Rock the Grandma

Was meant to get this out yesterday….but better late than never no? It’s been like that all week. But…a HUGE thank you to 3 of Daisy’s 4 (!) grandmas who have helped me out this week (one of the benefits of divorced parents on both mine and Rob’s side=more grandmas!).

My Mum, who took a VERY frazzled call from me on Thursday morning begging her to take Harper for the day as she was too sick for daycare and I HAD to at least make one of my two days at work. She took her, nursed her, played with her and made me 100% happy knowing that she was safe and sound with her for the day.
Rob’s Mum, who came over to celebrate Rob’s birthday on Thursday night and BOUGHT THE DINNER with her! And not just any dinner….roast lamb, roast vegies, home made mint sauce and the most delightful lemon delicious pudd. It was SO nice to have a family dinner without having to do anything. Not to mention freaking delicious.
And Rob’s step Mum, who happened to be in town from the farm per chance, and came and looked after the gals for me for a few hours yesterday morning. I was able to get out the door to the shops and the library and get all those annoying jobs I had to get done, done. And I may or may not have thrown a coffee for myself in for good measure.
The girls are VERY lucky to have such wonderful grandmothers in their lives. Smart, interesting, talented women who adore them. And I am grateful, that at a drop of a hat, they will help me out when I need it the most.
So to all three of you, who I know read this, thank you for making my week just a little easier.


  1. The excess grandparent situation certainly is a benefit of divorce – unfortunately while I’ve supplied two sets of grandparents from a divorce, one lives in Melbourne the other in Queensland. Handy!

    How lovely that you have gorgeous grandmas to rely on – especially for the girls!

    Hope you’re all on the mend xx

  2. It’s such a pleasure to cook for family, especially as you are all such appreciative foodies. Being a grandma is one of the great joys and privileges of life. I wish I could help more! The girls are such yummy fun, even when a bit poorly xxx

  3. It’s so great to have support from your family!

    It’s wonderful isn’t it!

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