Yet here I am on a Monday, back at work again. Apologies for my absence of late I just honestly haven’t had time to get my shit together and write anything, you know, interesting. Twitter has been getting my attention and I think that’s cause 140 characters is all about I am up for these days.
Had a great weekend. Had hey? How did it end so quickly?! I started my weekend on Thursday night with a night out with Rob and some friends of ours to see Coldplay. What a concert! It was fab – better than I expected and so. much. fun. I sang my little heart out to all the tunes and bopped away to the songs from their latest album. We were standing on the floor with all the young, cool people so were quite close to the action. AND I got a craft project out of it! They released thousands of paper butterflies from the sky down to all of us on the floor – it was amazing – so I gathered as many as I could and Daisy had an instant craft project on Friday where we stuck them all down (as well as the ticket) for some instant artwork and a lasting memory. Multitasking alt all times I tell you.
Friday I had the day off work – YAY! Which I started with bacon (brilliant) and plenty of domestic stuff like washing, and cleaning, and washing and shopping. Not a lot of fun but essential and I felt so much better going into the weekend knowing all that boring stuff was out of the way. Sat night we had my cousin’s 40th birthday party which was good fun. I was designated driver for us and my Mum and step Dad so didn’t drink, but had a lovely time catching up with all the family. His quilt was fantastic and came up really well. I will get some photos up here if I get my shit together. Yesterday was a quiet day at home – just what I needed in prep for a 5 day week at work this week. I am already thinking about Easter and the 4 days off that I will have, and trying to plan some little get away somewhere so I have little things to work towards and look forward to. Just gotta get paid first…