Playing babies

I am on the countdown to work starting so I am trying to soak up each day with the girls, being home, relaxing, taking it easy, playing and sometimes just being. This morning I had a moment of zen as I was hanging out the washing in the morning sunshine while Daisy was on the floor colouring in and Harper in her rocker playing with a toy and I just stopped, took a deep breath and soaked it all in. The moment. Now.

One of my favourite games to play with Daisy during the day is babies. I have a real one, she has a doll. We meet up at her place (her room), have a coffee (in her pretend kitchen) and a natter about how our babies aren’t sleeping, we put them to bed, breastfeed them and start all over again. It’s not very exciting but very realistic.

Except the other day my baby was ‘swapped’ for the faker and Daisy went to town with her new ‘doll’. Under supervision of course…

And is it just me or has Harper put on 12 kilos since the old rice cereal kicked in? I know she looks extra big in the toy stroller but still, baby’s got back.


  1. I remember doing this to my baby sister, too cute!

  2. Oh god. That photo of harper is too much. She looks like something out of the Guiness Book of records.

  3. Oh how I’ve missed your blog! I seriously did an outloud “awww” when I read about your game with Daisy. I wish the Bug was interested in babies and the like!

    P.S; I’m totally hearing you on the Farex front. It was like O doubled in length and width once he started on solids!

  4. Oh my word – too, too cute!

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