Ohmygoodness! It’s Tuesday! Sorry for the whole no post thing but it has been a VERY busy 4 days in the life of Beth and I am only just home. Hungover. And on 5 hours sleep. I have washing to do. Unpacking from the weekend to do. More washing. And then packing for the 9 days ahead of us. And stupid blogger has been well, stupid. So. I will try and recap over the course of the day to fill you all in.
My little sis and I met up with the fabulous Rick who walked with us because every girl needs a stylish man on her arm. The perfect accessory. It was less glamour, more cattle call but it was still fun to see people look at you and then get disappointed as they realise that you are just a nobody and not even some chick that might be on Home and Away.

The stars came out to introduce the film before they were whisked off to dinner (that’s right they don’t stay for the film – but you knew that already right?!) Reese is just as small and as annoying as you would expect her to be. I kind of wanted to push her over. Great film though – chick flicky and if he floats your boat then THIS is for you.
you look very important! loving your dress xxx
What the fudge?! I go away for a couple of months and you’re walking the red carpet??? I have a LOT of catching up to do. Also, ‘Uncle Chrissy’ with Daisy just about made my uterus burst… TOO cute!
Love every bit of this post – Daise and Uncle Chrissy, pushing Reese over, drinking waaaay too much Champers.
PS – you featured in my post today.
Surely you can’t laugh too much…?
Awesome! The champagne, I get. But how could you ever be anything but SUPER DOUPER important and you can NEVER laugh too much (but definitely too loudly). It was fabulous meeting you and laughing too loudly together.
Love your work, Beth. And happy mother’s day to you too. I saw your MD post and your day looked so perfect. x
Looked perfect! You can never have too much champagne. Especially as a Mama on a rare night out!!
You were totally red carpet READY
Living the high life, on the red carpet… no less! Love it Lady. I was in the city on Fri and saw them setting up Pitt St mall. There were a gaggle of hyped up teens awaiting ‘pasty pom’s’ arrival no doubt… or just maybe, they were waiting for you! :o)
Daisy with her uncle and their stable tables is the cutest pic ever.
Love your dress! Definitely red carpet ready!