
My name is Beth. And I am addicted to wedding blogs.

I cannot seem to get enough of them. I start on one, and then I look at their blogroll and I am on to another and then another – it’s like Alice down the rabbit hole. And I keep annoying my little bride to be sister with a million emails a day…look at this one! Oh my look at THIS. No, no THIS one OMG THIS ONE! I am sure she is sick and tired of them. As I have said before, just call me Maidzilla.

I tell you those Americans certainly have some style when it comes to weddings. But the prettyness of them! The amazing photos! The FABULOUS frocks and shoes and all the thousand shades of PRETTY. The PRETTY! Me likey….

Here are but a few of the ones I am constantly pouring over, but as I said look at their blogrolls and then theirs and then theirs and the next thing you know you are somewhere completely different to where you started. Be prepared to waste a few hours…


  1. That bouquet – I need that bouquet. And that frock. Wonder if my husband’s keen to renew our vows…

    No wonder you’re so excited- you have free-reign to immerse yourself in gorgeousness without any of the woes of budgetary constraints etc.

    I think I would have died of indecision if I knew of wedding blogs when I was planning my wedding – and would have blown my budget too!

  2. I wouldn’t have half the ideas for my wedding without wedding blogs. I’m totally addicted too!

  3. Hey I got married almost 10 years ago and I love these kind of sites too.

  4. im not married. and not even engaged. but i just love them too!

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