Sydney, turning it on

What a weekend. Nothing planned. Nothing to rush around for. No open houses (that I know are just around the corner). Time at home. Delightful.

Saturday morning Rob and Daise headed off to her first swimming lesson for the term. She hasn’t been doing formal lessons as such and I thought that it was time to get focused. So off they trotted and Harper and I went off and did a huge weekly shop. I was so proud of myself doing it with a 9 month in tow – but she sat up the front of the trolley waving and clapping to all that would engage with her. The cutest new thing she does? Peek-a-boo. Well her attempt at least, where she covers her eyes. THE most adorable thing. Ever. The end. Anyway, I was high fiving myself with the shopping done and cupboards stocked for the week ahead AND a semi-meal plan in place. I tell you, this is going to be the NEW me. Watch. We spent the afternoon down at the local oval watching footy and having a few tinnies while the gals played in the cool afternoon air. Dinner was a roast chook with all the trimmings that we all sat down together to, including Harper who sucked the life out of all the roasted sweet potato she could get her gummy mouth onto. The gals were in bed by 6.30pm, Rob watched the football while I searched for 80’s TV commercials on YouTube (SOOOO fun) then by 9.30pm we retired to bed to watch an episode of Curb your Enthusiasm on the laptop. Um. Heaven.
Sunday I got to sleep in until after 8am. This is HUGE for me. HUGE. Daisy and I then headed over to my little sis’s place for a delightful brunch to catch up with my brother’s fam who are just back from Croatia. Daisy had the best time playing with her cousins whilst we had some bubbles and got excited about all the changes ahead. Then we were off to lunch with one of Rob’s oldest friends. He lives right in the heart of the Sydney that I love. We had a fabulous lunch with interesting, funny people and Daisy was besotted with his two new kittens. It was just one of those perfect afternoons where the kids were well behaved, we were entertained and felt like engaged adults again – a rarity these days with kids. Brilliant!

So this week? Well it will involve agents. And marketing. And planning. And cleaning. And being busy. A sign of the things to come no doubt!


  1. What a WONDERFUL weekend you all had!!

    Sounds perfect.


    PS: The Old Sydney Town commercial was brilliant. I showed my husband and he even remembered it being on TV. I looked at their website and it says “They are no longer operating as an amusement park!”

    Hahahaha, it was never an amusement park, that’s for sure!!

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