
If that doesn’t brighten your morning, I am not sure what will. Can you almost hear the squeal that goes with this shot? It’s high pitched, starts softly and gets louder and louder and ends with a raspberry blown. It is, quite simply, delightful.

I am off to get the toe seen to this morning. I am getting the nail chopped off so we can start again {Ouchey} I am not looking forward to it. Luckily for me I will have this little lady close by making me laugh.


  1. I will be down promptly to eat her up. And by promptly, I mean in roughly 20 hours (how long does it take to fly there from here, anyway?)

  2. Oh she is so cute…..makes me want another one….maybe

  3. Just divine.

    Oh, and an aside: can you gift-wrap the toe-nail in a massive, pretty box – adorned with a bow – and give it to the shoddy pedicure place who created the situation?

  4. Awww, so good to see you had your baby girl! She’s adorable! A very belated congratulations to you both!

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