Gypsy Woman: Part Two

What a day Rob and I had yesterday! We headed off on our adventure down to our new home town {and surrounds} to pick up a few things that we needed to get for the new house. We have lived in a few homes together as a couple both unmarried & married, childless then with one and then two kids. And over the past few moves we have never really made any big purchases. Like ‘proper’ TV’s. Or couches. Or fridges. We have taken hand me downs, and student bits and pieces along the way. But this fancy house? They just won’t do.

So we went and got a few bits & pieces, odds and ends and when the spending spree was finally over we needed a drink. And something to eat. Where better than our new local?

And as far as beer gardens go…I am not sure that there is anywhere better than this? No?

It really was a perfect day. We had *just* the right amount of excitement as we drove into town and past our new house {I think we were both a little nervous that we would get there all these months later and say what have we done?!} but we didn’t. Instead we squealed. The weather was perfect. While spring has sprung here in Sydney, it is *just* about to do that down there and I *just* about may burst with excitement about that as I thought we would miss it. Our house looked magnificent in person. Trees in bloom, prettiness in full pretty…oh we are LUCKY!

My new mantra:

One more week until we are in our house. One more week until we are in our house. One more week until we are in our house. One more week until we are in our house. One more week until we are in our house. One more week until we are in our house. One more week until we are in our house.


  1. I’m so excited for you!
    Having just made a recent move from a place I utterly loathed out in the desert, to my favourite beachside town ever, I’m imagining all the fun you’re going to have, settling in and loving every day!
    Even the ‘boring’ drives for groceries etc are pleasant when you live in a beautiful place.

  2. I know that pub! Squeal!!! If you’re moving to where I think you’re moving, you are going to be the luckiest and happiest gal in the world. x

  3. I have two words for you:

    Jeal ous

    I know it’s technically one word, but for how envious I feel it really should be two words.


  4. Pretty sure that when you look up Bucolic Bliss that there’s a picture of it… Beautiful.

  5. Am so happy for you all! xx.

  6. I LOVE that pub. I’ve always wanted to get married there, it’s so pretty 😉

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