The weather was miserable this weekend. Cold, wet with a side of wet. It wasn’t that bad, in fact I quite enjoy a weekend where you have an excuse to stay inside and stay warm by the fire, but I must say a weekend of bright, sunny, park-like weather would be welcome too.
We spent most of our time doing this:
Drawing, and doing play-doh and drawing and having tea parties with the toys and dressing all her dolls up in old baby clothes that she found, and oh, some drawing. The girl loves to draw. And we got some great butchers paper from Rob’s Mum on Friday night so we had LOTS of things to draw to fill up those enormous pages. And it was fun – sitting down and just drawing and listening to Daisy tell me what she was doing – she loves it when you just stop and take the time to do what she is doing without rushing off and giving excuses to do something.
Oh and Sunday morning we had tickets to a preview screening of Ice Age 3 (in 3D nonetheless) with some of Rob’s family and it was fab! Daisy surprised me and stayed still the entire time (with 3d glasses on nonetheless) and was classic with her running commentary on it (I felt for anyone around us) as she pointed out everything that was going on and even gave her variations on the script! For example, it would show a scene of the mouse/rat thing, Scrat (?), fighting over the acorn and Daisy would say “Oh, what’s that? Who’s dat Mumma? Oh give that back mouse! Ah, got it!” but for almost every scene. It had me in stitches and even made me and Rob cry with laughter (which incidentally greatly affects the quality of 3D viewing! Tears in the eyes that is). Bless her world.
It rained here for part of the weekend too (in fact it’s still raining as I type). I haven’t been brave enough to take Bailey to the cinema yet, I’m not sure he would sit still for me. I’m eagerly anticipating Ice Age 3 being released though, Bailey loves the first two and is mad keen on dinosaurs.
drawing is the best and combined with butchers paper – marvelous!
Yep, we braved the rain to do our errands Saturday, yesterday was movie day with Charlie and Chocolate Factory and popcorn! (first time the kids have watched it!)
Playdough, drawing, craft, cooking – yes that seems to be the order of the day on rainy ones!!