I was tagged by Bethwyn from Just Us so here ’tis!
What is your current obsession?
Hmmm, I don’t feel particularly obsessed with anything at the moment. I am consumed by getting enough rest and sleep when I can, as well as eating. Food is pretty much front of mind for me all. the. time. I blame the baby but I fear even if I wasn’t duffed I would still be thinking of food. A lot.
What are you wearing today?
Very glamorous: Black jeans, long sleeve grey t shirt and converse. When I go outside I will splash out and add a scarf and denim jacket.
What’s for dinner?
Not sure yet. Rob’s mum is coming over so was going to do something tasty – maybe a casserole, or something in the le crusset that will bubble away, or perhaps a roast chicken. Will decide when I get to the shops.
What’s the last thing you bought?
A red weekly travel ten ticket. How exciting!
What are you listening to right now?
The dishwasher…swoosh, swoosh, splosh, spulsh.
If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?
Hmmm…I think I would head over to London to hang out with my sister. Although, I think she has headed off to Ibiza for a few days so happy to go wherever she is.
Which language do you want to learn?
I know a little Italian – enough to understand and get around but I would like ti try and be fluent. That would be easiest although french certainly sounds far more fabulous so perhaps that.
What do you love most about where you currently live?
I love the proximity to the city and to other great suburbs full of culture and diversity. I love our little home because it’s the first we have owned, it’s warm and full of love and soon enough I will have the fire on. I am lucky.
What is your favorite colour?
Red, red red all the way. But I do love all the colours especially all together….as seen throughout my house.
What is your favorite piece of clothing in your own wardrobe?
I am hopeless with clothes, I rarely spend money on them, will go with cheap and cheerful pieces that are sort of fashionable at the time which means I don’t really have anything that I love love. That’s pathetic now that I read that…surely I have one piece? Nup, I got nothing.
Describe your personal style?
Comfortable but a quirky edge
If you had $300 now, what would you spend it on?
Some maternity clothes that actually looked good and fitted properly and some good quality bras that would hoist up the girls that are growing by the day!
What are you going to do after this?
Eat some lunch, wait for Daisy to wake up then head to the shops to pick up stuff for dinner, come home, cook dinner, get the fire on and spend time with Daisy and Kathryn. Then it will be dinner, bath, bedtime for the minx, then I plan on sitting by the fire and reading till bed.
What are your favorite films?
All time fav is Wizard of Oz and there are too many others to list. Bad cheesy 80’s with a mix of quirky, interesting tales too.
Your favourite books?
I have preggo brain so can’t think of anything right now, and there are SO many questions, but just read “The Slap” and thought it was fab.
Do you collect anything?
No, but I do have a lot of kitchen stuff, I do love to cook.
What makes you follow a blog?
If I connect to the writing, or if someone is in a similar situation to me so I can feel good that they too are not sleeping as much as me, or putting up with work and motherhood and I can see that I’m not alone! I also love to look at beautiful blogs that have images that just make you feel good and inspire me. I love reading about people from all over the world and be reminded that people are inherently good and generous and kind and willing to help you and all facing the same sort of challenges as little old me.
Do you like to comment on blogs or just lurk?
Combos – some I just lurk on and others I can’t help myself so usually comment. There’s nothing like a comment to make me smile and know that someone is actually reading my thoughts and agree or disagree with me.
Whats one thing you dream of doing?
Being really, really, really successful at something but not sure what yet – perhaps a business, perhaps just for being me?! I know I will be…it will just be a matter of time…I tell you I was made for big things!
What is your biggest regret?
I don’t like to think of regrets much – but I guess I would say not getting my drivers licence until I was 29 and 8 months pregnant. What was I thinking for all those years?!
What is your favourite thing to do on a rainy day?
Eat a good home cooked meal, drink plenty of good wine and share the meal with friends or family, sit around and have a good old natter while listening to good music. That to me is heaven – rain or not, but even better when it’s nasty out so you don’t have to feel guilty about not being outside.
Maternity clothes are horrible to shop for! I ended up buying all my stuff for my last pregnancy from the US, I just couldn’t find anything decent here. JC Penny are reasonably priced and ship to Australia with a good return policy.