Attempt # 2 to get said missing groove back

I am feeling much better and more on top of things and ready to get into Project GBGB (getting Beth’s groove back). This the project that I came up with on the way home from work on the bus and it shall be my focus for the next month.

Project GBGB

Scope of work: To get Beth feeling better about herself. This will involve doing things that Beth enjoys in the hope that if she surrounds herself with things she loves and excite her she will feel good about herself and in turn make decisions to change things she does not like so much and be a better person to be around.

Timeframe: 16th April 2008 – 16th May 2008

Deliverables: We hope to achieve 4 separate GBGB objectives each week. These will involve activities mentioned in above scope of work. We shall report on progress on a weekly basis to ensure that we are on track to achieve goals of project. There will be 16 separate (GBGB) goals to be met over the 1 month period

NB: all mention of ‘we’ above is in fact ‘me’ (I) Beth

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