City sunrise

Take a look at the sunrise over our neighbourhood the other morning. I bet my new house in the country is going to have some pretty spectacular ones, but this one, with the TV aerials and buildings around was pretty good too.

I am going to miss this place.

Who knows what this day will bring? Start of new chapters? End of this one? It certainly is one crazy time….exciting/scary/stressful all rolled into one.

In any case, I am almost certain there will be sunshine. And that’s alright by me.


  1. On days like that, I love Sydney. You are reminded we live in this amazing, unique place.

    But the country holds just as much beauty.

    In a few months, you will be settled and relaxed and enjoying your new life 🙂


  2. Wow, that is so beautiful it’s almost worth getting up early for.


    I love the fact you’re breathing in and taking note of what you love about city life, it’s a blessing to live in such an amazing place. But wow, think of what you’ve got ahead of you – bliss.

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