Girl’s mid winter weekend at the beach

If ever there was a weekend needed for a group of 5 weary women who have survived the start of the shocker that has been 2020 it was ALL OF THE WOMEN OF THE WORLD…however! We were lucky enough to escape on Thursday morning after school drop off to head to the beach for a few days. Can I tell you, it was the best? THE BEST. The very, very, actual best. I can’t remember having a weekend so filled with fun, laughter, silliness and goodness than this one. Well, maybe except for the last time since we did it. And maybe the one before that?

Lucy and I were the first to arrive just after lunch on Thursday where we settled in nicely with some potato scallops from the surfclub and some fancy champs I had bought for us to celebrate our achievements in the business. Then Miss Rabbit and Mrs Munro arrived and then Mrs Hook a little later after we had polished off many a bottle of prossie and had given a cheese platter a serious going over.

We ate a delicious dinner cooked by Lucy, watched and laughed and talked so much, I think it was well after midnight that we collapsed into bed without a care in the world.

Friday (which felt like a Saturday PRAISE BE) I slept in until 7.15am without waking once (which is a BIG DEAL for me who wakes so early whether I like it or have to or not) then we went for a 6km walk which was beautiful. All that coastline, so different (and warm) compared to home.

Then it was back to reading books, sitting and chatting, a little craft and knitting and what do you know it? More food and drink!

We headed over to Moochinside in the afternoon for a little shop before our sunset sipper by the bay with our platters and Prosecco followed by pizza when the shop opened. I can’t remember a better afternoon I have had with my mates in a long time. PURE HEAVEN. We felt like we were a million miles away from our cares and worries and homes.

Friday night we sat by the fire then watched a couple of our fave eps of Schitts Creek (Cabaret of course, then the last ever ep) then the new Netflix doco on the last season while we all sobbed and laughed our way through it. Having watched the whole series by myself it was SO good to watch with people that loved it and cried as much as I did.

Saturday we went for another walk, this time jumping into the ocean as it was SO beautiful out and in, stripping off into bras without a care for the poor people watching on, remembering how good and lucky we are to be alive and well, and how the simple things in life are the actual best! We caught up with my Dad and step mum who live nearby, we had spa treatments, a delicious long lunch, many good wines, cards, you name it, we did it and I could have done it for 35 more days in a row.

A very slow and quiet Sunday morning was had as we slept in, sat around the fire while it poured with rain and slowly packed up before leaving after lunch Sunday. Absolute heaven you guys. I feel like a new person after some time to myself to do only things that I wanted, surrounded by good people that I love and who make me laugh so much. I just need to book in another again soon. I think we said that last time and it took us 18 months to do it again. If you are looking for a sign, this is it. Do it. Read this old post and book it in my friends.

When was your last girl’s trip?
Got any planned?
What’s your favourite thing about them?
Tell me everything!


  1. Hmmm I couldn’t tell you the last time I had a girls weekend! I did have an overnight stay in Melbourne in February with a girlfriend this year to see Elton John but it feels like an absolute life time ago! Friends have just purchased a house on the coast that will be an air bnb!!! I’ve said to them that as soon as it’s open for booking I’ll be their first customer and my girlfriends and I are running away for a few nights! I can not wait!!! Your post has inspired me to make it happen. xx

  2. What a fabulous weekend! Every single little bit!!! There really is nothing better than a girls trip away! I am dreaming of my next one. You must have such a bounce in your step!!

    • There really is NOTHING better! Lucy and I were saying yesterday how sad we are that it’s over. Need to book in another!

  3. OMG I did NOT know about the Schitt’s Creek doco. Onto it now! This looks absolutely glorious. So glad we’re on hols here in QLD. Next Wednesday I’m getting one on one time with my bestie for lunch while her girls are at daycare and I’m pumped (also excited to see them). I’m a true introvert but am glad to have some face to face catch ups these holidays xx

  4. I just did the same with my girlfriends – It filled my heart. Laughed, walked, ate, drank … best tonic in the world.

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