Birthday Cake book Giveaway – winner!

Wow! Boy was I impressed with all the comments on my Women’s Weekly Birthday cake book post. So many of you, out there, struggling with badly decorated cakes all for the sake of love (and creativity) and at least not competitiveness!

Anyway, a fast giveaway is a good giveaway, so Daisy and I sorted this out first thing this morning. I had to write the start of some of your comments next to names just so I knew exactly which Deb or Amanda I was talking about. But it’s quite becoming and if you would like to take it on board – please feel free to. Vanessa – oh my good has such a fancier ring than just plain Vanessa.

Daisy mixed them up in the fancy name catcher aka our colander.

Look at those puffy first thing in the morning eyes. They were from one hell of a tantrum last night but that’s another post all together. Right, where were we?

Don’t worry, it’s not your eyes it’s my unsteady morning hands and low light. Let’s make that a little easier to see shall we?

Hayley! YOU are the winner!

Your comment was the 9th there with: “Haha so that’s where my mum got all of her ideas from…until the other kids came that is πŸ˜› The cake I remember the most is a beautiful castle cake for my 4th birthday though by the look on my face in every photo you would think it was a poisonous!Β I think the cakes you have made are awesome…and not many little girls can say that there daddy made the cake :)”
Congratulations! I hope the book brings you many Happy Birthday cakes over the years to come. Can you shoot me an email with your address so I can send it off to you? Thanks!

And thanks to all of you who had a crack – I wish I could buy one for each and every one of you. Be sure to have a look in Big W though as it looks like they have done a reprint so you can hopefully pick one up easily enough.


  1. Daisy?! Didn’t you get that bribe, I mean incentive, I sent you??

  2. Daisy darling, Maxabella is just down there on the bottom of the second photo, just a little reaching and I woulda been a contender. Ah well, I’m sure Hayley will be pleased as punch! x

  3. Congratulations Hayley!

    I had a look at my local Big W and they had several copies, but I decided to wait and see if I won. Looks like I will be heading back there after work. πŸ™‚

  4. WTG — that was the best contest ever! It was clear, quick and well done! Great job Daisy and all involved!

  5. LOL – Good job Daisy. Congratulations Hayley.

    I actually walked into Big W with the sole intent purpose of looking for that book. Walked around for about 2 minutes wondering why the hell I was in Big W then walked out again.

    I think I am losing my mind.

  6. Noooo! I only read about the giveaway late last night and I logged in just now to leave my entry, because I’ve been looking for one of these books for ages and ages!! I can’t believe I missed my opportunity.

    With any lucky Hayley won’t want it and you can redraw πŸ˜› (I’m kidding- congratulations Hayley!)

  7. What a tease! I start reading your post, while also reading “I will not ever never eat a tomato” to my 2 year old and see my name in the first paragraph! I start to get all excited when I realise you just like the sound of my name-extension.
    Congrats Hayley!

  8. Oh thank goodness! I completely forgot about this comp and picked up a copy while out and about today. Duh.

    Congrats to Hayley!

  9. Have a great holiday, Beth. Looking forward to the wrap-up x

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