Birthday Delight

Daisy is starting to get into the swing of birthdays. She loves the singing, and the cake and best of all the blowing out of the candles. It still really is quite magical when the lights go out and the cake comes out – especially when the cake has been made by Grandma and looks like a cricket pitch!

We had my step dad’s birthday on Saturday night with all my family (except for Lucy and Chris in London) and all 7 grandchildren. I am not sure how many more we will be able to do of these in the next little while as children under 3 are difficult to get to bed and the adults didn’t really get much of a chance to sit and eat and actually have a conversation, but it was still lovely. I am sure when they are all a little older it will be easy to put a DVD on and they can all watch and focus on that without getting too excited. It’s still great to get all the family together and celebrate birthday madness!

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