What a weekend! The weather was nothing short of MAGNIFICENT….cool nights and then the days? Sunny, and warm(ish) for winter – 20 degrees on both days! It felt like a little start to spring and I tell you it did wonders for lifting my spirits. I think it is going to be the same again today and tomorrow (what a shame I will be stuck in the office). Washing got put out, and dried (!), chores got done, cleaning was done, I think I can officially say that the nesting has BEGUN…!
Saturday morning I was like a woman possessed – I had my wardrobe and Rob’s chest of drawers cleaned with two bags of clothes and shoes taken off to the charity shop. I was ruthless and it felt SO good. The rule was: if it hasn’t been worn over the past year? Chuck it. I can now actually see the bottom of the wardrobe and clothes have been separated into actual sections – tops, pants, jackets! I know it will last 5 minutes, but right now it feels good that I can shut Rob’s drawers and not open my cupboard and feel like crying.
I also cleaned the windows inside and out downstairs and even though they were not revolting, the sun is now shining through without any grime getting in it’s way (oh so important you will agree)! I did many loads of washing – sheets, towels, and the best bit was that they dried by the end of the day. This is so small feat in a small terraced house in the winter let me tell you!
The car was also attacked. I don’t know if your car looks as bad as ours did (pretty sure it wouldn’t) but I tend to just let the back seats turn into a Daisy zone of endless sultanas and crumbs, and books and toys and sand (?) and I had finally had ENOUGH. I attacked it with the vacuum and sucked up every last sultana and dried 2 minute noodle (I am sure I am not the only mother in the world who has fed her child dried noodles on a long road trip surely?!) and I can now see the floor (who knew!) and it feels fabulous. I also cleaned all the bits on the dashboard that get dusty and yucky and that too feels fabulous.
The garden was next on my list. Whilst there a still leaves on the trees out the back that are yet to come down off the tree (c’mon leaves it’s winter already sort it out and come on down) I decided that I would get stuck in and try and clean out some of the eleven billion that are all through the garden beds and pots. I left the main beds alone because I don’t want to waste my time with them until all leaves are off all trees – but I did take out plants that had died, and went to the nursery with Daise and picked up some potted colour to plant around the place. It looks tidy and pretty – my perfect combination – and in a few weeks I am sure that I can really go for it and take out those last 12 thousand leaves from the beds and not see another leaf on the ground…until next year that is.
Sunday was no different: I had an appointment with my hairdresser at 8am! Who does that? Me! Me! She opened up for me and I had the whole place and her to myself. It still took 3 hours for her to do the cut and colour but I now have fabulous new hair that is ever so slightly on the lesbian side – she cut it a little shorter than I would have liked – but I am sure in a few weeks time it will be perfect! I may even take a snap for you so you can let me know if it is cool rock chic Mumma or lesbian scary toilet brush hair. All depends on how I look in the snap…
THEN….we bought a car! I know a car! And a new one! We were SO going to get a second hand one and started to look then found this one which was not that much more than what we were going to spend on a fancier second hand car so we decided to just get this new cheaper one instead! It’s VERY exciting….look isn’t she pretty? I plan on having a tea and looking out the window looking at it and writing about how pretty she is often!
It’s still small enough to be handy in the city but with LOTS of room in the boot for the babe and Daise and all our stuff when we go away – which we do – often. AND we get it later this week! We will have 2 cars while Rob is working on the shoot for the show and then will look to sell our little car privately when the babe has been born. AND for the most ridiculous accessory I have ever heard of in a car which I am secretly SO excited about having? A chilled glove box! I know…brilliant and totally unnecessary – such a great combo!
So it was a successful weekend all round. I felt better about what can be done when I set my mind to it and don’t feel so overwhelmed about all the moving rooms and stuff that still has to get done – I mean I will have a wagon and stuff so anything can be done right? And I think the other thing that made ALL the difference was a couple of nights of solid, blissful sleep. I denied Daisy her daytime rest on Friday, Sat & Sunday and stretched the poor thing out until she crashed out at 6.15pm on all three nights. She was happy enough (I just had to manage those last 2 hours very carefully) but was paid in turn by having all night to ourselves which started at 6.15pm! She slept through until at least 12 hours later with only one (better than 3, not better than none) wake up’s which were quickly fixed with a drink and an adjustment of the covers. For someone who never gets this, it was heaven. This week we will be back to the same old trouble being back at daycare, but if I can make this a regular weekend thing I will be thrilled. And in stating this, please note that I am not saying anything about corners being turned, or things getting better, because I know better than to write that and then watch things turn to shit. This is stating historical fact only. Lovely, sweet, historical fact that has given me a little much needed energy to burn.
Oh AND today is the official start date of Rob’s TV show being in pre-production. They are moving into their production offices, with the rest of the team that are still pulling together crew and cast and a gazillion other things. It’s SO exciting and I am SO proud of him I can’t even begin to tell you. I have been reading the scripts and watching some audition tapes and I think it’s going to be great. What a big road they have ahead of them – but what a man leading them – my director husband thank you very much!
Just wanted you to know that your reference to Peanut M&M’s a few blogs ago has sent me on a wild ride back to M&M city that I can’t escape!
Wow, that’s a serious weekend you packed in there – and a NEW CAR! How exciting. We’re actually looking to buy a newbie – for the first time ever, and have a few on the shortlist – is yours a Mazda? {can’t tell by the pic, but that’s one of the ones on our list}.
Go girl!
And great news about the tv production too!!