  135. Wow! five years! I have only been blogging for Five minutes in comparison!
    A toast to you my friend, happy bloggy birthday!

  136. Love reading your amazing blog, it brings the sunshine to my day, everyday x

  137. Melissa B says

    Congratulations on 5 years! Thanks for your honest, stylish and inspiring blog. Oh, and I LOVE your recipes!

  138. Happy 5 year anniversary, I don’t think I even knew what a blog was till a couple of years ago. I love your blog as it is a breath of fresh air, you can feel the realness coming through. You tell it like it is which we def need more of in the blog world. You have also inspired me to start my own blog which at this stage is pretty lame but we need to start somewhere. Please continue for another 5 years….

  139. Congratulations on the five years and pretty darn awesome blog giveaway.
    I WISH for JUST A MOMENT that I was an Australian reader but I’m not. just a humble kiwi blogger and pretty new-to-you reader. Hey, doesn’t it state somewhere in the Aussie constitution that NZ is the seventh state of Australia? I think it does. Usually I deny that vehemently as rumour, but todat, can I plead constitutional access to this giveaway???
    Ahhh well it was worth a shot.
    {PS well done YOU on doing your own digging and LOOK at what you halued in! WOW. Best giveaway I’ve EVER seen.}

    ~Simone @Greatfun4kids {in New Zealand, sadly}

  140. PS oops, typo.
    HAULED in, it was meant to say.
    Look at what you HAULED in.

  141. I hope after 5 years of blogging I will still be doing it everyday and hopefully if I’m very lucky I will have as many cool lamps as you : )
    Congratulations! x

  142. CONGRATS on 5 years Betty. Love to tune in every day and get my daily fix while sitting at my desk munching on my breakie! Vegemite toast is NOT the same without BabyMac! x

  143. awesome blog. awesome give away.

  144. A big congrats on 5 years what an amazing achievement! Well done.
    Great giveaway, fingers crossed : ))

  145. You know how much love I have you for Bev!

    Congrats on the 5 years. What a milestone.

    Ever since I started blogging, I’ve always looked forward to your posts, your photos, your stories, the way your blog brightens my day and gives me food for thought.

    Amazing giveaway,


  146. I am super impressed with you getting your hands on all that great stuff – and well done you for 5 years! Please count me in. I will take all the good taste and style I can get!

  147. Jodie Wilson says

    Hello Beth,

    I’ve enjoyed your blog for a couple of years and with two girls (one’s a Ruby too) similiar ages I love reading ure honest day to day ramblings..seems very familiar..


  148. Hi Beth (just),
    I only came across your blog last week after clicking on a link from the Lark website and I’m so glad I did – you are very much like me, only cooler-a 6 year old, a 3 year old, a move 6 months ago to a country town, a love of a glass of wine, a love of a solo movie session – decompression….right down to the eyebrow issue of overplucking the centre line(so I was told a few weeks ago). I nearly fell off my chair looking at the picture you posted post birth with proud dad (and you in background with a massive injury to your under-carriage). SO FUNNY. I too don’t skip down the hall post birth. I lie quietly wondering what the F-ck just happened to me?? Anyway, so lovely to ‘meet’ you and read your very real stories of the chaos of raising young kids…..and love and life.

    PS- Not sure how this blogging “choosing an identity”thing works so I’ve ticked anonymous(but I’m not your husband)! Call me BrokenTrainerWheel. A story for another day.

  149. you rock x

  150. You are bloody hysterical.. Love your guts!!.. I follow your rambles on twitter and read you on FB bit thought I’d comment here instead.. Ok count me in x

  151. Oh and twittering ….. NOW!

  152. Well well well lovely lady…5 years! Congrats BIG time!

    What an AWESOME giveway. Count me in.

    *crosses fingers*

  153. AND I just tweeted it 😉

  154. you’re so hilarious and also shiny!

  155. I love that you and I started blogs around the same time. We are blogging pioneers you know. And we’ve been doing it for the long haul!

    Congratulations for making it, and not celebrating by turning off your blog. A celebration like this is definitely worth celebrating. And what a party you have going on here?

    Well done. And I look forward to more BabyMac blog moments in the next five 😉 xx

  156. Hi Beth,
    Just discovered your blog a couple of weeks ago. Love, love, love it. I’m a stay at home mum with a 10 month old (Ruby) and 2 and a half year old (Will) and I relate to SO many of your posts. We are currently living in Sydney with my parents (yes, it’s crowded) while we sell our house and decide where we want to go. Moving out of Sydney is definitey on the cards and your blog is inspiring me. I want the space!!!! Thanks for entertaining me everyday. Xx

  157. 5 years, wow!!! Congrats! I was proud of my blog and that lasted all of a few months!!! lol.

  158. Congrats on your 5 year blogaversay!! I love your writing and photography and you keep it honest and real, thanks so much for sharing a little bit of you with us. xx

  159. Pick me! pick me!

  160. Hip Hip Hooray! Congratulations and cheers to another 5! x

  161. Congrats on 5 yrs. Only recently found ur blog & enjoying reading. 🙂
    Thanks for the chance to win some awesome goodies

  162. Such an awesome blog…congrats on 5 years with many more too come xo

  163. Congrats on your five years! Looking forward to reading for another five 🙂

  164. Goodness golly! Great giveaway and well done on a great blog that has lasted the distance and is continuing to grow! Now please pick me mr random number generator thingamajig. Pretty please. With veuve cliquot on top.

  165. Congrats on 5 years – that’s some fairly serious blogging!
    I found you via plain Jane and I try to pop in most days to see what’s new, congratulations again! X

  166. Anonymous says

    Well, here we are. Comment 168 and circa minutes until “the finish line”. And he arrives…

    But why? The real question, of course. Maybe it’s simply the final word. Or not.

    Well, you would be unsurprised that I have given this some thought, and applied some research. There is depth here, no doubt.

    “I think comments are terrific, and they are the key attraction for some blogs and some bloggers. Not for me, though. First, I feel compelled to clarify or to answer every objection or to point out every flaw in reasoning. Second, it takes way too much of my time to even think about them, never mind curate them. And finally, and most important for you, it permanently changes the way I write. Instead of writing for everyone, I find myself writing in anticipation of the commenters. I’m already itching to rewrite my traffic post below. So, given a choice between a blog with comments or no blog at all, I think I’d have to choose the latter.”

    Whether it be the bald headed Purple Cow, uber tool Zen Habits (Footnote: I can’t find any references, anywhere on his site about lamps that he has bought – 220 thousand followers. Now I know where you’re going wrong), the dilemma remains.

    And there is science here, Mr Abbott.



    Some thoughts for food.

    Regardless, I am here.

    From your brother (or is he?), well done on walking the 5 year journey on this thing called blog.

    Now stop. No don’t.

    Love Mr Anonymous

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