Week 3 Update: #febulous

This week should be called: PRODUCTIVITY EXPERT LEVEL UNLOCKED. It’s been a BIG week friends. Filled to the brim every day and even with things added in as I went that I didn’t even know I could do. Could all this be the effects of #febulous I ask you?

I had a chat on the phone to my brother Friday morning as he is off the booze as well for the month. I asked him how he was feeling, trying to work out if we are feeling SO good because we aren’t drinking? Or is it because of eating better? Or for me, doing exercise as well? Where does it stem from? There’s no conclusion, I think they all have a flow on effect to each other. I’m also sleeping well (because I am exhausted) and sleeping free from any alcohol in the system seems to be working too.

In any case, I’m feeling good. Desperate for a drink and some down time and FUN, but good. Let’s take a look at the week that was, and how they stacked up with my goals set at the start of the month. Week 3.

1. Exercising every day

I’m definitely down from last week with 2 days missing out BUT! On those days I was working like a crazy person on cleaning out the garage and swapping 3 bedrooms over so let’s just say that I sweated and moved as much as I would have on a walk…probs more. Best bit though?

I’m still doing it. Still wanting to do it. Still enjoying it. A friend Amelia sent me a great link to an article last week about how to enjoy exercise. If you struggle with this like I do, you might find it useful too. Here’s the link:

How to love exercise: the crucial mind shift
2. Not Drinking

It’s been 3 weeks today without a drink! No big deal right? Well probs, but this week has definitely been the hardest for me without a doubt. The room move on Saturday and subsequent clean out has pretty much felt like we have moved. So much de-cluttering and sorting…drinking ESSENTIAL. But I have stuck to my soda water and coffee and just got on with it. I’m not going to lie to you, I am very much looking forward to a glass of champagne next week. Or 3. Who’s counting?

3. Eating better & fasting

I’m back on board with fasting, and it feels good to be back in the zone. I have definitely been having little treats if they come up (think chocolate) but I have stayed strong on the bread front. It’s been easier to fast (I am finding on those days the less I eat all together the better…once I start it’s hard to stop!)

And the clothes are definitely looser. What a feeling! I’ve been trying to make an effort to wear non daggy everyday jeans and tshirts and put on other things too. It works! The power of a lipstick never fails to impress me. Must wear it more often!

So here we are 3 weeks down. Food, drinking and exercise in check. And so many JOBS DONE! I am getting itchy feet for some fun and silliness…all this wholesomeness can only get a gal so far! Especially with a 21 month old in tow. I did see this this week though, and thought it was a great notion. Something we could all start to do, fabulous or not!

How are you travelling with your #febulous ways?
Anyone else counting down the days until Feb is over?


  1. Jen Richmond says

    hi beth, well done on your febulousness! which app do you use to track workouts?

  2. Well done! We are calorie counting at the moment. Not prepared to give up the grog though so we just allow that at as part of the count. Still eating well and not missing out. Two weeks in and 2 1/2 kgs down. Happy and not hangry!!

  3. Well done you, you’re looking fabulous! I haven’t done nearly as well as you with the whole alcohol free concept however that 3 kilos hasn’t come back yet. I’m going to press on into March and see if I can’t turn that 3 into a 6…

  4. welldone beth!
    alcohol dree is my way of life now and I don’t miss it!
    I love that note to self or from someone else! … i’m printing that one!
    alcohol free is how my sister and I roll and we were up there with the drinking!!!
    said to my sister, since we stopped drinking we haven’t been dancing so much!
    remedied that! … so we put the dance music on and off we go!
    we are the dancing queens, from when we were little! having done ballet, jazz ballet, calisthenics, belly dancing and aerobics! so we’ve got the moves like jagger hun!
    we are the same age as your mum!
    keep on dancing I say!
    much love m:)X

  5. gratitude over negativity! needed to hear this! 😀 Thank you! <3 <3 <3 xx

  6. Cate Lawrence says

    I really want to start wearing red lipstick. i wish my bottom lip wasn’t always cracking! (the joy of being a mouth breaker when I sleep!)

  7. I’ve always wanted to tell you that you have amazing legs. Like seriously, they’re fecking febulous!

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