Dear Reg…

It’s 3 years ago today that your Dadda and I went on our first date! And what a date it was….I remember laughing a lot and trying to be my funniest & wittiest right back. I still feel that same excitement when I am meeting him somewhere or when I see that he is ringing me or sending a text. I am so proud of him every day of what he does at work running his own business, and I am thankful EVERY day that we managed to find each other. I am the luckiest lady in the world to have someone who looks after me the way that he does, the way he loves me unconditionally and the way we have SUCH a good time together – every day! Your Mumma and Dadda have a pretty special relationship I think – and I can’t believe that we have gone and made you! Best thing we have done by far! We are both soooooo excited to be seeing you in just 18 weeks time. We have been able to start to feel you kicking inside and can see that you are growing every day – well we hope that’s it or otherwise your Mumma is just a fatty! I hope you know that your parents love you very much and love each other sooooooooo much too! Keep on growing Reg – see you soon little one!

Lots of Love, Mumma xoxoxo

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