Family {day} Care

I had the pleasure of minding 2 of my nieces yesterday for the day. Harper’s face in the first shot says it all: it was so. much. fun. While 2 extra kids is hard(er) work than 2 – NO doubt! – we managed it. And had fun too. We…

: watched Playschool all together in a row
: went to the park for an hour or so and had a picnic
: we played in the back courtyard in the afternoon sun
: had iced finger buns with pink icing and coconut
: made home made pizzas (bases too!)
: and enjoyed eating, drinking and laughing together
: that’s what families do


  1. Looks like a LOT of fun! Looks like you did a great job. I’ll be dropping my two off in about 10 mins, k?


  2. What a fantastic day you all had.. Good work super mumma! I see you lost the battle with the plates 😉

  3. What a fun day indeed.


  4. What a little bunch of sweeties!

  5. Fabulous – and you made home-made pizza bases? You’re some kind of legend!

  6. Gorgeous pics, sounds like a great day. Very impressed by the homemade pizza bases!

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