I walked outside Sunday afternoon and had to turn right back around again to get the camera. My baby! MY BABY! She appears to have gone. I now, instead, have this little girl, who still can’t walk, but looks longer. Tops a little shorter. Guts still hanging out. Hair getting longer. And very interested in absolutely everything.
How does it just creep up on you like that?
I found with my oldest daughter I sit back most of the time & think “It felt only like yesterday I had her where did all the years go”
Enjoy each second as they grow all to quickly
(((( Hugs )))) XXXX Kisses XXXX
I don’t know how it happens but quite often I wish it would stop, that it would take just a little longer for them to grow.
My boy is starting kindergarten very soon – so I totally know what you’re saying…
Beautiful 🙂
Wow, her hair has grown so much!!
Abi is 2.5 yrs this month, I can’t believe it!!
She is so divine! I remember when I started following your blog and she was soooooo teeny! Time flies xx
I know, I know! And I hate time for this very thing. Damn you time. I fart in its general direction, or even give it the bird, in fact. xx