Chris from Rude Cactus alerted me last week to a day that I was asked to participate in: Delurking day 2009! It’s a day that bloggers from around the world celebrate and I am excited to be a part of.
Here’s how it works. Pretty simple really. If you read my blog you MUST delurk and comment. Even if you comment all the time I need ANOTHER comment from you (needy I know). No matter how long or short I would appreciate a comment to know that people read. And that means everyone – yes you Lucy, yes you Mum…comment away…it’s the rules! I too will be commenting all over the place so jump on board and celebrate! Plus it would be a nice way to know who actually reads this. Thanks in advance!
Ok ok – here it is.
I promise I will start adding commments to your blog.
Happy DL Day (yeah, I’m late)!
You are a wonderful woman Beth Mac and I adore reading your blog. Big kisses, Cousin Kate xx