Grateful Gertie

This week I have been grateful for many things. Removalists that moved quickly. Pork ribs at the local pub that satisfied me fully. Cold champagne, farewells, trips to the country. So much!

But mostly, this Saturday, I am grateful for grandparents. Grandparents that have taken us in for many nights {thank you Mama}. Who have fed and watered us, and have played with, loved and encouraged our children in oh so many ways. Harper has finally started to crawl and I have no doubts that it is because she has had a week of people cheer her along {opposed to a cranky Mama who shouted at her to get out of the way while she packed}. You know how they say that it takes a village to raise a child, well I think it does. It has been so fun to be in a house filled with people. With noise and laughter. And love. So much love.

Somehow I think the girls are going to be disappointed when they get to our new place and it’s just us. Maybe? Maybe not.

Have a look at the kids mesmerized by a chook that visits my Dad’s place every day looking for some muesli to eat. Now that’s not something you see every day is it?

Go and have  a look over at Maxabella’s to see what others are grateful for this Saturday. Go on now.


  1. Oh I want a muesli-nibbling-chookie to come a visiting {and Harper’s flexibility – woah, those legs!}

  2. What wonderful grandparents. The simple things are always the best. Just visiting from Maxabella. Charmaine

  3. What a big week it’s been for you guys- good luck with the rest of the move and all the new things you’ve bought! I’ve been a follower of yours on google reader for some time now. Just thought I’d make myself known! 🙂

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