Each Wednesday afternoon Daisy and I have been going to mother’s group which was set up through the local council when you first get home from the hospital. The first 4 weeks were held at the hospital and then after that it was up to us to decide where to meet. We have been meeting at the pub (there are plenty to choose from in Newtown) and then yesterday for the first time we met at one of the mother’s homes as it is getting a bit colder. It’s a great thing to do and I am really glad that I have had the chance to meet local people all going through the same things as me. It’s also a great chance to chat about our babies and discuss any problems that we might be having. Daisy is the youngest in the group (but only by a week I think) and it’s been lovely to see them all grow and how different each baby is. Anyway, thought I would share a snap that was taken yesterday – it was lovely to have all the babes on the floor next to each other – hell I even baked a caramel slice for the event. It’s funny I am the parody of myself on maternity leave baking for mother’s group – hilarious!