Everything’s coming up…

Every time I look into the garden I see another rose, or flower or shrub in bloom. The few rose bushes we have are now in full bud so no doubt soon enough there will be even more {it has certainly been a late spring here}. Daisy is beside herself with the cut flowers. She keeps finding more and more vases {except pronounced bar-zes} and has little sprigs and cuttings all over the house. My Mum would be so proud…

I am hoping tomorrow to head off to an open garden not far from here that specialises in peonie roses. Now just to get me some of my own…be still my beating heart!


  1. L O V E how the yellow rose highlights bubba’s top in the photo….

    Just beautiful

  2. The roses are incredible, but only slightly outdone by the amazing turquoise armchair in the background!

  3. Your area is perfect for rose growing. I love my garden but little furry creatures eat the rosebuds before they bloom. I love roses the best, but what’s the point of having wads of netting throught the garden? x

  4. Every time I see your chair I am filled with a jealous rage 😛

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