10 of the best in ’10

Ah….this time of the year makes me all reflective like. And thankfully this lovely little blog allows me the time to sit back and pour through all 12 months that we have had. I love how I can look back, see a photo, read a post and be instantly transported back to that time. Good or bad. That’s just one of the reasons why I can’t stop doing this. And why I still have my diaries that I wrote in religiously from year 7 to year 12. That’s right…every. Single. Day. I must share some of that gold with you sometime in the new year.

Anyway. Today I was trawling, and I thought I would share with you the best places we have stayed in 2010. Because we have been lucky enough to stay some pretty special places. In fact, we are pretty lucky all round. This reminds me just how so.

1. Retro Roadtrip
When we were on the search for a new house we had quite the adventures staying in bad motels (thanks to very last minute decisions to head away). This place was my favourite. Maybe. I recall it being freeeeeeeeezing cold. A bad buffet breakfast. And Christmas in July. And laughing. A lot.

2. Culburra Beach 
Oh! Who knew at the time just how significant this weekend away would have been for our family? I remember being miserable. So bloody sad. Defeated. Depressed. Jealous of “normal” families. Sad. I cried. A lot. I yelled at Daisy and Harper and Rob. A lot. I cried to our friends. I wished that things could be different. A lot. And on the way home from this on our way to emergency with Harper {again} a seed was planted in our heads that things could be different. I will never forget this weekend. Not ever.

3. EIEIO Jan 2010
My all time favourite place to stay would have to be the farm (Rob’s Dad’s farm up on the mid north coast). That Christmas break was an especially lovely time. I had my little sis up who had just returned from London, a new baby and a little Daisy – eyes opening to the world around her!

4. F-one-J-one
This little break was planned as a treat before I went back to work. An end of maternity leave, well done for the good job trip. And it was a great trip. I have such fond memories of the first real time we had spent as a family together. The great food. And drinks. And swims. And sleeps. Everything about it was just right for that time in our lives.

5. Farewell my lover (Sydney that is)
I planned a night on the town on the night that we were “meant” to sell our house at auction. Selling our house a few days prior to auction kind of dampened the effect {except it totally didn’t because squeeeeeee we sold our house!!!!} but we still had a grand time. At the Quay Grand. We drank. We dined. We danced. We slept in. It was quite the farewell to our beautiful home town.

6. EIEI-oh my stars could this place be any prettier?!
We managed 4 trips to the farm this year with still one to come (which isn’t too bad). Each and every time I am there my soul is filled up a little more with goodness. Fresh air. Space. Special time with family. I just plain LOVE it.

7. Stitch and Bitch – Kangaroo Valley
We had our annual family (ladies only) weekend not 15 minutes from where we live now in June and it was memorable for many reasons. Sure, the food and drink and company was amazing, but the hilarious tarot readings from my Mum {aka Sidekick Sue} on the Sunday morning were quite on the mark. Some ridiculous arch Angel from the cards she drew from me told me how the right place for my family to live was not far away…I just had to be open to it and it would come. I seriously took myself off, onto a rock and visualised it. Tried to be open to it. And not many weeks later…this place came into view. Seriously.

8. The Hell-tell July 2010
Another one of our weekend escapes to check out our new neck of the woods saw us here. Daisy was beside herself in amazement of this place. The room! All of us together! The desk! It was old school motel action. And hilarious. And one of the best breakfasts I have ever had in a hotel. And somewhere we drive past now every couple of days.

9. Wedding Fever – Shoalhaven Heads Feb 2010
We took a little trip down to the south coast for the first wedding reconnaissance. The weekend was special because it was the first of the official wedding celebrations/brainstorms. We ate and drank well. Fished. Looked at wedding magazines. Dreamed.

10. Pemberley – Oct 8th 2010
And then there was this place that we just happened to find ourselves in on in early October. Our new home. And the most comments I have ever received on a single post. The place was enormously empty. Amazing. Overwhelming. Pretty. So pretty. And ours. Us camping out here in our empty rooms, eating pizza on the floor and freeeeeezing will be one of my most favourite memories of all time.

Yes, we have certainly got around this year. And I am counting not only these 10 blessings but the 355 others that occurred too. 2010 has been a bastard of a year for our family…and the most blessed that we will ever have I am sure.


  1. What a fun trip down memory lane!! I enjoyed reading the posts that happned before ‘we’ happened.

    I am going to have to ask you to furnish me with that Culburra Beach addy, Beth. It looks fab!


  2. PS – oh, go on then, while you’re there you may as well tell me where you were in Fiji!!! x

  3. Now that’s what I call a year!

  4. what a wonderful year you have had!! Can you forward the Culburra address to me too?? Looks beautiful!

  5. No time to read all these posts now, but I am so heading here once the kids are in bed to read all about your year!

  6. Thankyou for this post! As a new~ish reader to your blog, it gave me a chance to catch up on some of YOUR favourites!!


  7. Aw I’ve just come over all emotional revisiting this past year in your life. Thanks so much for sharing it.

  8. don’t you love looking back! love love love the new house, very envious of it!

    enjoy the rest of the holiday and love your hair! i’ve gone very blonde and very short just before christmas and loving it but i can’t do a fringe as my hair likes to curl! it took me about 10 minutes to get a good photo of my hair!


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