We are enjoying a very s l o w pace here this second week of the holidays. The washing line is 80% pyjamas as that’s all we have been wearing. There have been hour long baths, baking, TV show bingeing, sitting in the sunshine, snipping daphne, waiting for bulbs, reading, so much eating, playing with friends and basically just having a good old fashioned time of doing nothing. Isn’t that exactly what’s called for before heading into term 3?
I missed my book club deadline yesterday! I’m so sorry to all those who came looking for the post and discussion yesterday! I am going to do the post and discussion on Monday night (I know lots of you were hoping for Wednesday but I will actually be driving back from Sydney Wednesday night and won’t be able to do it). So bookclubbers! Monday it is! Live Facbeook convo around 8pm and the post on Monday afternoon as well.
Have you entered my Who gives a crap giveaway? Closes tomorrow night 9pm! 2 x $150 worth to win. That’s 3 massive boxes each!
Did you see I have another Kitchen Bench event coming up in Spring? Please come! Tickets are selling well so get a group together, book a house and let’s have some fun! You can buy tickets here.
And lastly do you know how many people have made this chicken soup this week? So many! You should too it’s delicious. I have been eating it for lunch every day. YUM.
How are your holidays going?
In pyjama land like us?
Enjoying this glorious winter sunshine?
declared it a pj day today AND wearing my fabbo Peter Alexander pjs that I got for a steal! $19!!! while I catch up on blog reading/commenting. Been too long since I have indulged.
Loving this weather.
It’s 3:12pm and I am still in PJ’s. Slow cooker beef strog is on and heater is pumping. The comedown from a 10 day cruise is HARD.
flaw in the plan, youngest has swimming lessons at 6pm…. maybe hubby can take her.
Hope you managed to outsource that one!