Masterchef Beff (take 2)

There is something about being up at the farm that brings out the inner (dessert) chef in me. I think it’s because I am relaxed, and not distracted by cleaning or washing or chores to be done which so easily happens when I am home. It’s having the time to read recipes, ponder, dwell and then decide on the PERFECT one. And then of course the ever eager tasters who enjoy the treats and make me feel far more superior in my skills than I actually am. It’s the perfect cooking conditions for me.

You will remember when we were up there for the April long weekend that I had my second and far better crack at a Pavlova. This time we had an abundance of bush lemons and so my focus was on something lemon-y. And what better? What tastier than a Lemon Meringue Pie? Nothing in my eyes, except maybe Lemon delicious Pudding which was covered off by Sue on Friday night.

So. I scoured the net. There were approx 76 million different types and they were all different. Some used home made pastry. Some pasty shells. Some cooked the lemon filling. Some let it cool. Some put it all together at the one time then baked. Others cooked parts, left them to chill and then cook. It was all VERY confusing. In the end I went with a Delia Smith recipe because Sue’s Mum had the book and I could work from that.
Well, not complete disaster, but 98% disaster. My main problems were that I read some parts of the recipe incorrectly and added things in at the wrong time (like lemon juice into the curd part too early). And I used pre-made pastry. And when I thought that it didn’t make sense, that Delia couldn’t possibly know what she was talking about, I tweaked. You read right, I tweaked. Delia. Is it any wonder it was terrible?
Whilst this is how it looked when I pulled it out of the oven, there is no photo of the mid section slice. And that’s because it was a PUDDLE. A lemon soup. A curdy-puddle of lemon mess.

So. We ditched the burnt pastry. Added LOTS of ice cream. Scooped the meringue out, and ladled the lemon soup over the top. Tweaked *ahem* somewhat.

I guess there is always next time, no?
Now Aunty Karen…email me how I should actually do this. Thanks!


  1. But it looked so pretty!

  2. say what you will, but i would totally eat that right now!!

  3. I love a good recipe tweak. It’s only since I began documenting my recipe interpretations while blogging, that I see just how much of a tweaker I am.

    At least it could be salvaged! Imagine no dessert!? *gasp*

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