We went to the doctor for Daisy’s 6 week check up and as a proud mother I thought that I would give you an update…
She has grown a massive 9 cm since she was born and is now 61cm long and off the chart! I must say I was proud and surprised when I heard this. She is also 4.7kg (a whole 1.1 kg heavier then when she was born) and also at the top end of the chart for her age. Everything else was very good and the doctor was amazed at how alert and strong she is. I left feeling quite chuffed and pleased with myself that I have helped her grow.
The smiles are coming thick and fast now which is just LOVELY it just makes it all worthwhile. I am glad that she decided to give some love to her Mum as Dad was getting all the smiles and I was getting quite cranky at her.
Otherwise not much else to report on – Rob is very busy working on a TV pilot that he is filming and directing all next week – I think that Daisy and I will head up to pearl Beach early to spend some time with the grandparents and get some help. I have been heading back to the hospital every second day as well to get the abscess drained – hopefully I won’t have to go in next week as well as it will ruin our holiday plans. Robbie and I celebrated our 2nd wedding anniversary on Monday – we couldn’t do much to celebrate as I am on antibiotics and had to spend a bit of it in hospital – I think we will try and celebrate it again in a couple of weeks- oh how things change. I wouldn’t change it for a thing though…