Sleeping Beauty, or Snow White (or something)

I had to take today off work as there was no one to look after Daisy. My Mum usually has her on a Thursday but is away and all other 3 (yes I said 3! – the joys of divorced & re-married parents on both sides) grandmothers weren’t able to help me out. So I took a day of annual leave (which incidentally sucks because when I go on maternity leave I am not being paid anything so I just have my accrued annual leave up my sleeve to use which is now 8 hours less, anyway!), where was I? Oh yes, annual leave day.

So an unexpected day was upon us which is always a good thing (despite my grumbles otherwise) and as the weather has been SO fabulous I had visions of a day out – me and the minx – out and about, soaking up the sunshine, perhaps a ferry ride, a trip to the beach or zoo all planned out.

Last night Daisy woke up about 3am and couldn’t get back to sleep. She came into our bed about 30 mins later, crashed out and then was pig rooting around our bed at about 4.30am. After 10 mins of being kicked in the stomach (inside and out) I sat up to try and see what all the fuss was about. Eeeeek! A bleeding nose. And a good one at that. It looked like a murder scene – she was distressed, blood was EVERYWHERE (why does this shit always happen in OUR bed?) and I was frantically trying to clean up, sooth her, and swear at Rob for something/anything that he was doing wrong (poor Bastard). By 5.10 we were mostly cleaned up but Daisy was up. For. The. Day. That’s a 4.30am start for her and I.

So now? Well…

She sleeps at 9am. It’s going to be a loooong day and not quite the one that I planned. At least I have some serious washing to do to keep me busy.


  1. Oh that is too awful! But hey – is that a Snow White costume I see? That’s gotta make it a wee bit better (for her only of course)x

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