This place

Not a day goes by when I don’t walk past one part of our house {inside or out} and think to myself “oh my GOD how beautiful is that?” Whether it’s some flowers sitting just so, the view out the window, a part of the garden or the sun shining into a room in a certain way it always seems to take my breath away.

Maybe it’s because it’s all so new. Maybe because it’s so just pretty. Maybe I will stop doing it. Maybe not.ย 

After a lovely dinner with our neighbours last night which was just this thing this {semi} Sydney sick gal needed when she was home alone with the kids and then a fabulous morning at a local Farmers and Flea Market on this beautiful late summers day all I know is that I’m grateful for….this place. Right now.

Playing along with Maxabella.


  1. I love your house and when you put pictures up I swoon! We have the same dining room chairs!

  2. The green eyed monster appeared in me when I saw your lovely photos… how clean is your house and your floors right now!!???

  3. You won’t. My Dad built his dream home three years ago and he said he still walks around and can’t believe it’s his. x

  4. Your house is just gorgeous, I love seeing your photos of it, you have fabulous taste.

  5. love it!
    I am coveting those chairs …. are you happy with them? I a thinking of doing the same – teaming them up with my recycled oregon (?) table …do they work well with kiddos?

    enjoy your blogger meet-up. i totally

  6. <3 C'est magnifique

  7. The photos are geeee-orgeous, so I can oly imagine what it would be like to live there.
    P.S. I love that blogs I read are colliding – enjoy your night. ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. love your house!! love it – can you come and work your magic over at my place sometime?? pleeeeease ๐Ÿ™‚
    you and soule mama are on equal footing for the inspire-me-to-organise scale!!
    have a great weekend

  9. I just adore those little touches of green and red to brighten the decor up..just lifts all the neutrals!

  10. This is such a gorgeous room – so want to come for a dinner party

  11. Yes just a wee bit jealous whenever you post photos of your gorgeous house ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. It’s stunning and marvellous and YOU. No wonder you love it so!

    I have one of those chairs at my desk. My large arse is molded to it right now as I sit here typing away, wishing I was sipping champers at your lovely kitchen table right now. Coulda, shoulda… ! x

  13. I love how you love your home. I love mine too, and it’s a good thing. I hope you never tire of your beautiful light and sunshiney home. xx

  14. Gorgeous, just gorgeous.

  15. Your place takes MY breath away, so I’m not surprised it’s still doing it for you lady. Hope you had a lovely weekend entertaining :o)

  16. I LOVE your house too! The sunlight, the windows, the blue high chair, the play area rug, the mix of old and mod furnishings — reminds me of my own place but with more space and less clutter! : )


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