Pretty distractions

All this dreary schmeary weather – luckily we have the interwebs to distract ourselves isn’t it? Here are a few things I have found that are on my wish list:

: Gallop Lifestyle
This is a great little online shop full of fabulous bits & pieces. I think I stumbled across them through Babyology of all people and they provided me with some great Christmas presents all tied up in brown paper packages and delivered to my door all the way down here! I am in loooove with some new wall decals they have. This little one in particular has taken my heart (as well as that DESK ohmygodthatdesk) and may well appear on a wall down here sometime soon. It translates to “is it happiness I feel fluttering about”. Why yes, I think it is!

Check them out here.

: My Bearded Pigeon
The other day I did the taste test on Etsy. Have you done that before? It’s a great way to get through the maze and sheer size that is Etsy and find things that you like. In doing so I stumbled across this great little store based here in Australia nonetheless. I love this cushion – I think a gal can never have enough cushions.

Check it out here.

: Advanced Style
My Mum got me onto this amazingly fabulous blog which showcases the style of some seriously cool older people. It’s now going to be a regular for me no doubts and I have a whole new reference for “when I grow up”. Who said getting older meant getting rid of your style?

Check it out here.

: Anthropologie
I would give my right arm for a visit to an Anthropologie Store. From what I have seen (and heard) their stores are amazingly styled – filled with delights for yourself and your home. In the meantime I will just do my fortnightly trawl of their website adding things to my wish list and ignoring the outrageous shipping fees. (Hand over eyes through the check out section “I can’t see you” la la la la). Why can’t Australia catch on to stylish stores with cool non generic clothes?!

Check them out here.
And their wedding section here.

: Green Wedding Shoes
What’s prettier than a wedding to look at? And other people’s fabulously stylish and shot weddings? Even better! I can get lost in these blogs for hours but this is one of my very favourite. Those Americans sure know how to do a wedding don’t they?

Check it out here.

That’s OK. You’re most welcome.


  1. I just checked out the Advanced Style blog – awesome!!! Will check the others out throughout the day! Thank you!

  2. I LOVE LOVE LOVE advanced style…have been following that bog for quite a while. It is so inspirational to see older people live with such joie de vive. Love that cushion too. ♥

  3. Love all this! 🙂

  4. I think “my bearded pigeon” is the etsy store of blogger Chunky Chooky

    Love etsy

    LOVE the advanced style blog too oh to be that stylish even at 40! What hope do I have

  5. I LOVE how you love that cushion with the words on it. The fact that I love that cushion as much as you do makes me want to punch it.


  6. I love that cushion too!
    And weddings, well. I dont ever plan on getting married myself, but would it be wrong to have a wedding anyway?
    It’s all just so pretty!


  7. that *bog* oops….meant to say that BLOG of course…it was early is my only excuse! I don’t even think it was….*hides under lovely cushion on your post*

  8. Fabulour Chunky Chooky cushion..I love her map cushions too! I’ll have to check out the other sites you mention. I hope we’re all in for some sunshiney wintery days soon..ours started sunny and grew overcast and thundery throughout the day.

  9. Oh i wore green shoes today, well “emerald” as my daughter insisted. Wasn’t getting married in them, why was i so boring & wore ivory shoes on that day??
    Love the idea of visiting Anthropologie too, i would take ALL my children with me to America just for the baggage allowance.
    Sending you clear skies from Canberra, it’s beautiful & mild, you know, now Winter has started!!
    Love Posie

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