Check out the look on one little 3 yr old’s face when we snuck on a veil whilst bridal shopping with my little sis today! She was particularly taken with the little stage one stands on and the size of the mirror to look at herself. Now this? This shopping she LIKED.
You will also notice a new fringe. That was created BY the 3 year old yesterday morning during craft. Or should I say, when craft turns bad. Message to self: do not leave child alone with scissors whilst showering.
I actually think the fringe is a happy accident – it looks really sweet!
snap! must be the day for haircuts, Daisy had her hair cut today {although it was an intentional one at the salon} I wasn’t game to go the fringe, but looks like fate had a different path in store for your Daisy. Thank goodness that it looks lovely!
Gotta love a little girl in a veil! If only we could wear them more often – they’re so becoming!