Saturday morning I got a chance to go to set and see Rob in action. It was fabulous. I had so much fun watching it all happen around me – see every one’s jobs – and watch that handsome director do what he does best. And you know what? They really do say “action” and “cut it there” (well Rob did at least). And someone else says rolling, then 2 seconds later someone else says rolling – it was just as I imagined it to be! I got to sit and watch the split screen with Rob and eat lunch and be absorbed in it for a few hours. Everyone was so friendly and nice to me. It was fabulous.
And Daisy? Well. She got to hang with her bestie (cousin Mads) for a few hours – thanks Kate! The ladies hung at the park, then went to Yum Cha and Daisy got to spend some time with her favourite man…Simes. She adores him. And why wouldn’t you?
It was a great few hours. These two break my heart with their sweetness.
Then we got to go to cousin Bella’s 5th (Disco) b’day party. Where we ate some fabulous cake, and danced. It was a good day.